My prediciton about used sleds. If the snowchecks deliver the used sled market will be suddenly flooded and the used prices will plumet. If the snowchecks don't deliver, used sled prices will soar. I doubt harldy anyone will give us their used sleds before they have the 23 in hand.
The guys who gamble and sell their sleds in September will get top dollar, but face not riding if the manufacturers fail to deliver.
How many in-season sleds got sold the last few years compared to snowchecks? I never found anything interesting on my dealers floor for in-season models. I guess there might be lot of stock hidden in the back of the shop?
There is no way the price of used sleds is coming down. Not with new sleds being priced the way they are.
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Banner told me BRP corp took there last 3 years snock check orders and allotted 60% of that average amount
thats why most all dealers sold out in justa few days
Snowmobiles are worth less in the sumer time. Go figure