Oh the whining and sniviling of the "Oil Country" faithful. I guess the actual Oiler Team can't please the fans so lets rant about a injustice of 60 people out of 600000 doseages available in Alberta that got the flu shot that was available to all of us 2 weeks ago ( if we wanted to wait in line for 8 hours). I guess it is ok to debate on giving the flu shot to detained Afhgan rebels but for Hockey players - that's crazy talk. Oh the Shame but lets not talk about "The Oil" not making the playoffs for 3 years or that they have won 2 games in the last 9 or 8 starts or the the Shawn Horchoff deal blagh blagh blagh. Oh the tradegy. " Oil Country " don't stup so low and bash a team that is 300 Km away and may help beat down your divisional rivals and focus and rally around your own team and don't boo them off the ice. If you think booing motivates them - imagine your self getting booed when you have an "oops" at work or school. Show that you are class of the west and quit whinning ( change your past ). I obviously not an Oiler fan but in an effort to bring peace to Alberta -
" Go Oilers Go "
Remember have taste - don't be obnoxious soccer fans
Just sayin
" Go Oilers Go "
Remember have taste - don't be obnoxious soccer fans
Just sayin