OH MY GOOD GOD... working moms .. please help me!


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Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Trish, I have to say, I do miss all the home schooling stories...the dead things, the poop...what you did in 'school' that day...it was fun to read what you and the kids were up to! :) However, it's also been great to see them grow and adjust to public school so well and that they are doing fabulous and enjoying it! Goes to show you started them off on the right foot :cool:

You've had alot of changes from your 'life before', you've moved, got married, joined the work force full time and transitioned your kids from home schooling to public...you gotta think, that's alot of change in a relatively short time. You are managing great IMO and it's only a matter of time until you get your new groove on :d
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Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Trish, I have to say, I do miss all the home schooling stories...the dead things, the poop...what you did in 'school' that day...it was fun to read what you and the kids were up to! :) However, it's also been great to see them grow and adjust to public school so well and that they are doing fabulous and enjoying it! Goes to show you started them off on the right foot :cool:

You've had alot of changes from your 'life before', you've moved, got married, joined the work force full time and transitioned your kids from home schooling to public...you gotta think, that's alot of change in a relatively short time. You are managing great IMO and it's only a matter of time until you get your new groove on :d

I love you! :D :D :D

As a matter of fact.... Brookie, being the photographer that she is took a pic of a very cool Dead ish thing yesterday... when grandma Tater and I were screaming about the Mole that was half dead and trying to kill us.. Brookie got out her camera and captured the creepy little sucker on film... so perhaps the poop and dead things tradition will continue as will my adjustment time. The kids are doing fantastic. Tatum, with the help of her awesome teachers is a reading machine, Hoolie (Leo) has a ninety something average in high school, a school where he is one of the only boys.. we'll change his name to Rico Suave pretty soon. Sage has a bazillion wonderful friends and Brook, is still homeschooled, but in a different program where she is growing and learning, focusing on her future as a photo Journalist. When I sit back and watch them it is almost scary how big they are.

I guess I'll hold on and hold off of the mommy prozak for a while yet. It'll get easier! lol

Thank you my friend :)


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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I tell my wifeall the time if u could cut out your orgasm’s, we’d have all kinds of time onour hands for you to finish the dishes!

Think about it!
talk it over with your husband, i'm sure he will concur!

Well aaaaaaaaactuallllly... it is usually faster WITHOUT you guys, so we could compromise in the time saving arena and cut the fumbling- testosterone-infused men out of the equation all together, shake the proverbial peach tree in a timely manner and get back to the kitchen (barefoot, of course!!) :eek:


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Aug 24, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
My solution...don't have kids. ;) JK

I honestly don't know how moms do it sometimes...we have 3 dogs and no kids and I still have a heck of time keeping the house together and dinner ready everyday.

Huge Kudos to all you full-time working moms who still find the time to shred and keep the family rolling! :beer:

Haha you and me both Tam! I barely have enough time to myself as it is working full time, taking care of the dogs, cooking, cleaning, doing all our errands AND trying to enjoy all our recreational activities as well.. there is just no time or room for kids in my life lol. I have to do enough balancing of life as it is, but alot of people seem to make the time and get a long in life just fine having multiple kids, dogs, jobs etc. Definitely a challenge I am not yet willing to put myself through lol


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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Haha you and me both Tam! I barely have enough time to myself as it is working full time, taking care of the dogs, cooking, cleaning, doing all our errands AND trying to enjoy all our recreational activities as well.. there is just no time or room for kids in my life lol. I have to do enough balancing of life as it is, but alot of people seem to make the time and get a long in life just fine having multiple kids, dogs, jobs etc. Definitely a challenge I am not yet willing to put myself through lol

It's just a higher level of organized insanity ;)
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Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
OH Crapsticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

K In my mode of embracing the wicked awesome suggestions.. a sense of empowerment hit me... so I'm making borscht today.. In exchange I was going to put a chicken in the crock pot to make the most of my 2d day off...


as I was taking the crock pot out of the cupboard.. it fell and smashed into pieces!!!! I had one of those versa ware crock pots you could stick in the oven and cook on your stovetop...

baa ha ha ha haaa... oh well.. I think it's time for a beer on my day off.. !!! maybe I'll sit in the sun with a beer!

seriously.. FAWK!


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
OH Crapsticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

K In my mode of embracing the wicked awesome suggestions.. a sense of empowerment hit me... so I'm making borscht today.. In exchange I was going to put a chicken in the crock pot to make the most of my 2d day off...


as I was taking the crock pot out of the cupboard.. it fell and smashed into pieces!!!! I had one of those versa ware crock pots you could stick in the oven and cook on your stovetop...

baa ha ha ha haaa... oh well.. I think it's time for a beer on my day off.. !!! maybe I'll sit in the sun with a beer!

seriously.. FAWK!

Oh man...everytime you say you're making borscht I end up with a bad arse craving for borscht...lol Booooo to the crock pot :(


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Sit in the sun with beer!!!
I would
OH Crapsticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

K In my mode of embracing the wicked awesome suggestions.. a sense of empowerment hit me... so I'm making borscht today.. In exchange I was going to put a chicken in the crock pot to make the most of my 2d day off...


as I was taking the crock pot out of the cupboard.. it fell and smashed into pieces!!!! I had one of those versa ware crock pots you could stick in the oven and cook on your stovetop...

baa ha ha ha haaa... oh well.. I think it's time for a beer on my day off.. !!! maybe I'll sit in the sun with a beer!

seriously.. FAWK!
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Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Sit in the sun with beer!!!
I would

Was a wonderful day off! Moved Brookie's horses.. Borscht is cooking (along with some other stuff for my anti borscht husband) Brushed the horses out with Boo and Tater, Had a corona in the sun in the afternoon with Grandma..

I think I found my inner Woooo sahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Red Deer
Well aaaaaaaaactuallllly... it is usually faster WITHOUT you guys, so we could compromise in the time saving arena and cut the fumbling- testosterone-infused men out of the equation all together, shake the proverbial peach tree in a timely manner and get back to the kitchen (barefoot, of course!!) :eek:

Any man that tells u he's there for your benift is a liar!

but all kidding aside I have no fricking idea how moms do what they do! Let along single parents, my lord I try to help my wife as I can. But she out works me 20 fold and I worked 3000 hours last year!


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Red Deer
Back to OP, we just bought a vacumbe food sealer. We cut up all our veggies and vac seal them for the week or weeks it keeps them way longer, plus we are more Likely to eat them cause it's easier vs. a bag of junk food. Seams like more work but in the end it's not due to we're not throwing out all the waste veggies and heading back to the store! Tin foil trays for casseroles are a great deal too we cook and ton of hamburger and make lasagna, shepherds pie and spaghetti sauce all at once then frezzee in smaller portions again cuts down on waste.


Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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Snowhomish, WA
Well aaaaaaaaactuallllly... it is usually faster WITHOUT you guys, so we could compromise in the time saving arena and cut the fumbling- testosterone-infused men out of the equation all together, shake the proverbial peach tree in a timely manner and get back to the kitchen (barefoot, of course!!) :eek:

Bwaaaaaaaaaahahaa, now that'll surely make someone think of things a bit different! LOVE IT!

I am not a mom so I can't fathom how you mommies do what you do. I watch in amazement usually...............................

I work full time and then have several hobbies that take up more than another full time position's time and had to reassess, reorganize and reprioritize things (my life) mid-winter. And it meant giving up control and asking for help.... giving up a few things........... delegating a few other things............ and making my every move more effecient. So to me, really for all, it comes down to balance, effeciency and delegation. Kids are not little princes and princesses... really, moreso think towards the free labor side of things. (like my dream world?) ;) Like Jan said, go to the store ONCE. Cook for left overs if you know the next night is a late night at "insert school event, work event, etc". Something has to give and it's ok if it is that "perfectly clean house". When we all pass... our true friends (nor the children you leave behind) are not going to remember that we didn't sweep and vacuum every day.
And quit breaking your tools (crock pot)!!!!!!!!!!!! This isn't doing anyone any good! ;) Except the giggles.. but.. ya... :ignore:
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