Hey everyone. I'm trying to do as much research as I can as I'm in the market for a sled. Problem is, there's so much to choose from, what do I pick? I have a budget of about 5G and so far my sense is I'm looking for a decent crossover sled. I'm tired of staying cooped up indoors while my bikes sit in the garage. There's only so much prep work a guy can do before riding season starts so I though I'd like to get into sledding. Winter seems to be the slowest time for me as far as work goes. So In a nutshell, what do you guys recommend? It would appear that a 4 stroke would be what a guy wants if he's planning on doing mostly pedestrian stuff, hammered in trails, farmer fields, etc. For more mountain sledding a guy wants a good higher displacement 2 stroke, preferably an 800 or better. I live in the Edmonton area so mountain sledding would be rare unless I did some trips with buddies but if the opportunity presented itself I'd like to have the machine to keep up. Any info you guys can give me is greatly appreciated.