Ministik Strathcona Parking


Active VIP Member
Sep 24, 2010
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That is hilarious James, but either way it is a huge difference in how sledders get treated. I hear there is a movement to try and make Strathcona more atv friendly but it is going to take time, but of course it only takes one self centered Ahole to ruin it for every one else.

Ministik Man

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2006
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So with no action from the County of Strathcona we hauled the groomer on Dec 20, 2013 from Hay Lakes all the way up to Parking lot #2 at RR212 and TWP 510

Then plowed out the parking lot for you

This only took 2 volunteers 4 hours to load up the groomer - haul it on flat deck - unload it.
Then 5 hours to plow the parking lot

So - 9 hours x 2 volunteer guys PLUS 6 hours run time on the groomer using 50 ltrs of Diesel

The County Road Grader can do a better job in just 1 hour....... "THANKS Strathcona County for your LACK of assistance"

(Leduc County grades the parking lot #2 at RR215 and TWP 504 for us - A HUGE THANKS to LEDUC County - for their continued support))

P.S. The north section of MINISIK was also groomed Dec 21
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Active member
Nov 16, 2013
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Why are you doing it if it's a county responsibility?

And if the county aren't doing it, then what not? what was there response to it not being done?

I've seen them clear plenty of other parking lots in the south east.

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Active VIP Member
Nov 25, 2011
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sherwood park
So after reading this a few times, i got peed off and emailed the mayors office to ask why this is not being cleared regularly, and the by law have the nerve to write tickets when we park on the side of the road because some do not want to get stuck in the parking lot. I recieved a phone call today from the mayors office and when she comes back from vacation she wants to have a meeting with some sledders to address concerns on how to improve for us. So when the mayor contacts me back in January with a date and time I'll pass it on to a few people who are big players in our local clubs and trail systems so we can maybe resolve some issues. Hopefully.


Sep 4, 2010
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Fort Saskatchewan
I have also heard she will be meeting some of the sled association folks in January. This was a reply to myself after a twitter tweet I sent to her saying that "the snow removal on my county road has been great this year…now if only we could sled in the county it would be the best!"
Hoping the initial meetings go well with the right people involved!

Ministik Man

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2006
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So after reading this a few times, i got peed off and emailed the mayors office to ask why this is not being cleared regularly, and the by law have the nerve to write tickets when we park on the side of the road because some do not want to get stuck in the parking lot. I recieved a phone call today from the mayors office and when she comes back from vacation she wants to have a meeting with some sledders to address concerns on how to improve for us. So when the mayor contacts me back in January with a date and time I'll pass it on to a few people who are big players in our local clubs and trail systems so we can maybe resolve some issues. Hopefully.


That I new to Tri-County Snowmobile Club that there is meeting in January

First hear of this meeting

Call or text Brian at 780-990-9339 when & where this meeting is to take place



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Mar 2, 2013
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Thanks for the summary. Friday I will call and ask them for clarification. The peace officer IMO was arrogant and rude and I bet if it was just us parked there we be all getting tickets. He was probably too lazy to write up the 20 tickets to give everyone a ticket. But since when can you not park to the side of a road? How cares if your sledding, walking the dog, have a flat, or for some other reason be parked to the side and not imposing a safety concern or interfering with traffic.

I will post a section to help clear up some of the confusion. This does not fall under bylaw. It is a Provincial Act. Enforced by Strathcona County Enforcement Services (Provincial Peace Officers) and RCMP. It is the Peace Officers duty to warn/enforce you to move your vehicle as you were violating a Provincial Act. If the Peace Officer noticed the offence and took no action and something were to happen (your vehicle was struck/someone was injured) you the Peace Officer and anyone involved is now liable as a result. IMO the PO informing you and not ticketing or having you towed was a nice thing to do. It is disappointing to see the reaction on this site to a WARNING! I would invite anyone who is angry at the PO's to contact me personally and see the stats on educating the general public rather than enforcement action.

Also for clarification the Peace Officer was sent out as a result of the complaint by a citizen about the vehicles parked there.

Rules and Regulations of the Road
43(1) This section applies only to a highway that is outside of an
urban area.
(2) A person driving a vehicle shall not park the vehicle on a
roadway when it is practicable to park the vehicle off the roadway.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), a person driving a vehicle
shall not park the vehicle on the roadway, parking lane or shoulder
of a provincial highway except where
(a) the vehicle is incapable of moving under its own power,
(b) an emergency arises, or
(c) it is otherwise permitted by law.

Definition of a highway
“highway” means any thoroughfare, street, road, trail,
avenue, parkway, driveway, viaduct, lane, alley, square,
bridge, causeway, trestleway or other place or any part of
any of them, whether publicly or privately owned, that the
public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use for the
passage or parking of vehicles and includes
(i) a sidewalk, including a boulevard adjacent to the
(ii) if a ditch lies adjacent to and parallel with the
roadway, the ditch, and
(iii) if a highway right of way is contained between
fences or between a fence and one side of the
roadway, all the land between the fences, or all the
land between the fence and the edge of the roadway,
as the case may be,
but does not include a place declared by regulation not to
be a highway; RS


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2007
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sherwood park
Thats all good info, you have any pull in getting the parking lot clears seeing as how the county is so ignorant? And I mean that in the nicest possible way

I will post a section to help clear up some of the confusion. This does not fall under bylaw. It is a Provincial Act. Enforced by Strathcona County Enforcement Services (Provincial Peace Officers) and RCMP. It is the Peace Officers duty to warn/enforce you to move your vehicle as you were violating a Provincial Act. If the Peace Officer noticed the offence and took no action and something were to happen (your vehicle was struck/someone was injured) you the Peace Officer and anyone involved is now liable as a result. IMO the PO informing you and not ticketing or having you towed was a nice thing to do. It is disappointing to see the reaction on this site to a WARNING! I would invite anyone who is angry at the PO's to contact me personally and see the stats on educating the general public rather than enforcement action.

Also for clarification the Peace Officer was sent out as a result of the complaint by a citizen about the vehicles parked there.

Rules and Regulations of the Road
43(1) This section applies only to a highway that is outside of an
urban area.
(2) A person driving a vehicle shall not park the vehicle on a
roadway when it is practicable to park the vehicle off the roadway.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), a person driving a vehicle
shall not park the vehicle on the roadway, parking lane or shoulder
of a provincial highway except where
(a) the vehicle is incapable of moving under its own power,
(b) an emergency arises, or
(c) it is otherwise permitted by law.

Definition of a highway
“highway” means any thoroughfare, street, road, trail,
avenue, parkway, driveway, viaduct, lane, alley, square,
bridge, causeway, trestleway or other place or any part of
any of them, whether publicly or privately owned, that the
public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use for the
passage or parking of vehicles and includes
(i) a sidewalk, including a boulevard adjacent to the
(ii) if a ditch lies adjacent to and parallel with the
roadway, the ditch, and
(iii) if a highway right of way is contained between
fences or between a fence and one side of the
roadway, all the land between the fences, or all the
land between the fence and the edge of the roadway,
as the case may be,
but does not include a place declared by regulation not to
be a highway; RS


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Oct 9, 2008
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Ft Sask
43(2). Not practicable to park. County should clear a known parking lot rather than respond to nonsense complaints. My inlaws live in the glen allen area of Sherwood park and have an issue with parking on thier street (basically blocking their driveway). Various complaints called for a by-law/PO to ticket the trailers, cars, truck all parked in violation. Yet a PO have yet to shown up. So a 1st complaint to couple sledders parked on one side a county road next to a known parking lot for sledders that have never been cleared by the county yet this year gets 1st priority? I understand most "laws" are in place in the interest of public safety. But Mr. Cop you stated "something were to happen (your vehicle was struck/someone was injured) you the Peace Officer and anyone involved is now liable as a result.)" Please explain.


Active member
Mar 2, 2013
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Thats all good info, you have any pull in getting the parking lot clears seeing as how the county is so ignorant? And I mean that in the nicest possible way

43(2). Not practicable to park. County should clear a known parking lot rather than respond to nonsense complaints. My inlaws live in the glen allen area of Sherwood park and have an issue with parking on thier street (basically blocking their driveway). Various complaints called for a by-law/PO to ticket the trailers, cars, truck all parked in violation. Yet a PO have yet to shown up. So a 1st complaint to couple sledders parked on one side a county road next to a known parking lot for sledders that have never been cleared by the county yet this year gets 1st priority? I understand most "laws" are in place in the interest of public safety. But Mr. Cop you stated "something were to happen (your vehicle was struck/someone was injured) you the Peace Officer and anyone involved is now liable as a result.)" Please explain.

1. Yes we will be talking to the county about clearing that lot. We do not have pull but we can make suggestions to make the area more enjoyable and friendly for everyone. I am back Jan 2 and will look into it. I will get back to you.

2. Johnsmithmf... This is not the reason I signed on or responded to your topic. I am not here to debate or talk about things that happened to your in-laws. I was simply giving reason to your original post and posting the law you could not find. This is a open forum to educate.

I also think an Officer blatantly ignoring a law being violated right in front of them is pretty self explanatory (The injured party could/would name everyone in a civil case).

I will also call hog wash on the story about your in-laws, if they called there was a response. If you would like to private message me the details, I will look into the matter myself and respond to you personally.

It seams by the tone of your response you have an issue with authority or prioritization. In any event I am here to help out and will gladly do so. So please contact me and I will work for you. I will attempt to solve the problem with a solution everyone can enjoy.

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Roy Maxwell

Active VIP Member
Jan 20, 2009
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It appears to me the logical resolution to this issue would be for the county to clear that lot so those enjoying the great outdoor opportunities the county has to offer would not need to park on the road. We now have a bylaw officer whom is willing to go to bat for sledders on this issue and that is great. This, as has been pointed out in this thread, is an issue of safety and in my mind safety is paramount. Based on history I do not hold out a lot of hope as in Strathcona County sledders seem to be second class citizens in spite of the number of registered OHV's both in Sherwood Park and the rural area and the fact that like horse people, sledders pay taxes as well. One could argue more taxes as one does not need to register or buy plates for a horse. We have a new mayor. Will be interesting to see if she is truly interested in the safety of residents or more interested in the revenue handing out tickets generates.
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Active member
Nov 16, 2013
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The way I see it is that politicians at any level are representative of the voices of a majority of their constituents. If you remain quiet or act/think like "someone else will fix it" then nothing will happen for you.

If you want action (and let's be responsible about this) then you need to be in contact with your councillors and voice your concerns. And don't bother ragging on the local cops, if the law says you can't do something and you go and do it, and you get a ticket (or a warning) then that is the cop doing their job.

If you want real change, then pick up the phone, write a letter/email to your councillor and ask for action.

it's been said before: we have a majority of new councillors and a mayor, maybe it's time to see if their is a shift in thinking!

SHORT STORY: if you want the parking lot cleared, don't just rely on OHV COP to make a phone call. contact TAS or the Ward 7 councillor and asked for it to be cleared.

Many voices in unity are heard louder.

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Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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1. Yes we will be talking to the county about clearing that lot. We do not have pull but we can make suggestions to make the area more enjoyable and friendly for everyone. I am back Jan 2 and will look into it. I will get back to you.

2. Johnsmithmf... This is not the reason I signed on or responded to your topic. I am not here to debate or talk about things that happened to your in-laws. I was simply giving reason to your original post and posting the law you could not find. This is a open forum to educate.

I also think an Officer blatantly ignoring a law being violated right in front of them is pretty self explanatory (The injured party could/would name everyone in a civil case).

I will also call hog wash on the story about your in-laws, if they called there was a response. If you would like to private message me the details, I will look into the matter myself and respond to you personally.

It seams by the tone of your response you have an issue with authority or prioritization. In any event I am here to help out and will gladly do so. So please contact me and I will work for you. I will attempt to solve the problem with a solution everyone can enjoy.

People park alongside the highway in front of the Ardrossan school all the time during school zone times and there is NOTHING ever done about it, but ONE complaint about a sledder parking on the side of a road and you guys respond immediately. See the issue here? Don't give me any BS about sledders not being targeted in this county, you guys show more zeal in going after sledders than any other group and anyone with half a brain can see that.


Active member
Mar 2, 2013
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People park alongside the highway in front of the Ardrossan school all the time during school zone times and there is NOTHING ever done about it, but ONE complaint about a sledder parking on the side of a road and you guys respond immediately. See the issue here? Don't give me any BS about sledders not being targeted in this county, you guys show more zeal in going after sledders than any other group and anyone with half a brain can see that.

No I do not see the issue here. "You guys" is a poor term, there is a service in Strathcona County called Enforcement Services. It is broken into three sections General Enforcement, Traffic Enforcement and the OHV Unit. The units work out of the RCMP detachment and complaints are taking by the RCMP call takers. Once a complaint is phoned in the dispatcher assigns it to a member and that member deals with that complaint. There is not a big conspiracy within the department to "go after" sledders (there is no one in the office with their ear glued to the radio waiting for a OHV call of those pesky sledders). I myself am a sledder and all around OHV user. There is multiple bylaws and Prov Acts that must be followed...and yes if one of those is in need of enforcement or education we provide that.

Again I will say assumptions are a bad thing. Where was it ever discussed that it was one call? This may be an ongoing issue/concern. You do not have all of the facts. So you are assuming it was one call.

I am not going to get off topic and start in on every complaint you or others may have back from 1996 and so forth. I was merely responding to a request for information about what section of the act prohibits park on a highway.

If parking out front of Ardrossan School is an issue for you. Please call it in and a member will be dispatched.

Thank you for your response.

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Active member
Oct 9, 2008
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Ft Sask
1. Yes we will be talking to the county about clearing that lot. We do not have pull but we can make suggestions to make the area more enjoyable and friendly for everyone. I am back Jan 2 and will look into it. I will get back to you.

2. Johnsmithmf... This is not the reason I signed on or responded to your topic. I am not here to debate or talk about things that happened to your in-laws. I was simply giving reason to your original post and posting the law you could not find. This is a open forum to educate.

I also think an Officer blatantly ignoring a law being violated right in front of them is pretty self explanatory (The injured party could/would name everyone in a civil case).

I will also call hog wash on the story about your in-laws, if they called there was a response. If you would like to private message me the details, I will look into the matter myself and respond to you personally.

It seams by the tone of your response you have an issue with authority or prioritization. In any event I am here to help out and will gladly do so. So please contact me and I will work for you. I will attempt to solve the problem with a solution everyone can enjoy.


Well thanks for the educating on this form site. I now know, I cannot park on the side of a highway regardless of how far I am parked to the side or at a straight stretch of road with in my opinion does not interfere with traffic what so ever. But I would bet my last dollar had our 3 vechiles been the only ones there we would all be getting tickets despite not knowing we had broken a law. However, it was nice to get a warning. As for calling hog wash, really?


Active member
Nov 16, 2013
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Ministic Man,

I couldn't help but notice that Parking Lot (510/212) is signed as a Provincial Park. If it's a Prov. Park then it won't be cleared by Strathcona County, it should be cleared by a Provincial contractor?

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Active member
Nov 16, 2013
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Well thanks for the educating on this form site. I now know, I cannot park on the side of a highway regardless of how far I am parked to the side or at a straight stretch of road with in my opinion does not interfere with traffic what so ever. But I would bet my last dollar had our 3 vechiles been the only ones there we would all be getting tickets despite not knowing we had broken a law. However, it was nice to get a warning. As for calling hog wash, really?

Johnsmithnf - You're quite the whiny bitch aren't you! I've read this entire thread and all you have to contribute is BS. I'm giving OHV COP some kudos for stepping in and helping the community but you are just proving yourself to be a pain in the posterior.

Seriously John, it's goofs like you who give the rest of us a bad name! so how about you stop acting so ignorant and take on some personal responsibility. or at least stop blaming the by-law/cops for your stuff-ups!

I will give you some credit, you did actually look up a 'law' that you thought you might have to abide by... now how about looking up the rest of it and getting familiar!

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