Here is a question I have always had after being a mountain rider for 20 yrs. Why does almost everyone in the mountains modulate their throttle lever everywhere they ride ??
First o all,You are over working and overheating your clutches for no logical reason ! I can understand having to modulate the throttle riding in the trees where you need the manoverability
between trees,but not while you are trail riding or climbing !! I think everybody just likes to hear their engine rev. Playing with your throttle is counter productive when you need all the
momentum you can get. Not only that but the trails into the areas would be sooo much smoother if people did'nt want to hear their engine rev all the time.
Nobody pumps the throttle on a quad so why are they doing it everywhere on their sleds ???
First o all,You are over working and overheating your clutches for no logical reason ! I can understand having to modulate the throttle riding in the trees where you need the manoverability
between trees,but not while you are trail riding or climbing !! I think everybody just likes to hear their engine rev. Playing with your throttle is counter productive when you need all the
momentum you can get. Not only that but the trails into the areas would be sooo much smoother if people did'nt want to hear their engine rev all the time.
Nobody pumps the throttle on a quad so why are they doing it everywhere on their sleds ???