lack of respect early in the season..already..


Active VIP Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Valemount, British Columbia
I might have to donate some wildlife trail cameras to catch these azzmatts.Pretty darn sad. Just speak up and tell these idiots and if their is a problem note what they are driving. sleds then later off the hill personal vehicle and see if they like garbage dumped all over it and graffiti scratched down the side, compliments from fellow sledders who respect the rules.

Please do, we have already just received a donation of one camera from a fellow S&Mer. Now what to do with a picture if you get one ? Probably illegal to post it in public unless there is 5 or more as that is considered a group in the advertising world ? Anyone have legal info on this?

Supposed to go taboganing with my two year old daughter today, but am now going up to repair whats left of the gate as we are supposed to get some snow this week and if it amounts to much, grooming could still be possible. Ill clean that cabin and most likely rip into clemina to do the same if I have the time.

As others have noted SELF POLICING IS THE ANSWER. Please dont take risks that could get you possibly hurt, but educated and inform in as productive manner as possible.

Thank you


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
maybe i will create a site

i remember last year i posted some photos of the offenders in publiuc....didnt go so well. it did get the message out but there is deffinetly some legality issues. and i dont think snow and mud wants anything to do with that


"big deal"
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
maybe i will create a site

i remember last year i posted some photos of the offenders in publiuc....didnt go so well. it did get the message out but there is deffinetly some legality issues. and i dont think snow and mud wants anything to do with that

can you not figure out who these people are by the ch!t they left on the walls? That kustomz place... Or is that an un-official dink touching group?


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Please do, we have already just received a donation of one camera from a fellow S&Mer. Now what to do with a picture if you get one ? Probably illegal to post it in public unless there is 5 or more as that is considered a group in the advertising world ? Anyone have legal info on this?

Supposed to go taboganing with my two year old daughter today, but am now going up to repair whats left of the gate as we are supposed to get some snow this week and if it amounts to much, grooming could still be possible. Ill clean that cabin and most likely rip into clemina to do the same if I have the time.

As others have noted SELF POLICING IS THE ANSWER. Please dont take risks that could get you possibly hurt, but educated and inform in as productive manner as possible.

Thank you

At the very least you could post the pics at the pay booths and deny entry to riding areas!!


Active member
Feb 11, 2010
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Spruce Grove, Alberta
Someone knows who K8Kustoms, and Sheldon are. No one that can afford to drive to Valemount and ride for the day is totally under the radar, and no one knows them. Also, people that are riding this early are pretty hardcore, they have been talking about riding for a while now. One more thing, How in He** do you break a welded gate with a sled? or even with the tools that you pack on a sled?


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
can you not figure out who these people are by the ch!t they left on the walls? That kustomz place... Or is that an un-official dink touching group?


I think if I catch anyone doing that inside the cabin I am going to outside and carve my name on their sled. Eye for an eye. :rant:

LoL, beat him to the parking lot and carve into his truck "whickey was here".

Using the emergency probe might have been an accident, at least the cans are near the dumpster and not in the snow. For writing your name on the cabin, people that don't know assume that's what everybody does, especially when you see 10+ names up there. I'm not trying to say this is right, but their are honest people that just don't know.

Literally cutting the gate down and ruining the trail to be groom, that's fawked up.


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
ya there are people that dont know. thats why they need to get informed.

i took a photo of the garbage can because it was overflowing. guess where the rest of it was? littered over the rest of the cabin. somehow i dont think 4-6 empty mickeys can be good for anyone bombing down the trail or driving back to the hotel. im not one to talk. i could have brought down the garbage but unfortunately i was already towing a dead sled. i do however pack my own stuff out and make sre the rest of my group does

pete gads

Active VIP Member
Feb 27, 2007
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calahoo, alberta
I think what these people do is retarded. Curtis and alot of peop;e work hard for me and others to have fun. If someone came on my land and did that I don't know what I do. Things like writing on wall happen at work to, instead of getting paper they write on wall by phone easier. I,m writing a cheque right now and sending it to curtis for what he needs to stop this. It's not a lot but if a gruop does the same he will have some help. My group thanks varda for there hard work.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Someone knows who K8Kustoms, and Sheldon are. No one that can afford to drive to Valemount and ride for the day is totally under the radar, and no one knows them. Also, people that are riding this early are pretty hardcore, they have been talking about riding for a while now. One more thing, How in He** do you break a welded gate with a sled? or even with the tools that you pack on a sled?

I googled K8 Kustoms, nothing really comes up other than some Customs forms for crossing the border and a couple youtube vids - It almost looks like it is a band. Anyway, yeah if its a local "shop" then someone knows who it is.

You don't do this stuff with the normal tools you pack on a sled, you have been to the gate before because you couldn't make it up the icy trail, and so this time you brought along your trusty hacksaw to make sure you could go riding. Fawkin' weak.

For writing your name on the cabin, people that don't know assume that's what everybody does, especially when you see 10+ names up there. I'm not trying to say this is right, but their are honest people that just don't know.

Since when has it ever been OK to do graffiti on the cabin walls? Ignorance is no excuse, if someone painted graffiti on your fence would it then be OK for others to come and paint stuff there also, just because someone else did it? The cabins are provided by the clubs, so they are club property i.e. PRIVATE PROPERTY - they are just kind enough to let others use them. I say lock all the cabins up - we will quickly rid ourselves and our sport of the types of sledders who just ride to the cabin, drink their face off, scribe their name in the wall and generally mis-use the property. The other sledders who have lost the priviledges of cabin use by default will surely think twice about how they use the property provided by the clubs and maybe as Curtis suggested, a little more self-educations/policing/reporting will start to happen.


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
I googled K8 Kustoms, nothing really comes up other than some Customs forms for crossing the border and a couple youtube vids - It almost looks like it is a band. Anyway, yeah if its a local "shop" then someone knows who it is.

You don't do this stuff with the normal tools you pack on a sled, you have been to the gate before because you couldn't make it up the icy trail, and so this time you brought along your trusty hacksaw to make sure you could go riding. Fawkin' weak.

Since when has it ever been OK to do graffiti on the cabin walls? Ignorance is no excuse, if someone painted graffiti on your fence would it then be OK for others to come and paint stuff there also, just because someone else did it? The cabins are provided by the clubs, so they are club property i.e. PRIVATE PROPERTY - they are just kind enough to let others use them. I say lock all the cabins up - we will quickly rid ourselves and our sport of the types of sledders who just ride to the cabin, drink their face off, scribe their name in the wall and generally mis-use the property. The other sledders who have lost the priviledges of cabin use by default will surely think twice about how they use the property provided by the clubs and maybe as Curtis suggested, a little more self-educations/policing/reporting will start to happen.

Spray painting on somebodies fence is an extreme comparison to scribbling sheldon on a piece of wood in the cabin. Have I ever done it? Nope. Have I thought about it? Yea, until Rusty pointed out how dumb it was. I have seen Snow And Mud written inside the Renshaw cabin. I think it's a great idea to lock up the cabin, but these fawkers hacksawed right through a gate when they had an alternative route. That cabin's going to have to be boarded/locked up good.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Spray painting on somebodies fence is an extreme comparison to scribbling sheldon on a piece of wood in the cabin. Have I ever done it? Nope. Have I thought about it? Yea, until Rusty pointed out how dumb it was. I have seen Snow And Mud written inside the Renshaw cabin. I think it's a great idea to lock up the cabin, but these fawkers hacksawed right through a gate when they had an alternative route. That cabin's going to have to be boarded/locked up good.

If someone scratched/scribbled that same "sheldon" into the side of your sled do you think your opinion would change? :d I'm not talking about the "extremeness" of the situation, I'm talking about how people think that just because someone else did it, it suddenly becomes OK. Many people see tracks out of bounds and justify riding there as well using that very same mentality. This mentality is what closes riding areas.

Yeah, sad to say that I have to agree with ya that the cabin door would have to made of plate steel to keep them out. The locks and bars will only keep the honest ones out. Other people will never learn.


Active VIP Member
Jun 8, 2008
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Maybe we should put colouring books and crayons up in the cabins for these idiots.... There obviously not riding that hard if they have time to vandalize so we are just going to have to find a way to amuse there small minds.
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
really I still cant believe there are people out there like this still! doesnt anyone have respect for local clubs and businesses anymore? bet money these d*ck heads are the first people crying when there fave areas get shut down! really sucks when you need to install hidden cameras to try and catch people vandalizing stuff that belongs to a sport that we all love and do! some peoples kids!


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
I have a diesel and i'm sure so do many others so when these types of azz hats are caught I say we use them for tow ropes for our own little tug of wars :realmad:


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
Maybe we should put colouring books and crayons up in the cabins for these idiots.... There obviously not riding that hard if they have time to vandalize so we are just going to have to find a way to amuse there small minds.

Belle had a guestbook in the cabin where people leave there names and stories. Some of them are pretty funny and it's neat to read what other people said that you ran into that day. Like this one guy wrote that "Polaris ran the best out of all the machines" I wonder if it was the same polaris that lost the bolts out of his Ski... Hahahaha.
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