Just to put things into persepctive, here is one we had between Field and Revelstoke on Jan 11, we all know how big thoses red engines are when we see them at crossings. I could not imagine having to search for someone after one of these.
like the one when the train gets stuck.
This is also another one of my favs. You think your 800 can push snow, check this out: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzKLnL8mJig&feature=PlayList&p=66E013A86D8CADC4&index=4[/media]
rotory snow plows can be fun too:
here is a good one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql6MYFO4ihA&feature=PlayList&p=66E013A86D8CADC4&index=11[/media]
gotta love the comments the camera guys make in these. :d
I was over the pass just before New Years and past a "little" one that was well over the roof of the cube van we were driving. Nothing compared to the big one you're talking about. They said it took out mature trees, slid where they've never seen it slide before.