Ideas on how to collect payment from a dead beat customer...


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
A lien will cost you a couple of hun, and you can do it tomorrow. Once they pay, you have 48 or 72 hours to drop the lien. But those 2 - 3 days could be hell for them if they have their own business :D

Maybe wait till Monday, and you could screw up their week :beer:

If you want to be vendictive..... do it the legal way, this way you can't be touched. JMO
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Brian D.

Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Next door to my neighbor...
A lien will cost you a couple of hun, and you can do it tomorrow. Once they pay, you have 48 or 72 hours to drop the lien. But those 2 - 3 days could be hell for them if they have their own business :D

Maybe wait till Monday, and you could screw up their week :beer:

If you want to be vendictive..... do it the legal way, this way you can't be touched. JMO

I am going to look into this avenue on Monday, screw with her business cash flow.

i have a bobcat if u need me to landscape there yard and pile it all in the drive way hahaha

Yeah, I had mine on the trailer a couple of blocks from her house and I figured I could just take the grass and bring it back when she paid!


Active VIP Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Winter is coming. A drive way or side walk of snow delivered every snow fall will get some attention. No damage to anything so they cant come after you. There are a lot of sled guys here with sled trailers to load up!
I on occasion don't get paid but they are repeat customers and I am in a specialized business, not a lot of people do what I do so I get them in the end. No cheque, no more service. It costs them money to be broke down.


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too

Well you could always get a couple drums of weed killer and pour it all over their lawn, or go bust some knee caps with a baseball bat like they used to do in the olden days

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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too

Really? You never even had a visit from the coppers?


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too

Big tough guy pulling weapons on an unarmed guy. Did you bring a couple buddies with you to?


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2009
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spruce grove, alberta
Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too

Hahahaha unreal

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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
how do you handle more serious matters? Just curious.

Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too


Active VIP Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Rocky Mountain House
Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too
Fawkin WOW dude that's harsh for a bad stereo deal.... Sure your telling the whole story? Was your wife blowin the guy when you walked in the house or something?


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
Olden days.......? Guys like me still do that vigilante sh*t, F*ck me over and be prepared to have limbs or something broken. Once a guy I worked with owed me money for a car stereo I sold him, he said he'd pay me on our next cheque the following Friday, well when we got our cheque's he also got his walking papers(which I never found out until the following week) After work friday he said Ill bring the money to work on Monday, he never showed, I called him and he wouldn't answer..... for weeks this went on. One day after work I made a visit to his place with a baseball bat and a poolball in a tube sock.Offered him one last chance to pay or give back the stereo and he would not cooperate so....... One busted ass knee from the bat, couple missing teeth and surely some internal bleeding and huge welts from the pool ball. Then walked out to his car while he was down and out, and ripped the whole stereo out (two 12" alpine subs, set of alpine 6x9's, door speakers and an alpine deck) Poor decision on his part. Then 4 years later I seen him at the SAIT bar while I was in school, he bought me a beer and apologized for the whole thing..... said he deserved what he got.... I thought so too
will you lend me a hundred bucks? I'll pay you next friday


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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No not a one, I think I put the fear of god into him, he knew he tried to rip me off for a $1000+ and Im thinking he learned his lesson

Really? You never even had a visit from the coppers?
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