I wonder if Maxwell is squealing like a stuck pig?


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Every Doo I have seen 10 + lbs of boost does not last very long.

Fair enough....here’s mine at 15. She loved it for a minute or two



Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
7 lbs is plenty for a Doo.

Your not wrong, a NON IC boost it at 10lbs was a animal, but it ate reeds.
That engine had over 3000miles before he had the engine changed due to crank run out. One top end change due to bad fuel during that time, but not a turbo problem IMO.
It never blew the engine. It always got it self home under its own power.

I see these polaris MTNTK kits and boondocker, and silber kits iver the years and they run very well.
If Erik Woog from Vohk had any input with this matryx turbo. Than it will be a very exciting next season.

And yes I tried to get my hands on one, misjudged the demand. Two different turbos in the stable would of been cool, not financially smart, but cool. Lol


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Your not wrong, a NON IC boost it at 10lbs was a animal, but it ate reeds.
That engine had over 3000miles before he had the engine changed due to crank run out. One top end change due to bad fuel during that time, but not a turbo problem IMO.
It never blew the engine. It always got it self home under its own power.

I see these polaris MTNTK kits and boondocker, and silber kits iver the years and they run very well.
If Erik Woog from Vohk had any input with this matryx turbo. Than it will be a very exciting next season.

And yes I tried to get my hands on one, misjudged the demand. Two different turbos in the stable would of been cool, not financially smart, but cool. Lol
I may have to revoke your Doolaid card buddy. Snap out of it!:rolling:

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
I may have to revoke your Doolaid card buddy. Snap out of it!:rolling:
LOOKs from those caPs I headed for the BRiLLanT side of revY mar 10 - 17 at THE - BOULDER - DoME ... no card required buT memberSHiP card has priVaLedges ... sNaP !! CRacK -aLL !! PoPpPpPpCORN !!! and RiCE KRiSPEES !!! ReD BuLL is For BoYs ... DooLaid is for SissYboYcanYoN jusT beSide and above the 3 LaKes aT the BOULDER -DoME !!! wooT !! wooTTT !!! or I come up the backside of turTLe and uPpP upP the kirkKuP creeK check avY conditions and snowBoard skiers along the route iNN .. aWeSoME PaWSoME !!! the moose is LooSE ..hahhaaha entree is risYbusiness that buLL moose can be gentle as a PReDATOR in the bush

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Your not wrong, a NON IC boost it at 10lbs was a animal, but it ate reeds.
That engine had over 3000miles before he had the engine changed due to crank run out. One top end change due to bad fuel during that time, but not a turbo problem IMO.
It never blew the engine. It always got it self home under its own power.

I see these polaris MTNTK kits and boondocker, and silber kits iver the years and they run very well.
If Erik Woog from Vohk had any input with this matryx turbo. Than it will be a very exciting next season.

And yes I tried to get my hands on one, misjudged the demand. Two different turbos in the stable would of been cool, not financially smart, but cool. Lol
new custom reed valve comin in the tube inLeT that will sit in the front of the bypass valve and behind the bYPass valve { Reed VaLve <> bYpass @ vaLve <> Reed VaLve }

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
7 lbs is plenty for a Doo.
at 7lbs psi housing and or 6.5lbs psi housing ...u would have to have a size 12 turboo and OR a sizZze 11 turbooo would tighten uP the Lag .. both are within Volumetric efficiency ... nice seT up call garrett .. its in stocKKK !! just aheads upPP... 12/7 =1.7 ratio nice n nasty good 11/6.5 =1.69 ratio 12 size turboo would make 213 - 222 hp up to 8000 ft .... size 11 would make 200.5 - 209.5 up to 8000 ft and what was the name of the chopper company i need to invest ... side NOTE : please add in the horsePower of the PERFoRMaNCE PiPe 7- !@ HP ..hahahahaaa 10,11,12 .. hmmm .. arnoLd ta the Chopper ... The booK recommends a sizZze 9 turboo wit 5.5 lbs/psi housing 9/5.5 =1.63 ratio meets volumetric efficiency .. so motor at 8000ft 129.62 HP +49.5 lbs/psi housing/Turboo HP = 179.12 HP + PERFORMANCE PIPE 7- 10,11,12, so i went with the top 12 hp on the pipe to stay on the ouTside so 179.12HP +12HP = 191.12 HP up to 8000FT and and bottom is 179.12 HP + 7 HP = 186.12HP up to 8000 FT ... so in summary the 11 ,12 size are chopper bound and the size 9 has a beTTer chance with a tow RoPE... hahahah your the boss of your moNEY lol.......... i like sizZze 9TurBoo / 5.5 lbs/psi/housing HP will PRODuCE betweeN 186.12 HP -191.12 HP aT 8000 FT ... KooLBeaNs what ever makes u happY .. what ever u wanT u r so veRY sPeciaL .. we r SLeDDeRs !!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
where did your sled get chopper out from
Fair enough....here’s mine at 15. She loved it for a minute or two

ADVaNCE FREEDoM oF aiR FLoW : mr maxXxWeLL hopeFuLLy in the FuTuRE there wiLL be 1 seT of custom reed valves and a custom HorizonTaL reed WheeL inside the inLeT TuBE and right by, inn, the bypass air box that wiLL sTand the test of TiME for the ski Dooo turboos and others for better aiR FLoW and advancemenT of the turboo sYsTem as iT stands todaY .. ( A1 ) 1 sT u will have 1 set of custom reed vaLves that are designed created, built to be connected and seaLed back to bacK...<>(a2)... and installed just passed the Y in the inLet TuBE... <>(a2)... ( C1 ) 2nd design, create, build a custom horizontal reed wheeL ... ( so small pic of how the reed valve ,bYpass valve , horizontal reed wheel would look... [ <>...{]...@ )(a2)(b2)(c2)... So now as air from the outside makes its way into the right side of the air inLet tube , the air will meet up with the custom reed vaLve , where the air now, as it goes into the reed it becomes linear and when the air exits the reed at the other end it becomes more streamline ,pressurized ( dense ) and the air is now ready to enter the bYpass valve...the bYpass vaLve will stay open beLoW 6200 RPM.... to allow streamLine aiR to enter and to bleed to the outside edges of the bypass vaLve...now that the air has passed around the bypass valve, the air now makes its way to the custom horizontal reed wheel at the end of the inLeT tube that meets up with the airBoxXx.... From the custom reed wheel the air is compressed, balanced and a forced FLoW inTo the carbs where the air enters the inTake side of the motor and mixes with the fuel... now when the bypass vaLve closes at 6200RPM , the bYpass valve from closing creates reverse air flow .. at this point the air starts flowing back the way iT came... causing unbalanced <<>>> TurBoo -U- Lance <<<>>Pressure<<<<<...now the custom reed valve will function when the air is going in the other direction <> and redirect the air Flow the way it came from in the inLeT tube and now with the turboo spooled up at 6201 RPMs the air is sucked through the turboo/housing where the pressurized air wiLL make iTs way to the aiR Boxxx ... from there the custom horizonTaL reed WheeL will act as a buffer and balance any miss -0- lane -ee- his air from all sides and work with the forced air from the turboo and flow into the inTake side of the motor >>> ..... siDE NoTes [ (a1) reference to...(A1) reed valve ] [ (b2) reference to...(B1) bypass valve ] [ (c2) reference to (C1) reed wheel ] ( 11 ) design , build a custom reed Valve ( 22 ) design and build a custom reed wheel ( 33)) how close should the custom reed valve be mounted inside the inlet tube in relation to the bypass valve (B1)) how far back does the bypass valve have to be relocated in relation to the custom reed wheel ,where the bypass is connected ( meeTs )the bypass air boxxx ((55) designing the custom reed valve and wheel and built to spec and MateriaLs that meet and or exceed the standers are KeY to the success of this R n D ProjecT and everYone inVoLveD ... thaT Ski -Dooo feeLing !! ... This is BRP ... We are LYNxXx !! Hissssssssss !!! now thats smooTH ...
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Luke The Drifter

Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
Parkland County
Your not wrong, a NON IC boost it at 10lbs was a animal, but it ate reeds.
That engine had over 3000miles before he had the engine changed due to crank run out. One top end change due to bad fuel during that time, but not a turbo problem IMO.
It never blew the engine. It always got it self home under its own power.

I see these polaris MTNTK kits and boondocker, and silber kits iver the years and they run very well.
If Erik Woog from Vohk had any input with this matryx turbo. Than it will be a very exciting next season.

And yes I tried to get my hands on one, misjudged the demand. Two different turbos in the stable would of been cool, not financially smart, but cool. Lol

Sledding isn’t financially smart. Fun as hell though!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Sledding isn’t financially smart. Fun as hell though!
i thought it was the other way around ... lmao ...sledding isn't financially fun ...smart as HeLL though !! nice !! I'm the iceMAN ... I'm MeLTing ... Please waRm HeR upPpPPPP !!! ... warm -Up ... thaT ski doo feeling... this is BRP !!! we are LYNxXx !!!


Active VIP Member
Oct 16, 2008
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shhhh .. maxXxWeLL ... LHF jusT wanTs us to sPiLL the BeaNs ... on the new 2 sTroKe MoToRs that are comin out ... can't unLockK the FuTuRE jisT YeT ... LHF u goTs ta remember when u at the nighT club and someone tried to seLL ya sTaY aWakKKeeYY !! aLL NiGHT BeaNs ... HeYman u goT this !!! HoLA

It does not even need to have more boost to make it 100% better, it only needs the 4 lbs. at all elevations. Why buy a turbo that is held back until you get to the top of the mountain? Some guys want boost on the trip up. That design should be easy for BRP.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
It does not even need to have more boost to make it 100% better, it only needs the 4 lbs. at all elevations. Why buy a turbo that is held back until you get to the top of the mountain? Some guys want boost on the trip up. That design should be easy for BRP.

The polaris sounds like it sort of works the same.
Except instead of 0 boost at sea level it gives you a pound or 2 and ramps up as you head up in elevation to maintain HP


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
Reaction score
medicine hat
The polaris sounds like it sort of works the same.
Except instead of 0 boost at sea level it gives you a pound or 2 and ramps up as you head up in elevation to maintain HP

Must be running a good size turbo on it, to be able to make 9 lbs at 10000’ on pump

Wonder what charge temps are at that boost

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
It does not even need to have more boost to make it 100% better, it only needs the 4 lbs. at all elevations. Why buy a turbo that is held back until you get to the top of the mountain? Some guys want boost on the trip up. That design should be easy for BRP.
HeYman i think they dude that already , please check my post where I talk about hp gains n loss es at elevation for the 850, 900 , 950 , 1000 from sea LeVeL to 11,000 Ft along wiT a BoLT on performance pIpe ... WhaTs this magneT TeTHeR cord sTuff all about and how does iT. Compare to your tether cord seT uP .. Much respecT all around

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
The polaris sounds like it sort of works the same.
Except instead of 0 boost at sea level it gives you a pound or 2 and ramps up as you head up in elevation to maintain HP
Polaris and ski doo have a boLT on performance pipe 7hp - 12.5 hp to give the turboo a head start at sea - level , zero elevation they had to to solve a math proBLem .. Hope this helps
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Must be running a good size turbo on it, to be able to make 9 lbs at 10000’ on pump

Wonder what charge temps are at that boost
iTs all smoke n mirrors they r going to Doo a running change when they actually get things figured ouT ... Notice that they never fired up the sled .. Fraud laws and the inlet tube is from skidoo take a closer look cut paste repeat and why say vertical when the TuRBoo sitting horizontal .. Polaris just wanTs to create hype around the TuRBoo crAzZze and slow BRP down .. $10 bucKs say s theY can't deliver and who give s a 2 year FACTORY warrantY on a moTor doing 190 hp .. NoT adding up ... Just. My thiughT s .. Much resoecT all Aguascalientes... Side noTe ; u would have to have a SiZzzzE 13 , 14 , 15 ,16 TuRBoo to go with 9 lbs psi housing HP .. Ratio between 1.45 - 1.60 -1.75 ... 13/9 =____.. 14/9 =___ , 15/9 =____ 16/9 =___ these ratio combination s. Are all withen the peramiter s of volumetric effeciencY.. And do the HP cal - cue - LaY - Tions .. 13x9=___ hp 14x9__ hp 15x9____hp 16x9___ hp and they given a 2 year warranty .. This will be a drag on Polaris boTTom Line when u add 2 n 2 together 129.62 at 8000ft ...125.20 at 9000FT ... 120.78hp at 10,000 FT .... And 115.87 hp at 11,000 FT .. BeTTer have a reallY heavy sTaRFiSHBoTTOM .. With set limits on the POWERTOP ... Consumers will be doing the RnD for Polaris .. Just thinking ouT LoUD ... WinK K eY wink winKK !!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
It does not even need to have more boost to make it 100% better, it only needs the 4 lbs. at all elevations. Why buy a turbo that is held back until you get to the top of the mountain? Some guys want boost on the trip up. That design should be easy for BRP.
iTs iNN the worKs ... Just need the right .. SkiLLed computer program ( S S ) troops ta create the code and keYs .. No worries just like they went from manual JeTTing to automatic compensated Altitude technologY &#55356;&#57133;&#55356;&#57133;&#55356;&#57133;✌&#55356;&#57343;️&#55357;&#56349;&#55357;&#56397;&#55356;&#57343; I like the way u THiNKouTside ... We are LYNxXx .. This is BRP ... That ski - Dooo feeLing
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