Hey Maxwell!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
430 lbs 205 hp and 136 ft lbs of torque. Do the math. You need to measure torque. That's what moves you. Also I'm not geared for 45 mph.
TowN council there Ya go the Legend has spoken .. Question is can we handle the truth .. Now that we caught the 1160 TorQuE monsTeR by the TaiLs ... how Doo we Put m back in his SheLL .. Or Doo we let m run free ta slaY a few old dragons.. Stay tuned fellow sledders ... LHF !!.. I'll be back ...Lmao .. JusT have ta pouR mr MaxXxWeLL his morning coFFee and make him some French toast with a side of smokey maple bacon and some fresh pineAPPLE flown in from Hawaii fiVe - O.... ALoHA !!! Mr maxXxWeLL looKs like we gunna need ta pull ouT the secreT weapon from Martin MoTorSPorTs.. o !! O !! K !! O ZoNE go inTo the garage.. Grab the 1 wiT the baker skid .. Now your talking I like that.. Word from the TowN CounciL... o HeYman LHF down ta 430 pounds .. MusTa chopped the salad added I little dressing and ok that KaRRoT Top is looKing a little Tighter ... MeowW !! Ok now let's talk about that PoWER ToP 1160 wiT a sTar fisH boTTom come on man it's late in the day u gunna pull a ring wiT 205 hp or u saving that ring for next years valentine s . O speaking of rings there s the door -beLL !! Yes I heaR Ya LHF... I'm jusT here ta crunch the numbers ... Be right bacK .. OkK !! o woW !! the race team from MarTiN MoToSPorTS is here... Nice worK mr maxXxWeLL .. and o zone please put the baker skid ski - Doo bacK in the !8 car garage.. yes mr maxXxWeL lol... ok uPoN further review the town council has bowed ouT... the race teams crunching the numbers and iTs gunna be TiGHT ta TaME... the LHF's NiNja TuRTLE 1160 poweRToP sTaRFisH BoTTom KaRRoT ToP ToRQuE monsTeR... No we're not talking about girlfriends/wives Lmao... ok bacK in a biT team marTiNs in the board rooM.. Gotta go serve tea n biscuiTs and o Yea pouTiNE winkK !! winkK !! hahaa.. LeTs see whaT happens .. bacK in a biT... also have ta peel fresh shrimp from the wesT coasT.. ta go with the 4 ounce bison TenderLoins...ehhh !! ok problem solved and u will like what the out comes will bee... o thaTs supper BeLL thaT jusT rang ..more info LaTer tonighT ... lol 21,450 vieWS... when the BeLL TRoLLES .. MeTaLLiCA would be proud... leT the rumouRs begin .. buckle uP the FaKE neWs is ReaL and iTs comin up the mounTain...ok in the YelloW corner and this is just a rumour... iTs a sTocK 2025 ski -Doo turboo 850.. and inn the black corner... HeLLs BeLLs.. AC/DC would be proud ... LHF's NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 poweRToP sTaRFisH BoTToM KaRRoT ToP ToRQuE monsTeR... DinG !! DiNG !! DiNG !!... and they starT from sea LeVeL.. and there oFF.. The stock ski -Doo 850 turboo geTs the HoLE shoT and jumps into the leed and picking uP the rear is LHF's NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 torque monsTeR... after a few thousand ft the LHF NiNJa TuRTLE pulls ahead...whaT the.. beeP !! beeP !! ... oK LeTS pull away from the action for a minute or 2 and compare ft pounds of TorQuE from gearing stand poinT... FaKE NeWS ... ok unLocK the FuTure... iTs now 2025...and ski - Doo has a bigger chain-case to accommodate a 55 gear... thanks for the TiP DyNaMO^JoE.. but now that we're in the fuTure stock gearing will be 21/55=2.61... with an option of a 19/55= 2.89 ratio.. wooT!! wooT !!... NoW leTs go back to the future.. o BoY... LeTs talK abouT LHF and his NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 torque monsTeRs ChainCaSE...weeoooo ! eh !!... back in the day a sTocK chain case size was only big enough for 21/51 max with a ratio of 2.42... now LHF the LeGend thaT he is... weLL he popped in a 19/51 so his ratio now is 2.68... ding ding ding...now unLockK the fuTure.. FaST forward ta 7000 ft.. o looKy.. the sTocK ski -Doo 850 turboo is now only 1 sled length behind... Good thing poweR ToP sTarfish BoTToM ToRQuE monsTeR goT a hair CuT... cause that KaRRoT ToP ainT blowing in the wind ta distract that sTocK ski doo 850 TuRBoo with 165 of compensating HP.. The resulTs of ft pounds of ToRQuE gearing will be reveled soon... oK now lets take a closer look at the ToRQuE numbers provided by LHF... LHF states 136 ft pounds of ToRQuE... weeooo !! ... 21500 views.. ok remember LHF Claims 136 ft pounds of ToRQuE... So the ski -Doo torque numbers will be based from 136 ft pounds of gearing ToRQuE.. KooL -AiD... lol... The race TeaM estimates LHF's gears in the ToRQuE monster sled to be 19/51=2.68... ok this part gets tough... slow read.. A ( 1 )... stock 2021 ski doo with 21/53=2.52 gears... so it has 119 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%... so LHF 136 -119 = 17 so yes LHF has 17 more ft pounds of gearing ToRQuE...beeP !! beeP !!... A ( 2 )... gear down opTion from ski -Doo 19/53=2.78 gears... so it has 139.4 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%........ so ski -Doo 139.4 -136 = 3.4.. so yes ski -Doo has 3.4 more ft pounds of gearing torque... wooT !! wooT !!... NoW FaKE neWs unLocK the FuTure .....( B ) 1... the stock 2025 ski doo 850 with 21/55=2.61 gears...so it has 122 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%... so LHF 136-122= 14... so yes LHF has 14 more ft pounds of gearing torque... beeP !! beeP !!... more FaKE neWs... B ( 2 ) gear down option 19/55 for stock 2025 ski Doo 850 so 19/55 gearing has 141.5 + - 1% of ft pounds of gearing torque... wooT !! wooT !!... so yes ski Doo 141.5- 136 = 5.5 more ft pounds of gearing torque ...wooT !! wooT !!... so in conclusion with regards to ft pounds of gearing torque... ski -Doo vs LHF... The 21/53 was removed and the A ( 2 ) 19/53 was put iNN making 139.4 ft pounds of gearing torque for the ski -Doo and LHF with 19/51 making 136 ft pounds of gearing toque... so 139.4 - 136 =3.4 MoRE ft pounds of ToRQuE for the ski -Doo so LHF is O in 1 on ToRQuE ski -Doo for the WiN... wooT !! wooT !! good work race team CLaP !! CLaP !! ... FaKE NeWs...O ZoNE no need ta puLL the sTocK 2025 ski -Doo TURBoo ouTa the garage wooT !! wooT !!...okK lets get back ta the action... o BoY are these guYs good there already heading for 8000 ft... o woW !! we'LL be right back for the final resuLTs abouT elevation at 8000 ft and BeYond... ALoHA !!... intermission... lol please go back reread torque numbers i give u guys a chance to catch up ...CoN -YacK !!!...mr maxXxweLL for u and the race Team... o and leT me clean uP thaT pounTine... YacK -A- Tea - Yackk !! ... don't talk backk !!... oh and would u LiKe a snifter of heated grand mariner to go wiT your CoN-YackK !!... sounds good o ZoNE and how bout LHF what r u drinking.. huh!!... ahhh !!... i'll have a... SaS -PeR- YeLL - aahhh !!!... sounds good .. o we have a small piece of BuMBLE Beee pie left to go wiT thaT drinK... beeP !! beeP !!... for those abouT ta RiDE we salute u... AC/DC would be proud... and now bacK to the big race.. kK -BooM !! what was that ??... HoLy BaLLs Ta the WaLL !!.. LHF is sTucK in the FuTuRE.. at what elevation are we aT ??? o Yea 7500 ft... Quick i think its gunna bee a good finish .. what the HeLLs BeLLs... LHF is squeekKing one ouT .. and maxXxWeLL is picking up the rear... we'LL be right back... BacoN -sTriP grab the ToileT PaPeR Lmao... FoLKs i THiNK LHF jusT had that movemenT he was TaLKing aBouT...ok !! BacoN -sTriP more toiLet PaPeR !! Hahaa .. we'LL be right back with the lasT 500 ft of KHAOS ITs guNNA be a RIOT staY TuNED for more results .. kK- poW !! ok TiME !! for some FaKe NeWS.. bucKLE uP !! unLockK !! join the new elevation !!... moRE FaKE neWS.. iTs the new eLeVaTioN TURBoooo for 2025.. kinda of a KooL name for a sled..HaHaa... GoTcHa !! okK LaZeR BeaM .. beam these guys back uP the mountain Ta 7500 ft ..still more ta come foLKS 21,511 vieWs.. later today we talk weight ta power ratio between LHF vs ski -doo turboo as LHF challenged THE MaTH..so NoW WE going to 9000 ft should be good .. she's geTTing Tight from both sides but more results to come later today ... thanKs a latte... act 1 scene 1 over
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
But that is not where the story ends. Even when you get to altitude where both sleds have equal power to weight you still have more weight with the Doo and that altitude also means less oxygen for the rider. Some say they don't feel the weight and the Doo rides lighter? That would be fine if you can honestly say you spend the entire day riding. We ride trees and steep grades and all of us take our turns getting stuck, some days it feels like it is the majority of the day. Are we all just poor riders? I think we are above average as we tend to be pulling a lot of skis for many that join our group. Again, as always, I say it all depends on your riding styles and terrain. For Maxy, he likes the meadows and open bowls and who gets stuck in those areas? Nobody should, and in that type of riding the Doo will shine, as will the 4 stroke turbo Yamaha. Can the Doo ride the trees? Absolutely and there are many guys who do it well. What I can't believe is guys on here solely base their opinion on which is a better sled by HP numbers at altitude. Doo has great engineering, fit and finish along with great innovations. These attributes are more impressive than the HP at elevation numbers to me.
ok sTud first at 3000 ft the Doo is still making 165 hp the Polaris hp drops down from 165 ta 146 .now THiNK ouTside ( how they both have same weight to power ratios of 2.83 ) smile !!. Hang on teth air.. put your.. oxXxYgeN mask on .. Spud is at the door with the bison steaks for mr maxXxWeLLs supper tonighT .. I'll be right back oK... okK I'm bacK.. secondLy u shouldn't really ride trees .. Environmental people may not like that .. LMaO... Jump back on a sled cause that's what u should be riding .. Huh eh !! CongraTs on steeP grades .. All I ever got was a bunch o F's .. Good thing my dad was scoTTisH he thought F stood for FuN .. So I GoTa LoTa a FuN Grades .. Lmao .. And me and my buds well we also took turns getting stuck .. I think her name was beTTy boobies she said one of the guys was above average.. So she told him he would have ta pull iT on his own and I don't think it was his skis .. Hey puLL your panTs up mister I'm a lady.. o woW !! now that's a HaaGas . Lmao .. O come on girl it was only 4 strokes .. HeY MaXy leTs geT outa here and head over ta the Private meadows here there's 3 ft a fresh .. What about teth - air and his crew .. Ahh they arn't allowed ta ride those trees in the meadows ..o yea those branches must hurT ta siT on ... Lmao !!! No no they have toilet bowls for seats .. What yea that's there style .. Each to his own I guess .. HeY O zone any chance that we could have Shepard's pie for supper tonight .. Ahh was gunna make bison steaks maXy .. But sure Shepard's pie iT is.... HeY teth - air can ya pass the HP sauce .. The what ozone ... The HP sauce cause it goes great with Shepard's pie .. O woW ozone that's good stuff .. Daa ya think I could come ride wit u guys in the private meadows and open areas at the Boulder - DoME .. Lets me asK mr MaxXxWeLL ... pass the HPsauce !!! ...lol .. HeYman this is mashed potatoes and HPsauce compared ta What's going on wiT LHF.. No worries .. iTs all good stuff .. Right maxXxY ahh yea ozone is this where the story ends .. Hmmm . Let's ask teth - Air .. beeP !! beeP !! Hey guYs I'm stuck on MY TREE agaiN... can ya pull on 1 of my branches .. o boy here we go again ... Smiley PanTs..!!! 21,212 vieWs HeYman does saP come from Trees ... Pass the maple syrup Please ...!!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
TowN council there Ya go the Legend has spoken .. Question is can we handle the truth .. Now that we caught the 1160 TorQuE monsTeR by the TaiLs ... how Doo we Put m back in his SheLL .. Or Doo we let m run free ta slaY a few old dragons.. Stay tuned fellow sledders ... LHF !!.. I'll be back ...Lmao .. JusT have ta pouR mr MaxXxWeLL his morning coFFee and make him some French toast with a side of smokey maple bacon and some fresh pineAPPLE flown in from Hawaii fiVe - O.... ALoHA !!! Mr maxXxWeLL looKs like we gunna need ta pull ouT the secreT weapon from Martin MoTorSPorTs.. o !! O !! K !! O ZoNE go inTo the garage.. Grab the 1 wiT the baker skid .. Now your talking I like that.. Word from the TowN CounciL... o HeYman LHF down ta 430 pounds .. MusTa chopped the salad added I little dressing and ok that KaRRoT Top is looKing a little Tighter ... MeowW !! Ok now let's talk about that PoWER ToP 1160 wiT a sTar fisH boTTom come on man it's late in the day u gunna pull a ring wiT 205 hp or u saving that ring for next years valentine s . O speaking of rings there s the door -beLL !! Yes I heaR Ya LHF... I'm jusT here ta crunch the numbers ... Be right bacK .. OkK !! o woW !! the race team from MarTiN MoToSPorTS is here... Nice worK mr maxXxWeLL .. and o zone please put the baker skid ski - Doo bacK in the !8 car garage.. yes mr maxXxWeL lol... ok uPoN further review the town council has bowed ouT... the race teams crunching the numbers and iTs gunna be TiGHT ta TaME... the LHF's NiNja TuRTLE 1160 poweRToP sTaRFisH BoTTom KaRRoT ToP ToRQuE monsTeR... No we're not talking about girlfriends/wives Lmao... ok bacK in a biT team marTiNs in the board rooM.. Gotta go serve tea n biscuiTs and o Yea pouTiNE winkK !! winkK !! hahaa.. LeTs see whaT happens .. bacK in a biT... also have ta peel fresh shrimp from the wesT coasT.. ta go with the 4 ounce bison TenderLoins...ehhh !! ok problem solved and u will like what the out comes will bee... o thaTs supper BeLL thaT jusT rang ..more info LaTer tonighT ... lol 21,450 vieWS... when the BeLL TRoLLES .. MeTaLLiCA would be proud... leT the rumouRs begin .. buckle uP the FaKE neWs is ReaL and iTs comin up the mounTain...ok in the YelloW corner and this is just a rumour... iTs a sTocK 2025 ski -Doo turboo 850.. and inn the black corner... HeLLs BeLLs.. AC/DC would be proud ... LHF's NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 poweRToP sTaRFisH BoTToM KaRRoT ToP ToRQuE monsTeR... DinG !! DiNG !! DiNG !!... and they starT from sea LeVeL.. and there oFF.. The stock ski -Doo 850 turboo geTs the HoLE shoT and jumps into the leed and picking uP the rear is LHF's NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 torque monsTeR... after a few thousand ft the LHF NiNJa TuRTLE pulls ahead...whaT the.. beeP !! beeP !! ... oK LeTS pull away from the action for a minute or 2 and compare ft pounds of TorQuE from gearing stand poinT... FaKE NeWS ... ok unLocK the FuTure... iTs now 2025...and ski - Doo has a bigger chain-case to accommodate a 55 gear... thanks for the TiP DyNaMO^JoE.. but now that we're in the fuTure stock gearing will be 21/55=2.61... with an option of a 19/55= 2.89 ratio.. wooT!! wooT !!... NoW leTs go back to the future.. o BoY... LeTs talK abouT LHF and his NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 torque monsTeRs ChainCaSE...weeoooo ! eh !!... back in the day a sTocK chain case size was only big enough for 21/51 max with a ratio of 2.42... now LHF the LeGend thaT he is... weLL he popped in a 19/51 so his ratio now is 2.68... ding ding ding...now unLockK the fuTure.. FaST forward ta 7000 ft.. o looKy.. the sTocK ski -Doo 850 turboo is now only 1 sled length behind... Good thing poweR ToP sTarfish BoTToM ToRQuE monsTeR goT a hair CuT... cause that KaRRoT ToP ainT blowing in the wind ta distract that sTocK ski doo 850 TuRBoo with 165 of compensating HP.. The resulTs of ft pounds of ToRQuE gearing will be reveled soon... oK now lets take a closer look at the ToRQuE numbers provided by LHF... LHF states 136 ft pounds of ToRQuE... weeooo !! ... 21500 views.. ok remember LHF Claims 136 ft pounds of ToRQuE... So the ski -Doo torque numbers will be based from 136 ft pounds of gearing ToRQuE.. KooL -AiD... lol... The race TeaM estimates LHF's gears in the ToRQuE monster sled to be 19/51=2.68... ok this part gets tough... slow read.. A ( 1 )... stock 2021 ski doo with 21/53=2.52 gears... so it has 119 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%... so LHF 136 -119 = 17 so yes LHF has 17 more ft pounds of gearing ToRQuE...beeP !! beeP !!... A ( 2 )... gear down opTion from ski -Doo 19/53=2.78 gears... so it has 139.4 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%........ so ski -Doo 139.4 -136 = 3.4.. so yes ski -Doo has 3.4 more ft pounds of gearing torque... wooT !! wooT !!... NoW FaKE neWs unLocK the FuTure .....( B ) 1... the stock 2025 ski doo 850 with 21/55=2.61 gears...so it has 122 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%... so LHF 136-122= 14... so yes LHF has 14 more ft pounds of gearing torque... beeP !! beeP !!... more FaKE neWs... B ( 2 ) gear down option 19/55 for stock 2025 ski Doo 850 so 19/55 gearing has 141.5 + - 1% of ft pounds of gearing torque... wooT !! wooT !!... so yes ski Doo 141.5- 136 = 5.5 more ft pounds of gearing torque ...wooT !! wooT !!... so in conclusion with regards to ft pounds of gearing torque... ski -Doo vs LHF... The 21/53 was removed and the A ( 2 ) 19/53 was put iNN making 139.4 ft pounds of gearing torque for the ski -Doo and LHF with 19/51 making 136 ft pounds of gearing toque... so 139.4 - 136 =3.4 MoRE ft pounds of ToRQuE for the ski -Doo so LHF is O in 1 on ToRQuE ski -Doo for the WiN... wooT !! wooT !! good work race team CLaP !! CLaP !! ... FaKE NeWs...O ZoNE no need ta puLL the sTocK 2025 ski -Doo TURBoo ouTa the garage wooT !! wooT !!...okK lets get back ta the action... o BoY are these guYs good there already heading for 8000 ft... o woW !! we'LL be right back for the final resuLTs abouT elevation at 8000 ft and BeYond... ALoHA !!... intermission... lol please go back reread torque numbers i give u guys a chance to catch up ...CoN -YacK !!!...mr maxXxweLL for u and the race Team... o and leT me clean uP thaT pounTine... YacK -A- Tea - Yackk !! ... don't talk backk !!... oh and would u LiKe a snifter of heated grand mariner to go wiT your CoN-YackK !!... sounds good o ZoNE and how bout LHF what r u drinking.. huh!!... ahhh !!... i'll have a... SaS -PeR- YeLL - aahhh !!!... sounds good .. o we have a small piece of BuMBLE Beee pie left to go wiT thaT drinK... beeP !! beeP !!... for those abouT ta RiDE we salute u... AC/DC would be proud... and now bacK to the big race.. kK -BooM !! what was that ??... HoLy BaLLs Ta the WaLL !!.. LHF is sTucK in the FuTuRE.. at what elevation are we aT ??? o Yea 7500 ft... Quick i think its gunna bee a good finish .. what the HeLLs BeLLs... LHF is squeekKing one ouT .. and maxXxWeLL is picking up the rear... we'LL be right back... BacoN -sTriP grab the ToileT PaPeR Lmao... FoLKs i THiNK LHF jusT had that movemenT he was TaLKing aBouT...ok !! BacoN -sTriP more toiLet PaPeR !! Hahaa .. we'LL be right back with the lasT 500 ft of KHAOS ITs GuNNa be a RIOT staY TuNed for more results .. kK- poW !! now TiME !! for some FaKe !! NeWS.. bucKLE uP !! unLockK !! and join the new elevation !!... moRE FaKE !! neWS.. iTs the new eLeVaTioN TURBoooo for 2025.. kinda of a KooL name for a sled..HaHaa... GoTcHa !! okK LaZeR BeaM .. beam these guys back uP the mountain Ta 7500 ft ..still more ta come foLKS 21,511 vieWs.. later today we talk weight ta power ratio between LHF vs ski -doo turboo as LHF challenged THE MaTH..so NoW WE going to 9000 ft should be good .. she's geTTing Tight from both sides but more results to come later today ... thanKs a latte... acT 1 scene 1 over
oK acT 1 scene 2 begiNs in a biT...lol... LHF jusT on lunch... o ZoNE has the MonTreaL smoKed meaT with coleslaw arrived YeT from the famous BeNs deli in monTreaL ... the GuYs are geTTing hungry... Tahber - NackK !!... ahh !!... mr maxXxWeLL leT me go cheK.. be righT bacK !! HaHaa !!
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Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Spruce Grove
TowN council there Ya go the Legend has spoken .. Question is can we handle the truth .. Now that we caught the 1160 TorQuE monsTeR by the TaiLs ... how Doo we Put m back in his SheLL .. Or Doo we let m run free ta slaY a few old dragons.. Stay tuned fellow sledders ... LHF !!.. I'll be back ...Lmao .. JusT have ta pouR mr MaxXxWeLL his morning coFFee and make him some French toast with a side of smokey maple bacon and some fresh pineAPPLE flown in from Hawaii fiVe - O.... ALoHA !!! Mr maxXxWeLL looKs like we gunna need ta pull ouT the secreT weapon from Martin MoTorSPorTs.. o !! O !! K !! O ZoNE go inTo the garage.. Grab the 1 wiT the baker skid .. Now your talking I like that.. Word from the TowN CounciL... o HeYman LHF down ta 430 pounds .. MusTa chopped the salad added I little dressing and ok that KaRRoT Top is looKing a little Tighter ... MeowW !! Ok now let's talk about that PoWER ToP 1160 wiT a sTar fisH boTTom come on man it's late in the day u gunna pull a ring wiT 205 hp or u saving that ring for next years valentine s . O speaking of rings there s the door -beLL !! Yes I heaR Ya LHF... I'm jusT here ta crunch the numbers ... Be right bacK .. OkK !! o woW !! the race team from MarTiN MoToSPorTS is here... Nice worK mr maxXxWeLL .. and o zone please put the baker skid ski - Doo bacK in the !8 car garage.. yes mr maxXxWeL lol... ok uPoN further review the town council has bowed ouT... the race teams crunching the numbers and iTs gunna be TiGHT ta TaME... the LHF's NiNja TuRTLE 1160 poweRToP sTaRFisH BoTTom KaRRoT ToP ToRQuE monsTeR... No we're not talking about girlfriends/wives Lmao... ok bacK in a biT team marTiNs in the board rooM.. Gotta go serve tea n biscuiTs and o Yea pouTiNE winkK !! winkK !! hahaa.. LeTs see whaT happens .. bacK in a biT... also have ta peel fresh shrimp from the wesT coasT.. ta go with the 4 ounce bison TenderLoins...ehhh !! ok problem solved and u will like what the out comes will bee... o thaTs supper BeLL thaT jusT rang ..more info LaTer tonighT ... lol 21,450 vieWS... when the BeLL TRoLLES .. MeTaLLiCA would be proud... leT the rumouRs begin .. buckle uP the FaKE neWs is ReaL and iTs comin up the mounTain...ok in the YelloW corner and this is just a rumour... iTs a sTocK 2025 ski -Doo turboo 850.. and inn the black corner... HeLLs BeLLs.. AC/DC would be proud ... LHF's NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 poweRToP sTaRFisH BoTToM KaRRoT ToP ToRQuE monsTeR... DinG !! DiNG !! DiNG !!... and they starT from sea LeVeL.. and there oFF.. The stock ski -Doo 850 turboo geTs the HoLE shoT and jumps into the leed and picking uP the rear is LHF's NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 torque monsTeR... after a few thousand ft the LHF NiNJa TuRTLE pulls ahead...whaT the.. beeP !! beeP !! ... oK LeTS pull away from the action for a minute or 2 and compare ft pounds of TorQuE from gearing stand poinT... FaKE NeWS ... ok unLocK the FuTure... iTs now 2025...and ski - Doo has a bigger chain-case to accommodate a 55 gear... thanks for the TiP DyNaMO^JoE.. but now that we're in the fuTure stock gearing will be 21/55=2.61... with an option of a 19/55= 2.89 ratio.. wooT!! wooT !!... NoW leTs go back to the future.. o BoY... LeTs talK abouT LHF and his NiNJa TuRTLE 1160 torque monsTeRs ChainCaSE...weeoooo ! eh !!... back in the day a sTocK chain case size was only big enough for 21/51 max with a ratio of 2.42... now LHF the LeGend thaT he is... weLL he popped in a 19/51 so his ratio now is 2.68... ding ding ding...now unLockK the fuTure.. FaST forward ta 7000 ft.. o looKy.. the sTocK ski -Doo 850 turboo is now only 1 sled length behind... Good thing poweR ToP sTarfish BoTToM ToRQuE monsTeR goT a hair CuT... cause that KaRRoT ToP ainT blowing in the wind ta distract that sTocK ski doo 850 TuRBoo with 165 of compensating HP.. The resulTs of ft pounds of ToRQuE gearing will be reveled soon... oK now lets take a closer look at the ToRQuE numbers provided by LHF... LHF states 136 ft pounds of ToRQuE... weeooo !! ... 21500 views.. ok remember LHF Claims 136 ft pounds of ToRQuE... So the ski -Doo torque numbers will be based from 136 ft pounds of gearing ToRQuE.. KooL -AiD... lol... The race TeaM estimates LHF's gears in the ToRQuE monster sled to be 19/51=2.68... ok this part gets tough... slow read.. A ( 1 )... stock 2021 ski doo with 21/53=2.52 gears... so it has 119 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%... so LHF 136 -119 = 17 so yes LHF has 17 more ft pounds of gearing ToRQuE...beeP !! beeP !!... A ( 2 )... gear down opTion from ski -Doo 19/53=2.78 gears... so it has 139.4 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%........ so ski -Doo 139.4 -136 = 3.4.. so yes ski -Doo has 3.4 more ft pounds of gearing torque... wooT !! wooT !!... NoW FaKE neWs unLocK the FuTure .....( B ) 1... the stock 2025 ski doo 850 with 21/55=2.61 gears...so it has 122 ft pounds of gearing torque + - 1%... so LHF 136-122= 14... so yes LHF has 14 more ft pounds of gearing torque... beeP !! beeP !!... more FaKE neWs... B ( 2 ) gear down option 19/55 for stock 2025 ski Doo 850 so 19/55 gearing has 141.5 + - 1% of ft pounds of gearing torque... wooT !! wooT !!... so yes ski Doo 141.5- 136 = 5.5 more ft pounds of gearing torque ...wooT !! wooT !!... so in conclusion with regards to ft pounds of gearing torque... ski -Doo vs LHF... The 21/53 was removed and the A ( 2 ) 19/53 was put iNN making 139.4 ft pounds of gearing torque for the ski -Doo and LHF with 19/51 making 136 ft pounds of gearing toque... so 139.4 - 136 =3.4 MoRE ft pounds of ToRQuE for the ski -Doo so LHF is O in 1 on ToRQuE ski -Doo for the WiN... wooT !! wooT !! good work race team CLaP !! CLaP !! ... FaKE NeWs...O ZoNE no need ta puLL the sTocK 2025 ski -Doo TURBoo ouTa the garage wooT !! wooT !!...okK lets get back ta the action... o BoY are these guYs good there already heading for 8000 ft... o woW !! we'LL be right back for the final resuLTs abouT elevation at 8000 ft and BeYond... ALoHA !!... intermission... lol please go back reread torque numbers i give u guys a chance to catch up ...CoN -YacK !!!...mr maxXxweLL for u and the race Team... o and leT me clean uP thaT pounTine... YacK -A- Tea - Yackk !! ... don't talk backk !!... oh and would u LiKe a snifter of heated grand mariner to go wiT your CoN-YackK !!... sounds good o ZoNE and how bout LHF what r u drinking.. huh!!... ahhh !!... i'll have a... SaS -PeR- YeLL - aahhh !!!... sounds good .. o we have a small piece of BuMBLE Beee pie left to go wiT thaT drinK... beeP !! beeP !!... for those abouT ta RiDE we salute u... AC/DC would be proud... and now bacK to the big race.. kK -BooM !! what was that ??... HoLy BaLLs Ta the WaLL !!.. LHF is sTucK in the FuTuRE.. at what elevation are we aT ??? o Yea 8000 ft... Quick i think its gunna bee a good finish .. what the HeLLs BeLLs... LHF is squeekKing one ouT .. and maxXxWeLL is picking up the rear... we'LL be right back... BacoN -sTriP grab the ToileT PaPeR Lmao... FoLKs i THiNK LHF jusT had that movemenT he was TaLKing aBouT...ok !! BacoN -sTriP more toiLet PaPeR !! Hahaa .. we'LL be right back with the lasT 1000ft of KHAOS ITs guNNA be a RIOT staY TuNED for more results .. kK- poW !! FaKe NeWS.. bucKLE uP join the new elevation !!... moRE FaKE neWS.. iTs the new eLeVaTioN TURBoooo for 2025.. kinda of a KooL name for a sled..HaHaa... GoTcHa !! okK LaZeR BeaM .. beam these guys back uP the mountain Ta 8000 ft ..still more ta come foLKS 21,511 vieWs.. later today we talk weight ta power ratio between LHF vs ski -doo turboo as LHF challenged THE MaTH..so NoW WE going to 9000 ft should be good .. she's geTTing Tight from both sides but more results to come later today ... thanKs a latte... act 1 scene 1 over

I guess I should tell you I'm geared 1.88. That equates to up the hill fast.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
I guess I should tell you I'm geared 1.88. That equates to up the hill fast.
noW youR TaLKing ta me.. i LiKe ThaT... only means that with that gearing 1.88 u will run outa HP from both ends (moToR n GeaRing ) on THaT 2 sTroke at around 7000 Ft .. remember we are racing from sea level to 9000 ft .. but heY .. good ta see your sTucK in the FuTuRe ... extra mustard for that MonTReaL SmoKed MeaT sandWicH mr maxXxWeLL ... yes Please o ZoNE.. LHF your CoLE slaW is waiting !! don't worry it won't geT HoT !!. wooT !! wooT !! LHF meeT Ya uP in The O ZoNE .. HeYman thats just below the SuN and the MooN .. kK - powwWW !! from there we go to the MaRs BaR convenTion !! HeY maxXxWeLL !! HoTsaucE !! i THiNkK Ya beTTeR change GeaRs !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I am 1.90 on my ol'tnytro, it goes uphill really fast also, loads the chit out of that turbo and makes her pull hard
nice part about a 4 stroke and a turboo is that it will MAINTAIN HP longer and drive ft pounds of torque .. Because it is compensating for eleVaTioN... PounTine Clode that sounds french.. TahbeR - NackK ozone !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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oK acT 1 scene 2 begiNs in a biT...lol... LHF jusT on lunch... o ZoNE has the MonTreaL smoKed meaT with coleslaw arrived YeT from the famous BeNs deli in monTreaL ... the GuYs are geTTing hungry... Tahber - NackK !!... ahh !!... mr maxXxWeLL leT me go cheK.. be righT bacK !! HaHaa !! ok TimE for a NaP !! before the show goes on
where did the check -MaTe Flag go. or was iT the chinese checkKeRs Flag !! spin the wheeL of ForTune cooKies !! LHF... Lmao
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Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Spruce Grove
noW youR TaLKing ta me.. i LiKe ThaT... only means that with that gearing 1.88 u will run outa HP from both ends (moToR n GeaRing ) on THaT 2 sTroke at around 7000 Ft .. remember we are racing from sea level to 9000 ft .. but heY .. good ta see your sTucK in the FuTuRe ... extra mustard for that montreal smoked meet sandwich mr maxXxWeLL ... yes Please o ZoNE.. LHF your cole slaw is waiting !! don't worry it won't geT HoT !!. wooT !! wooT !!

It is geared that way for a reason. I gear it even taller for snow mow days. 96 mph in 660 ft.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
I guess I should tell you I'm geared 1.88. That equates to up the hill fast.
ok LHF i crunched the numbers about your statement about136 ft pounds of torque and 1.88 gearing 22/41 = 1.86...thats all i could find ??.. no worries !! The ski - Doo turboo would now have 164.5 ft pounds of gearing torque compared to your 136... so 28.5 ft pounds of more gearing torque for the ski - Doo TuRBoo... So YeS at SEA- LeVeL the ski -Doo TuRBoo would get the hoLe shoT .. BuT then the LHF TuRTLE ToRQuE monsTeR would have the lead unTiLL u gots too abouT 4 To 55oo ft and after that .. weLL it would be BackK to the FuTure !! lol .. keep in mind i swapped the ski doo gears to 19/53 = 2.78.. but even with the stock ski -Doo TuRBoo gearing.. 21/53 = 2.52... the race would be over at about 6000 to 7000 ft... o mr MaxXxWeLL for desserT we has monTreaL chocolaTe ecLaiRs or TaRa - Miss -U... LMao !! sounds good O ZoNE !! checkKk post #448 aboVe for further explanation .. about 2 strokes wiT no turboo !! KooL -AiD anY BoDy.. orange with a blend of BLuE for me PLease !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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oK acT 1 scene 2 begiNs in a biT...lol... LHF jusT on lunch... o ZoNE has the MonTreaL smoKed meaT with coleslaw arrived YeT from the famous BeNs deli in monTreaL ... the GuYs are geTTing hungry... Tahber - NackK !!... ahh !!... mr maxXxWeLL leT me go cheK.. be righT bacK !! HaHaa !!
oK leTs see how LHF 430/205 HP vs Ski Turboo 468/165 compensating HP in regards to from sea level to 8000 ft and 9000 ft respectively.. race Team is in the board room crunching numbers should have results in a biT ... un buckle go grab a cold one ... yes mr maxXxWeLL .. be RiGHT BacK.. winK !! winkK !! LHF hows that Sass -PeR -eLLa working for Ya !! more ice !! o zone !! no worries !!
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Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Spruce Grove
oK leTs see how LHF 430/205 HP vs Ski Turboo 468/165 compensating HP in regards to from sea level to 8000 ft and 9000 ft respectively.. race Team is in the board room crunching numbers should have results in a biT ... un buckle go grab a cold one ... yes mr maxXxWeLL .. be RiGHT BacK.. winK !! winkK !! LHF hows that Sass -PeR -eLLa working for Ya !! more ice !! o zone !! no worries !!

I could be wrong but I think the Doo stops maintaining power at a certain point. Who the **** want's to ride at 9000 ft? What the phuck is gearing torque?

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I could be wrong but I think the Doo stops maintaining power at a certain point. Who the **** want's to ride at 9000 ft? What the phuck is gearing torque?
mY old PaPi pulled ouT encyclopedia britannica about gearing ToRQuE... thought we would start their for ToRquE... theiR maybe motor hp ToRQuE... as per thread #455.. BeLT ToRQuE ( stop ).. continue: buT PaPi is sleeping.. lol.. as it stand yes ski - Doo has the settings set for 8000 ft... but if u add another 1000ft and go to 9000 ft... then stock motor makes 121hp from 125 hp at 8000 ft....so add .5 of boost .. now leTs crunch the numbers...so now size 8hp turboo wit size 5 or 5.5 housing... then turn up the boost to 5.5 psi from 5 psi.. these new turboo settings are sTiLL within volumetric efficiency standards set by gaRReTT 8/5.5 = 1.4545 ratio... standard being 1.6 ratio... so now 8 x 5.5 = 44 of turboo compensating HP.. so now combine all variables ... stock 850 moTor 121hp + 44 turboo compensating HP at 9000 ft totals 121hp +44 hp = 165 hp and that 165 hp is sTiLL WiTHiN the parameters seT bY manufactures for warranty... LHF I'm an ALiEN that used to live in the o ZoNE layer... I'm just trying ta geT HoME and E -T couldn't help me !!l lol.. so 9000 ft is a good start, from there, capt KirK can beam me bacK inTa the o ZoNE!!... for 1000 biTcoiNs !!! eh maxXxWeLL whats bit coin trading at to todaY... LMAO !!... HeYman LHF can Ya pass the ToRQuE Wrench.. HoTsaucE !!! HaHaaa !! o HeYman LHF in mexXxico my PaPi saYs they have a DrinK their caLLed... TORQ - KeY - Laa - sunRiSE..HiC - uP !! HiC -uP !! maxXxWeLL pouR - Fa -VoR.. pass - ouT the salt n LiMES ... HoLA !! lmao
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Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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Gearing torque may be usable for gear transmissions but for belt drives this won't work, there is an undetermined rate of slippage through a snowmobiles clutches. A better clutched lower HP snowmobile will have more usable torque than a poorly clutched high HP sled.


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2008
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I could be wrong but I think the Doo stops maintaining power at a certain point. Who the **** want's to ride at 9000 ft? What the phuck is gearing torque?
Better question is who the phuck is actually reading ozone's posts? Are ya'll not simply skipping to the next normal readable post?


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Cockring, AB
Better question is who the phuck is actually reading ozone's posts? Are ya'll not simply skipping to the next normal readable post?

I went one step further...works fawking awesome!


o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Better question is who the phuck is actually reading ozone's posts? Are ya'll not simply skipping to the next normal readable post?
o ITs u agaiN .. o boY here we go.. whY u think youR sucH a CracKeR .. o k bOYs grab some tomato soup .. this could be good ... naw LeT this one go ... WhY .. cause if Ya donT eaT youR souP u can' T have anY CRacKeRs.. weLL noT only canT dgiles read ozones posTs .. he wouldn't comprehend Them ... from eating to manY crackers.. and my PaPi always said if u eat to maNy CracKeRS wit you tomatoes soup .. weLL your guNNa turn into a Cracker eh dgiles .. so i stick with the CraCKeR jacKS ... and u sTicK wit the CracKeRs u dgiles .. and neither one of us becomes a cracKeR head.. beeP !! beeP!! now go beaT iT... micheaL jackson would be proud ..lmao BiLLy jeaN !! hoLa !!wank !! wanK !! wankKK - heR !!... honk !! honK !! honkKK -eR !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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hello whaTs a happening .. beeP !! beeP !! Piston broke ..noW youR TaLing Ta me... i LiKe the WaY u THiNK .. u can THInK can U .. or did a frend help u find those BuTToNS .. beeP !! beeP !! asking for your 12th Teacher while your still in grade 12... HaHaa... why r u sTiLL in grade 12 when your eligible for your pension ...lol o ITs not abouT youR age when your sTiLL in SchOOL.. SiLLy me ... HoT foR teaCher .. david lee RoTH would be Proud>> Running wiT the DeViL .. BaNG !! BaNG !! kK -poW !! MeeoOWW !! 22,311 vieWs

View attachment 232807[/QUOTE]
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Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2015
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Kanedog 2015-2019, thanks for the good times S&M!
Better question is who the phuck is actually reading ozone's posts? Are ya'll not simply skipping to the next normal readable post?
I like checking out Ozone’s posts and deciphering his sled experience and zones he rides in. Ozone’s zones! Ozone has some deep and experienced knowledge if you read between the lines. Dude got sled cred!
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