Hey Maxwell!


Active VIP Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Stony Plain
Have to wait, couldn’t really find the right terrain this weekend that wasn’t beat up to do any testing. And one of the machines had a minor technical
Difficulty. So we just rode lol

Yeah but...... you know maxy.


Active VIP Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Stony Plain
I believe Chrisco or one of his group has tried the cat power claw track and found that it did not work so well for their set up.
The power claw was a great track NA but under boost it did not work, The power claw in the Alpha is 3.5 pitch and could be a different story but can not be run twin rail. The skidoo 165 or 175 3.5 pitch is the best traction track I have ever had on a sled to date. It hooked so well it dropped my RPM by 350 just from the load. There is no factory turbo Skidoo 175 or 165 that will out climb my 850 with the same weight rider I simply have more power because I can run 6 to 7 pounds on pump gas. Next time out Bens sled will be working better with a new track the Russian track didn’t pan out.
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Active member
Nov 21, 2012
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almost had to take luke to the train station. Glad to see its fixed



o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Have to wait, couldn’t really find the right terrain this weekend that wasn’t beat up to do any testing. And one of the machines had a minor technical
Difficulty. So we just rode lol
o HeY mr MaxXxWeLL... iTs O ZoNE Here .. I've been outa TowN riding ... Did I miss anything ... I sure hope all the LiTTLE WaNKeRs have been PlaYing NiCE ...woW !! with it been this cold a cup a coFFee with a cup a noodles sure feeLs good... Speaking abouT Noodles.. My buddies riding Polaris both broke their recoils... must a been to cold and the 3rd guy his chain case adjustment thing inside the chain case grenaded o Yea and the 4th Polaris KhaoS the guy went through 4 spark plugs cause the motor kept fouling ... I didn't believe it till I seen iT .. Try and picture a ski- doo towing 4 Polaris home that a LoTa toW rope ... HeYman can some one pass me a Christie cooKie ... MY goodness !!
O weLL after all they a year old .. ALoha !!
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Active VIP Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
This is great advice
I’m gona have to say it for all that can’t or won’t on here, don’t like ski doo
it’s like....spit in a Kleenex in a French mans pocket
And I call false valor on maxunwel
he has no cool vids of any epic ride or info that Evan makes sense unless it’s about HIS brp doo that’s the best for just him lol
witch is very one sided with no real good info and calls everything else a fad
I’m kinda sick of it really, lol
as for the Polaris infomercials brp has None!! except that Karl musterd guy in sickamousse

put ur long dixk money in ur mouth or build a real sled with it max u know u want to....maybe next year

This has got to be Ozone writing this for ya?

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
This has got to be Ozone writing this for ya?
did .....MarKCos Come down with a case of the oZoNEs .. Lmao ... WeLL maYbe wiT a feW more capiTaLs ... He would then be comin down with ...DYsGraPhia .. Please google ..... beeP !! beeP !!! But HeYman he's sTiLL learning ..lol
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Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2011
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U guys finally called this thread for what it really is.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
U guys finally called this thread for what it really is.
guess that maKes u... QueeN of the PacK ... FreDDy MeRcurY would be Proud ... Queen s of a Stone Age !! kK- BooM babe !! Lol... your noT a biT of a wankKeR !!..Huh !!.. LiKe Rhodesie...eh !!..wankK !! wankK !! beT u neveR beeN CauGHT while FisHing... Huh !! of course noT .. he has the besT hiding spoT ouT there... whaT !!.. yea thaTs the word on the streeT.. and his old LaDys oK wiT thaT .. whaT !! HoTSauCE !!! lmao.. Pee Wee HeRMaN would be proud !!.. HeYman didn't Pee Wee HerMaN geT CaughT wankKiN iNN a MoViE TheaTre.. Yea i THiNK he was watching a bunch a GaY guYs on BiKes ( ChiPs ) while eaTing BuTTeReD PoPcorN wiT a hole cuTouT, iNN the boTToM of the BuTTeReD PoPcorN BoxXx!!.. WHaT THE HeLL !!... shhh MarKCos don't teLL RhoDesie wouldn't want him getting anymore secreT wankKin sPoTs or iDeas lmao.. OrVaL ReD - iNN - BoC - HeR would be Proud... popP !! popP !! popP.. hahahaha.. can some one pass the cheeses.. ALoHA !! wankKeRs !! O by the way that video was GaYeR then a 3 doLLar BiLL .. buT youR pocKeTs musT be FuLL oF THeM .. mY god were these guys auditioning for the RoaD warrior .. whaT a bunch of LuMPRiDeRS... oinkK !! oinkK !! lmao
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
if time is so limited when do you have time to test all these machines? obviously you ride all makes and models all the time to back up your claims.
and for the clown who jerks off to the fact that he stays in a million dollar log home in vale, good for you. happy masturbating! i'm sure he bought it himself, lol.
HeYmaN i herd youR quite the fisherMaN.. word on the street is youR a master - BaiTeR cause youR the onLY 1 who can puT youR BaiT on the HooK -eRs... Rhodesie R U MasTer - BaiTing on the HooK -eRs agaiN... canT Ya jusT waiT till Ya GeT HoME and GiVE youR old LaDy some of thaT BaBy - BaTTeR.. HoNeY did u wanT FisH n ChiPs again ?? .. oK hun did u need another Load of mY BaBy - BaTTeR... o Rhodesie u HaD me aT TaRTeR SAuCE... a HoY!! caPT Rhodesie haVe Ya eVeR BeeN swallowed uP by the SEA.. MaN ??.. Yes CaPT MarKCos i've swallowed the SEA - MeN.... MY GoD !! .. WhAT THE !!.. No No Rhodesie i SAID haVe ya ever been swallowed up by the SEA... MaN... LMAO ... WicKeD TuNa would be ProuD... HeYman Rhodesie youR breath STiNKs LiKe TuNa .. here try a TiC Tac !! Lmao !!... mr MaxXxWeLL hows youR iTaLian CoFFee this fine morning.. o buy the waY luv youR por- shh - ee... honkK !! honkK !! sleds r loaded time ta RiDE and bash some poW on the fastest factorY 2 stroKe 850 TuRBooo ski - Doo in the wesT... kK - poW !! poW!!... CLowNs ta the LeFT... joKeRs ta the RiGHT...iTs all comic BooKs and BuBBLE GuM !! ...HoTSauce !!! 20,019 vieWs LHF... LoL
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