Copy and paste the story, should be a good read. waiting patiently thanks
Copy and paste the story, should be a good read. waiting patiently thanks
I deleted the link and added the stories from Teeroy and Crashnburn. Hopefully Teeroy will post the pic's.
I'll try and post a link but it may get deleted or may not work.
don't have the whole story yet, but while elk hunting along the Wapiti river, a pack of wolves stalked crash and his buddy to the point they feared for their safety....very rarely does a human see a lone wolf, let alone a pack....when you see a pack of them, they are on a mission. Shano made sure their mission was incompleted by shooting 4 of the 5 wolves....the dog was not with them when the encounter occurred so the pack wasn't after the dog......
What Teeroy said is right , I found out after the the wolves had an Elk kill about 150 meters on the other side of us. We were right in between the wolves and their breakfast! I shot the first one just moments after they spotted us and started coming towards us. That was about 80 meters. The other 4 wolves by then were on a dead run at us and I shot the next 2 at 40 meters and my partner shot the 4th one right there as well. The 5th one took off into the bush as we were on the shore of the river. It was an unreal feeling of excited and scared chitless all in less than half a minute. This wasn't against the law either I was in possession of a Alberta Wildlife Certificate and Big game License.
Was hoping for a story with a less tragic ending, but thanks anyway.
What do you mean by "less tragic ending"??
You do know wolves not only kill for food but also for fun right.
This past fall in zone 352 north side of the Berlind river my wife's uncle and I came across an elk kill that was about a day old and the wolves hadn't eaten any of it. The ravens, magpies and a coyote were the only thing there when we came upon it.
A few Photos of Kendo's Bison Hunt early Dec near Pink Mtn B.C. with BAD ASS and Sled Ed
No it's not bloated, thats about 10 minutes after the shot. Just a nice big fat cow, 500 lbs of meatNice goin... congrats, but...ummmmmm... is it bloated up real bad, pregnant with a cool dozen, or just plain fat?? Man that thing is round!! Love gettin the guts in the face when their bloated...
No its not hard huntiong Buffalo, it was just hard to find them, Saw lots of other fellows but no one seen or had there be some good eatin' for the course of a year. Is it hard hunting them critters??