So if the box is on a timer and that only services one plug (separate circuit), how big a problem is it when the timer is off or when the circuit is off?
So if the box is on a timer and that only services one plug (separate circuit), how big a problem is it when the timer is off or when the circuit is off?
So if the box is on a timer and that only services one plug (separate circuit), how big a problem is it when the timer is off or when the circuit is off?
It’s not a problem until it is. As long as no one else unplugs it any grab the energized end. All I recommend is don’t lend that cheater cord to anyone.So if the box is on a timer and that only services one plug (separate circuit), how big a problem is it when the timer is off or when the circuit is off?
I get your point Ken. No offence taken.Not the point. How big a problem is it when the circuit is on and somebody that doesn't know what you've done pulls it apart and touches the energized male plug. In fact maybe ask your insurance company what your liability risk is if that happens, not to mention having to live with killing someone. Don't mean to trash you Doug, but this is just plain dangerous.
Geese a little 120 volt zap just puts a little pep in your step!
I thought you old school sparkys just used your fingers instead of those pussy tick tester thingys!
I’ve been hit with more juice than a 110 plug in will give you, it hurt don’t get me wrong but I doubt it will kill you, it’s gonna hurt and burn you for sure . Only way I see it killing someone is if they were way up on a ladder and fell because of the electrocution and broke their neck or smashed their head
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WrongI’ve been hit with more juice than a 110 plug in will give you, it hurt don’t get me wrong but I doubt it will kill you, it’s gonna hurt and burn you for sure . Only way I see it killing someone is if they were way up on a ladder and fell because of the electrocution and broke their neck or smashed their head
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Who’s ever heard the expression. “There are Old Pilots and there are Bold Pilots, but there are no Old Bold Pilots”? Well the same can be said about electricians.Those guys don't get to be old.
Well I know I’ve been lit up by a good blast of DC power, enough to blow the battery up with my hands on the booster cables clamped onto it. I also know that sticking a fork in a plug in didn’t kill me, did that when I was 5-6 years old. Hell my mom didn’t even find out about that one. The beating I would have got for wrecking a plug in at our rental 4 plex on no baby daddy lane would have been more painful than the zap for sure. I’m sure you can die but it’s definitely not a guarantee or even super common
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Don’t laugh. I fell in my shop the other day pulling that crazy chit. lol