Wow! So let's put it on the internet and bash them!!! I've had nothing but awesome service there! Even made me a bowl of homemade soup when I was there! Maybe there's more going on in there life then you realize an caught her on a very bad day!
Frick all you people so anxious to bash business on the internet!!! Makes me sick.
If u didn't like the service then keep it to yourself! I've bought 2 trailers there. They gave me a spare tire, gave my extra spare lights, helped me strap down my quad, drew me a map and directions on where to go in westlock to fin registries so I could get a plate. Absolutely terrible people I tell ya!!! FML
i bought 2 trailers there too, great service.even a yr later when the jack seized up. they sent me new one. looking for a longer car hauler now. my 16 isnt quite long enough. but cant find em on internet anymore, wonder if out of business.