I have a 2015 600 RMK 144 and I've only put about 22 hours on it when it started idling really high. Instead if 1700 its now at 3900. I was wondering if anyone knew what the problem is and if so how do i fix it?
This might sound ridiculous but rule out the simple stuff first such as making sure no ice /snow is packed in behind the throttle stop. This actually happened to me on a brand new T3 last weekend. Was idling at 4000 and I couldn't see anything built up behind the throttle but sure enough, there was ice there.
Also check your intake to the throttle bodies are tight and not pulling in air.
Make sure there is no binding on on your throttle cable somewhere. Does it idle high when the bars are turned in all directions?
Do you have access to a warm shop to let it dry out for a night?
Thanks a lot. I'll get it into a shop to warm up. It idles at about 4000 wherever the handelbars are pointed.my knowledge is limited on theese so I wouldent know how to check the throttle bodies. Great advice though.