Hi there,
I stumbled across your site by looking on line for some new updated pictures of Silent Pass as I am quite excited to get out there this year. I got a new sled and am really looking forward to riding it. It's a '08 F5 cat and my husband rides a '03 F7 cat. The last time we were out was April and we went to Hobo Creek. The trail was really rough. We usually ride behind our cabin but there wasn't enough snow that weekend. I am wondering how the snow is up there now? Or do you have do go up to Silent Pass?
I stumbled across your site by looking on line for some new updated pictures of Silent Pass as I am quite excited to get out there this year. I got a new sled and am really looking forward to riding it. It's a '08 F5 cat and my husband rides a '03 F7 cat. The last time we were out was April and we went to Hobo Creek. The trail was really rough. We usually ride behind our cabin but there wasn't enough snow that weekend. I am wondering how the snow is up there now? Or do you have do go up to Silent Pass?