French Speaking 1st At Opening Ceremonies


Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2009
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Grande Prairie
Don't want to piss off anyone here, but I like to tell everyone I'm french Canadian and did watch it on TSN and it never came to my mind to pay attension what language they used first. But I'm sure it did to many.

I beleived we should be proud of our atletes and all the volonters that work there. So what they used French or English first, we are Canadian and pround to be no ?


I agree,.. but why do some of the french always expect to be recognized or put on a statue or feel everyone someone owes them something,.. mainly speaking of the Quebec government they have and never will change.


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Leduc alberta
when will all this french crap quit, probably when we (English) stop sending them money every time they squawk. stop the stupid equalization payments and let them find there own way. why do the majority have to put up with the BS of a few, cut the cord and let them sink or swim.

X2....The best thing that ever came out of Quebec was an empty bus.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
What I find interesting is how so many keep blaming the "people" of Quebec. I think if you spent any time there you would realize the vast majority are not as they are often made out to be. Please keep in mind that there is a small group of VERY loud seperatists in Quebec who are mostly in Government. They have an agenda and the louder they scream, the more money that gets thrown at them. Both the Federal Liberala and Federal Conservatives realize that the population of Quebec is large enough to decide and election. By throwing money at these "lobbyists" they can keep them quite and/or buy votes. The Federal Liberals (note: Federal, not Provincial) are notorius for this. Remember the ad campaign scandal.

I don't hink it's right to blame the people of Quebec, I think it is correct to balme the seperatists and blame our Federal Government parties who do a great job of making us THINK it's the people of Quebec complaining. Our Federal Government parties whom continue to secretly buy the Quebec vote.

I would also like to state that there are many, many French Canadians in Canada and here in Alberta that are not Quebecois. My relatives had a homestead along the St. Lawrence. They droped everything and moved out West for the dream of endless farmland and a new life. We consider ourselves Western French Canadians/Metis. As you are all aware, there are many French communities in this province with no ties whatsoever to Quebec.

Based on our history, I think having 2 official languages is pretty cool. Many of our children will be speaking both fluently now that both are so predominent in schools. Heck, maybe we should be speakng Cree too since that was one of the first official languages of this province and the fact that there were more natives killed in pursuit of land than the total number of people living in this province right now.

Interesting to read the differenet perspectives...............


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
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Edmonton Alberta, Canada
They are speaking about this on Dave Rutherford's show today. He did make one interesting point - the official language for the IOC (International Organizing Committee) is French...
So the decision may not have been by the VANOC officials at all.
I wish I had time to listen to his show this morning because he's got some concerns about the event.
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