600 miles and my exaust pipe sensor is screwed, 1-7 code popping up,multimetered the sensor and got no resistance. what does the sensor do and can i run it without?, ran it all day and it ran fine.
It could very well be the wiring. My 2010 M8 was throwing code 17 also. The sensor was replaced but it didn't help. It's now getting a new wiring harness because it was kinked and a wire was bare. I hope this helps. As for the sled running good when the check engine light is on... Not! It goes into a semi-safe mode and throttle response is sluggish compared to how the sled should really respond.
My 2011 has started throwing this code as well, although it is intermittent not constant. I do notice a difference in throttle response and performance. I can feel the difference as well as hear it, and when I look down: there's the code back again!!
The fault code causes the sled to act like it is cold and give it more fuel, from what research I have been able to find.
I have wondered if it is a wiring fault as well. How would you differentiate the problem as being a faulty sensor vs faulty wiring??
I put a multimeter on the sensor and its reading open, no ohms , so i'm thinking its the sensor, pulled it out and its clean, hardly any carbon on it, so i'll try a 130$ sensor and see what happens.
You can test the sensor with a multimeter. A reading of 0 or infinity indicates a failed sensor. Mine read 2 ohms but they replaced the sensor anyways. The code still showed intermittently and it would come on and off just going down the trail.