Edmonton terrorist attack


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta

Blows my
mind that the at least 3 cowards seen in the video did fawk all to help. Cop should have emptied his clip onto this POS

I was just about to post this. I can't fawking believe it.

Like others have said the most disturbing part of the vid was the three candy azzes that ran away and left the cop to fight for his life. I couldn't look in a mirror again if I did that. They should be up on charges.

........my 1st reaction to your words were fawk ya!...bunch of cowards....etc

But...the more I think about this, the more I am not sure....

We weren't there and the video has no sound .........is it possible that the cop told those bystanders to stay back? Maybe (doubtful but maybe).

or, think about this honestly.....if you witnessed someone stabbing someone else with a knife, would you truly get involved knowing you could easily be killed in the process? I want to answer that question "yes, I will get involved" but until a guy is actually involved in that kind of scene, its hard to be sure. Would you truly put yourself in harms way and get involved in a fight where there is a knife or gun involved? Would you truly risk leaving your wife a widow?...leave your kids, grandkids with out a father, grandfather?

Again, I want to say "yes"...but I hope I never have to make that decision ..........

If this guy is nutty enough to attack a cop, he wouldn't hesitate to jump on you and slice your neck......

Police, military, etc....they are trained for combat, ........most bystanders have never been in anything worse than an argument....

And because of that, I think maybe its a but unfair to judge those that were there and for what ever reason did not get involved.......
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I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
Back in the day, I once chased a guy who tried to steal a neighbours vehicle. I caught the SOB and was beating on him pretty good when someone diffused the moment and we had the dude under control until the cops arrived. Would that be proper today with guns and knives running rampant?

I like to think I would react in the same gung-ho manner, but Cat401 has some good points. I do wish in instances like this I was 6'3" and a couple hundred pounds.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
very good points! Personally back in my younger day a good friend of mine was involved in a fight (booze was involved). My friend was a very small guy (120 lbs or so) and I was much bigger and much taller. Anyway, the guy that started the fight busted a beer bottle and was going to cut my friend up then I intervened. I have thought about this often and said to myself what was I thinking. But, at the time all I remember was the adrenaline kicked in and there was no time to process what "could have happened". Fortunately, I managed to gain the upper hand and worked this time in my favour. The 3 guys that ran probably had zero time to think about it and did what came naturally to them and ran for their lives. Each person handles matters differently and thats why we are all individuals.

........my 1st reaction to your words were fawk ya!...bunch of cowards....etc

But...the more I think about this, the more I am not sure....

We weren't there and the video has no sound .........is it possible that the cop told those bystanders to stay back? Maybe (doubtful but maybe).

or, think about this honestly.....if you witnessed someone stabbing someone else with a knife, would you truly get involved knowing you could easily be killed in the process? I want to answer that question "yes, I will get involved" but until a guy is actually involved in that kind of scene, its hard to be sure. Would you truly put yourself in harms way and get involved in a fight where there is a knife or gun involved? Would you truly risk leaving your wife a widow?...leave your kids, grandkids with out a father, grandfather?

Again, I want to say "yes"...but I hope I never have to make that decision ..........

If this guy is nutty enough to attack a cop, he wouldn't hesitate to jump on you and slice your neck......

Police, military, etc....they are trained for combat, ........most bystanders have never been in anything worse than an argument....

And because of that, I think maybe its a but unfair to judge those that were there and for what ever reason did not get involved.......


Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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If someone was on the ground fighting a cop then yes I would jump in. If it was tow dudes wrestling around with a knife I'm not sure until it happens. Two different scenarios that are truly different. I did watch the video again the the first 2 people to go up with a man and wife walking two dogs. The third person was a guy that walked up then backed off. After seeing pics of the guy Im sure I would have jumped in once I saw him in person. Im sure he is pretty light and thats what helped the cop get on top of him as well. I would not have taken much for 2 or 3 guys to get control of him and get him pinned down.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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very good points! Personally back in my younger day a good friend of mine was involved in a fight (booze was involved). My friend was a very small guy (120 lbs or so) and I was much bigger and much taller. Anyway, the guy that started the fight busted a beer bottle and was going to cut my friend up then I intervened. I have thought about this often and said to myself what was I thinking. But, at the time all I remember was the adrenaline kicked in and there was no time to process what "could have happened". Fortunately, I managed to gain the upper hand and worked this time in my favour. The 3 guys that ran probably had zero time to think about it and did what came naturally to them and ran for their lives. Each person handles matters differently and thats why we are all individuals.

Fight or flight

luvz da mud

Active VIP Member
May 4, 2012
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If the guy is yelling alah Akbar I'm in like a dirty shirt and getting me some. The cop has a gun and just a little help and the guy is subdued. You have to help a cop. You just have to.

I agree. Not wanting to get involved in a bar fight is understandable, not wanting to help a cop fight for his life? Especially with just one attacker and a knife


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
I agree, we should help....my point being was different people react differently in stressful conditions and judging others may be a little short sighted.

I hope you are as strong as you claim you will be (physically and mentally) if the situation arises....hope we can walk the talk

However, I've been in a couple emergency situations where trained people who should take the lead turn into blubbering idiots....


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2008
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Fernie, BC
If the justice system would revaluate their mamby-pandy attitude and put some consequences into the sentencing it might make a difference in the long run. I like what they did in Marseille. No questions asked just shoot the perpetrator.

Now saying that, for the ISIS bomber who is committed to committing suicide we all know what has to be done; the liberalization that is in place in Canada has got to change. Trudeau and anyone else can all say what they want about diversity but if people don't conform to the "Canadian way" they should be deported with no questions asked.

Like what your saying...are you sure you used to be a teacher? Didn't think the thought police allowed such a thing in today's education system.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
With Trudeaus new anti-Islamophobia laws just past, you can and will be charged with a hate crime, protecting that police officer. Just ask Ezra what hell he has gone through with these kangaroo courts.

Big A

Active VIP Member
Oct 27, 2008
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Rocky Mtn House
I can't believe the arguments here, if you don't want to get banged up breaking up a bar fight or chasing some kid that stole your car, whatever, that's your call, but when a police officer, someone that has sworn to protect the public, is in danger, you should be charged if you don't do everything you can to help. If you are scared of confrontation and are not comfortable with hand to hand combat, there are countless gyms in the city and individual contractors teaching self defence courses. I was not there and you guys are rite about the audio, he most likely was yelling "stay back", that's what he is trained to do, protect the innocent, but when you can clearly see that he is in distress, all of us should automatically take some sort of action regardless of training and capability, kick the fkr in the head, grab whatever you can and beat his ass, whatever it takes. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but with our flaccid punishment in this country for these crimes combined with our current leader**** in Ottawa practically inviting these assholes to congregate here, this is going to become more common place and if we choose to do nothing than we have already chose to let terror win. We are fortunate enough to enjoy our way of life today thanks to many brave men and women just like officer Chernyk that have helped shape this country over the last 150yrs but if we refuse to stand behind them now in this time of uncertainty, be prepared to give up what you most likely take for granted every day, freedom, because that is what these bastards want to take from us and clearly they are willing to die trying.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Do some searching before you vote, want to vote in muslims.... these are the laws that are past. Think Trudeau is not muslim....then you have not done your research.

luvz da mud

Active VIP Member
May 4, 2012
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The POS made his first court appearance today, he is applying for Legal Aid. Now WE get to pay his legal fees. What kind of a broken system would allow such nonsense? Tries to kill a cop, then ordinary citizens, then those same people have to pay for his lawyer. If that dosent give you rage, nothing will


Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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That is what makes us such a perfect target. If you fail you are taken care of. If you succeed you are a god to other terrorists and get lots of virgins. They should just leave him in general population and let them take care of him.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County
turns out this POS was actually ordered to be deported from the US back in 2011 ........he was released and disappeared ...WTF????

How does a guy ordered to be sent back to Somalia end up in Canada in 2012 and no flags come up when he asks to immigrate???
Did he actually do immigration papers?


Active VIP Member
Jan 3, 2007
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That video shows exactly why cops have such strict entry requirements and training for events like this.
Unfortunately they have decreased their entry requirements & testing in order to get more woman EPS on the streets. This may prove to be a dangerous change in the future.


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Waskatenau, Alberta
turns out this POS was actually ordered to be deported from the US back in 2011 ........he was released and disappeared ...WTF????

How does a guy ordered to be sent back to Somalia end up in Canada in 2012 and no flags come up when he asks to immigrate???

Did he actually do immigration papers?

he is in our system as "immigration pending status" or something like that.......he crossed over at a regular border crossing in 2012.....no flags were raised at that time to deny his entry.....system is broken
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