yellow jacket
I am looking for a DJ kit with ramps for my 09 xp 163, how do I get a hold of you ?
Where can you find a complete set for a 08 xp 800r 154" in Eastern Idaho and what is the set up for elevations of 6000'-9500'?
Thank you.
Call Kerry at Over The Top Motorsports in Leduc. His number is 780-914-4157
I have a 09 Renegade all setup for the Mountains with a 141x2.25x15 Track on it Geared 23/45. Pulling hills in the Powder in Clemina i have an average track speed of 90-100Kmh with this setup. Looking to get a little More.
Just wondering is there a DJ kit for this and will this work or will it be overkill with such a small track ?
Here is my setup on my 09 xp 154, QR11 helix with 160/350 primary spring, pins are 15.3 grams and I'm using joe's ramps. This combo works at home-3500 ft and in the mountains. Also running a 20 tooth top sprocket in the chaincase.Sorry about the last words i must have been half asleep
Here is what is happening i have the 441 ramps in my 08 xp 154 QR11 joes prime spring & the solid pins i am running 15.9 grams at 2300 feet it will hit 8250 8300 & then backs off to 8000 on clicker # 3
I had it to the mountions on clicker # 4 & it was turning 8200 too 8300 then it wouldback off to 8000 i didn't pay with it i was having to much fun
So my question if i put in joes ramps will i be able to tune the sled for the hills & the flat land with out adding weight or taking it out i already bought the 441 ramps & they are in it but i will buy joes ramps if they are a better set up for all around riding & i see that they do work better in the hills BOYS I NEED SOME INF0 PLEASE
I'm looking into getting one of these dj kits for my 02 summit. I was looking on the website and it says he makes a low elevation kit and a high elevation kit. If I get one of the low elevation kits for at home, will still work if I go to the mountains?