HA!!! I thought I saw you at the Black Diamond Fas Gas fueling up your sled this morning - thought to myself "I think I know that guy..."
Sorry modman i will take off the straight pipe put the stocker stuff back on ya didnt notice the tshirt skate or die or the wedgie underwear pulled 1/2 out of the pants
and for the city boys, when running a stubble field, with round bales, especially those wrapped in white, they ain't no snow drift to launch off. had a couple customers that incurred sled damage trying to launch those big drifts.
If he was on a yamaha, no one would have heard him.......
I go out around aridrie all the time never head a prob might go out tomarrow
Looks like #1 east of chesterslew is pretty popular all the way to strathmore looks good to.
Im not sure who chewed up all them drifts :d:d
Where abouts? I just got my ditch banger running, and am wanting to go for a cruise. Just new to Airdrie.
Whens the next rip.
yankee valley bl east out of town second range road on the left till you hit a dirt road unload and head into the feilds ride from there to the frist gas bar on #2 play on the inbankments for the overpasses like to test out before i drive 3-5 hours to find out it isn't going to work right