

Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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martial arts is more than teching them to fight back, it teaches them the controll to properly deal with the situation, and if need be defend themselves should it come to violence. i was a very small kid all through school, 5' nothing and about 120lbs. at 10ish my mom put me in martial arts. barely had a fight my entire life. when the situations arose i had the tools to deal with them, wether through fighting back or defusing them.....i reccomens martial arts to all kids, it gives you a confidence, and a differnet prespective on violence and the ways it can be handeled

Its true.


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't bullying a crime? Seems to me that there was a campaign to stop bullying. Set up a sting. Bullies aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Set up a routine to draw the bully to the same location every day. Then get the Police involved and have an undercover wait at that location. If the information I was given about bullying is true this would give the little fawker something to think about once busted. If the information that I was given is incorrect and the police do not help out, then you may want to take things into you own hands.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
If I had the time this would be perfect...............but don't hockey mom in the winter !!!!

shheeet sunshine the martial arts are not for you. shheesh, your young lad needs to stand up for himself, now and in the future, it is one of lifes lesson's. take him to boxing lessons, or martial arts etc. you cannot fight his battles, although you may want to. Don't.
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Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
My daughter went thru this when she was 11... had a 14 year old picking on her regularly, she told me we dealt with it thru the school and it worked.... but along the same lines as Troy I told her to avoid confrontation but if she was cornered and felt it was gonna get physical don't wait to be hit...hit first and hit hard can't beat someone up if a broken nose wont let you see your target....

If it came down to it I was aware of the situation and would have had her back...

Best thing a person can do for themself is to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, even if you take a lickin....I learned that later in life, I want my kids to learn that earlier in life than I did.


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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[h=2]Re: Bullying[/h]
Listened to a story like this on Adler a couple weeks ago. The bully's followed the kid home, started beating on him on his front lawn, the father saw this and ran outside pushing the bully's off his kid and called the police. The bully's banded together saying the dad beat them up and threatened to cut their throats and drink their blood. Came down to the kids against the dad and the dad is being charged. This after going through the school, police and all proper channels. Now he has lost his house because of legal fees and is forced to move and work 2 jobs to support the family. Kids nowadays are street smart and know their rights and how to work the system to their advantage. You need to nip it in the butt before it escalates anymore imo.

From my experience back in the school days these types of fools all share one thing in common, bullies feed off of fear, and attention. When a bully has the attention he /she will feed off it, taking that attention away from them they become nothing more then a kid with issues and are harmless for the most part. For the most part if the bully is surrounded by other kids that are wanting to see a fight happen , as shitty as it sounds its going to happen. When you are able to remove that catalyst from the situation the bully has no reason to fight because he has no supporters of the situation. I had this issue with an egghead in high school myself, and eventually said screw it and went and had our fight, got my shots in and lost the fight, however the next time he decided to provoke me he didnt have any supporters and he quickly decided against a second encounter. just my 2 cents.

Mabey as his Dad................it's time you talked to him about this cause he is scared, and won't listen to me telling him to try find a way to stand up to these bullies.................such as inviting them to the arena then to have his team scare the ch!t outta them and get them running for the hills...............I'm at a loss


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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shheeet sunshine the martial arts are not for you. shheesh, your young lad needs to stand up for himself, now and in the future, it is one of lifes lesson's. take him to boxing lessons, or martial arts etc. you cannot fight his battles, although you may want to. Don't.

Ohhhhhhhhhh Crackadoo................if we had the time to deal with Martial Arts on top of Hockey I would. But with Hockey 4 days a week I'm running now !!! Mabey I need to teach him a thing or two myself :) He's scared............never been in a fight...........and truly I don't think fighting is the answer!! I know if I was the parent getting the call my son was bullying he'd be in more ch!t and soooooooooooooooooooo grounded and be getting a hell of a talking to !!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sunshine, the best thing u can do is to keep being there for him and listening to every detail and concern he has. Even if one day it's just being called a goof and the next day a little elbow nudge and then a kick to the back of the chair. Each one of these things may seem like nothing but they all add up and they all matter to him. Just keep listening and mark down every little incident like that in a journal. Call the parents and the school everyday if u have to. Don't give up (not like you would). And get the police involved, bullying is a crime and should be taken seriously by everybody. If anything you'll be showing your son that you're there for him for anything and that it all matters to u, even the little stuff!! All the best hun!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk cause my phone is glued to my hand


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Thanks for everyone's posts. My son is a Mama's Boy through and through and I'm glad he can talk to me about anything that goes on.....I've told him there is nothing he can never not talk to me about or ask.........we'll figure it out. He is smaller then alot of the kids his age...............Don't help when I'm only 5ft 1".........this last couple days have been better for him so we'll see what this week brings, and definatly now get the authorities involved. I am saddened so see so many other's kids have gone through this same thing..............it's crazy !!!! I was bullied in Junior High myself being the smallest kid in the school I was an easy target for the other girls........but I chose to ignore them, kept to my group and never did get beat up...........finally their bullying just stopped cause I wasn't acknowledging them whatso ever.


Active VIP Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Mabey as his Dad................it's time you talked to him about this cause he is scared, and won't listen to me telling him to try find a way to stand up to these bullies.................such as inviting them to the arena then to have his team scare the ch!t outta them and get them running for the hills...............I'm at a loss many have said

Well as many have said, its kind of a situation that happens to alot of people at his age group, my only advice is to do what you have already done, if that solves nothing and it continues well then its time to stand up and face ones fears. Its part of growing up, and unfortunately a person cant escape it, i took my share of azz whoopins at his age untill 1 day i said scew it and started to hit back, its easy to pick on some kid that simply turns away and takes the jabs, it isnt so easy to do when your stuffing their face with some of their own medicine so to speak. Violence isnt a cure for the problem I know, but if someone is hitting on you , i would honestly just aim for the other side of their noggin and make them think twice about harrassing you again.

hutch 63

Jan 29, 2010
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B'ville alberta
Tell your kid to hit him right in the nose as hard as he can then just keep punching if he stands up for himself once even if he gets his but kicked! Bully's challenge the week and if you stand up to them they respect that in a way, you don't have to win every fight but u best be ready when the bell rings!

BC Sno-Ghost

Active VIP Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Ohhhhhhhhhh Crackadoo................if we had the time to deal with Martial Arts on top of Hockey I would. But with Hockey 4 days a week I'm running now !!! Mabey I need to teach him a thing or two myself :) He's scared............never been in a fight...........and truly I don't think fighting is the answer!! I know if I was the parent getting the call my son was bullying he'd be in more ch!t and soooooooooooooooooooo grounded and be getting a hell of a talking to !!!!!!

I agree that martial arts is a good thing both mentally and physically. But not in this case for the reasons that are being put out there. Put yourself in this young man's position and everyone around you is saying "you have to stand up for yourself, fight back". If you are the "Lover not a Fighter" personality type, think of the pressure that you would be feeling to have to fight back. You're so scared. That pressure in itself can be enough to cause some kids to crack. That pressure may be worse than the pressure he feels when he's around this Brat. I say...don't force him to fight back. Support him, let him know you care about the sitaution and you are trying to help. This will pass.... but will be very difficult for the duration.


Active VIP Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I agree that martial arts is a good thing both mentally and physically. But not in this case for the reasons that are being put out there. Put yourself in this young man's position and everyone around you is saying "you have to stand up for yourself, fight back". If you are the "Lover not a Fighter" personality type, think of the pressure that you would be feeling to have to fight back. You're so scared. That pressure in itself can be enough to cause some kids to crack. That pressure may be worse than the pressure he feels when he's around this Brat. I say...don't force him to fight back. Support him, let him know you care about the sitaution and you are trying to help. This will pass.... but will be very difficult for the duration.

Very well said!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk cause my phone is glued to my hand


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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I agree that martial arts is a good thing both mentally and physically. But not in this case for the reasons that are being put out there. Put yourself in this young man's position and everyone around you is saying "you have to stand up for yourself, fight back". If you are the "Lover not a Fighter" personality type, think of the pressure that you would be feeling to have to fight back. You're so scared. That pressure in itself can be enough to cause some kids to crack. That pressure may be worse than the pressure he feels when he's around this Brat. I say...don't force him to fight back. Support him, let him know you care about the sitaution and you are trying to help. This will pass.... but will be very difficult for the duration.

I agree................least he knows I've got his back. He knows I'm always here for him. I just feel bad for him......................but I do like the punch in the nose idea :)


Active VIP Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Squirrel Clan
my parenting skills, as they relate to this subject have always been to equip my kids with the skills they need to deal with this on thier own. My daughters one of the smallest kids in her class. She complains about her size allot. I constantly tell her she's 300 pounds on the inside. (that may come back to haunt me). She know's I got her back. She know's that I'd prefer her to be off school grounds if she needs to scrap, but if you gotta fight, it's here & now. NEVER BE A VICTIM !
It's critical that your son figure out a resolution, (him not you). There are many ways to deter the pecking order bullchit that is grade school. Brains do triumph over brawn! "go ahead steal my lunch dumbazz - let me know how them ex-lax chocolate chip cookies go for ya"


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
I have kind of a funny story about my oldest daughter Brook sticking up for herself. She's a tall beautiful young lady. At the time of this event she was 14. A young man was relentless in smooch stalking her... He love love loved her and would follow her and basically be a pain in the azz trying to get her attention. They were on a fieldtrip in Calgary. He was warned several times by teachers and other parents to leave her alone. She finally had enough. Knowing he'd follow her anywhere she led him into a dark room at the Museum. When he started beaking off... she turned around and punched him in the nose. He went off bloody and crying.... I wasn't on the fieldtrip. I did receive a phone call filling me in on the situation.
This young boy was one of my phys ed students. He was kind of a troubled young guy from a really really dysfunctional home situation. The culture he lives in puts very little value on women in general. Most women in his culture would never be educated past Grade 8. Kind of explained his behaviour. I actually really liked this young gentleman. I'd see him working every day at the grocery store, I admired his humor and work ethic. At first he was a pain in my butt, not wanting to listen to my instructions , so I'd make him run laps.. when he'd lope around trying to mock me I'd chase him around the gym, running lap for lap with him. At the end of the year one of the students said something about how this is the only class this boy ever listens in. I said, it's because he's scared of me... He turned and looked me in the eyes and said. "I'm not scared of you, I respect you, Big difference".


Active member
Feb 20, 2011
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Airdrie, Alberta.
I have 2 boy's that were bullied at 2 different schools. First school the boy doing the bulling was a foot taller and 2 grades above both of my boy's.
My wife and I went through all the proper channels to deal with it and no success. As someone said "The nut doesn't fall far from the tree."
So after having a screaming Match with the other boy's father (Big Man syndrome) in school office I waited outside and followed him to his house!
Just as he was getting out of his car I walked up to him and had a little CHAT:paddle: Turn the tables kinda thing nothing physical just had him cornered and told him "Now I know where you LIVE".... Growing up I was always a protector for my smaller friends and a few times got called a "Bully" because I would bully BACK.
If all avenues of correcting the problem are burnt up then sometimes more "Blunt" approach is needed. I'm a 6'4" 330lb man who thinks violence is the absolute last resort! At my boy's new school they dealt with the other bully's on there own by just ignoring them or yelling bully to there face in front of all the other kids at school. It worked they received gift certificates from the Principle for how they (my boy's) dealt with Bulling. They also watch out for other kid's and help them when needed. I'm very proud of them they are only 10/8yrs old. Too many kid's have killed themselves over Bulling. This needs to STOP.
I hope this ends for your kid's and there friends.

Good Luck!


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
i think you should heed dads (storm72) advice, your young lad needs to look after himself. you will not be there to always look after him, the best deal is boxing lessons, as he'll take a few hits and give a few. shheeet he is a hockey player as in fights are inevitable. the bully kid is looking to pic on an easy target, to build his own self esteme, until your lad pushes back he will be the target and it will get worse. he needs to stand on his own two feet, win or lose.
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