Bismarck/Mandan flood 2011


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Mandan, ND
borrowing from rob's post on bcr

Well a little update, after everyone in town worked their azzes off to save what they have, used up all energy and physical stamina (me included and I don't have any personal property that is affected) the corp of engineers delayed their meeting all day of getting critical information to those who needed it and increased the dam releases from a current possible worse case scenerio of 120kcfs to now pushing 120k middle of this week to now 150k in a week or so.

More to come, loading pics.

So lemme explain a little of what has been going on. We had another great snowfall out here for like the third straight year. The lake has been empty for years up there and was finally filled. Dams are designed to flow enough in the fall and winter so that in the spring it would have enough room to absorb the capacity. Well the dam reaches capacity at 1854 and after that it will go over the spillway. They left the lake level with about enough room for 14ft, not even close to enough especially with them knowing that the mtns have had record snowfalls since Jan-feb.

So here we are in April and all of a sudden the lake is filling up fast. They start ramping up the increases but a lot of people are talking about flooding, yet they will not release any info. Water is going up and they can't release more down river because of mississippi flooding, and we now realise we are being sacraficed for those who are down water with more population. April 12th they hold a meeting and no public or media is allowed in the meeting with the corp and emergency management. Still no one knows what was at the meeting. hmmmmm!!!!!!!

So no word to anyone until about two weeks ago and they say the river might possibly flood. They were telling us maybe close to flood stage but more info to follow. Flash forward to last monday when they say a possibility for a major flood event and the resivoir is getting to much water for them to hold back, and everyone to start preparing for a major flood as releases would be somewhere in the 75kcfs range.

About every day or two in the last week it has been bumped up and would seriously damage most of Bismarck. Here is a model I ran for 500m or around 1640, or 18-20 range.


So around Thrusday things get REALLY serious when they tell us that river levels reach 105k cfs and that most of south Bismarck is in serious danger. The city starts ramping up a HUGE levee and dike system to save both Bismarck and Mandan. If it lets go ANYWHERE it will displace 10's of thousands or people for possibly 2 months. This is not a flash flood but will last most the summer. Also ground water is going to be one of the biggest issues, even if they can keep the overland waters out the groundwater is going to be really hard to control.

Today we get news of (after being delayed twice, it would have given residents 4 more hours to make new plans):


Yup, 150k cfs releases in about a week or so. They claim from 120k to 150k will only go up .6ft, I don;t believe that at all. They sa this will put it at 21ft, but when watching on tv when someone asked if it will go up again you could tell he was nervous and hiding something. But thats where we are now. Wore out. Tired. Sore. Sleepy. You name it, we are. Sick of being lied to, getting info too late, and worst of all so much mismangement that could have been more transparent. We are out of steem days ago already and running out of time. We have a LOT of faith in the city dike system but there are still lots of porperties that are outside of that system. It is not good and Old Blue lips has declared a National emergency here. FEMA getting called in.

Currently over 3.5 million bags have been made and 2.5 needed from dead tired sore bodies by next Wednesday. We wont give up, never. People whodont own homes in the affected area have worked day and night to help those affected. Its the neighbor thing to do. I a currenlty going on 4-5 hours of sleep a night and around 14-18 hour work days, all for family friends and people we dont even know. WE are pulling together to beatthis thing, but its getting worse fast. WE need help and prayers int eh worst way.

So Tuesday fill ad haul sandbags for xcriders uncle house. I think we were around 10 hours at that house before going to sandbag central to fill bags for the community, got done around 1. Heres some shots of his house that Kyle I think posted above...



Thursday morning get up at 6 and trying to recoop, deside another day of vacation to help others and find out some drunk drove their vehicle through my mothers hair salon, nothing like adding fuel on the fire!!!!


Decide we need to make a wall around my aunts condo and grandmas house, so fill sandbags till around midnight that ngiht. Shoulder is shot and either tore or pulled something in it, OD'n on Alieve and now Loracet to keep the pain down.

Up early to start baggin grandmas, get that done if a coulpe hours of intense bagging and off to Aunts...

Knock that out around 9 after a LOT of hardwork, I think we are covered to 22 ft, but hard to tell. Hopefully be covered to 150k but nothing more, maybe raise it some this week again.




Not even gonna guess how many bags to ring these two condos (had to both hers and neighbors because we could notget ahold of the owner and cant just do one)


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Mandan, ND
continued from robs post

So today decided to move a bunch of dirt and equipment with Sattler. Arm can barely move above my head. Loracet is not working so after sandbaggin this holiday sometime next week will be going in to get it looked at.

Did some riding shotgun with Jeff in the dump truck so got some pics finally. Remind you this is at flood stages outside the leeve system, and only at 15-16ft range, it is going to 21. :eek: Also, these are a lot of high end homes in this area, VERY nice places. Also mixed in ther are areas that are low income, so a mix of everything.

River from the interstate:


Water is coming up and roads are eing raised to allow access longer. When we were driving back to a friends house to check his baggin status, we passed our current Rep. Senator Hoeven moving stuff out of his home, yes even politicians work!! haha


Couple houses....







And this house is gonnna be baaaaaad. He up and left.

nother view

BTW, the houses above, could be a total loss. Some will be ok and others will be gone. Insane driving around just knowing some of these homes will be gone in a week or two.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Mandan, ND

started the day off by having to go and help my grandparents sand bag their condo. filled around 1500 sand bags for their place, and got it done.

then went up and helped my other cousins, they build a dirt dike and i helped line it in plastic nd then a rubber from an old conveyor belt.. pounded in about 25, 2.5 feet long metal spikes into the ground to hold the rubber mat in place. hopefully that will keep the dike from washing away, especially sense this is supposed to keep this way till end of july.

after that i recieved a phone call from a friend who is at AIT for the guards, he said his parents house is in trouble and they haevnt had much help, his dad has been doing much of it on his own. asked if i would take a truck load of sand bags up to his parents place... so me and some friends, and rob decieded to fill sand bags for a couple hours, we ended up taking a lil over 600 sand bags up to his parents place.. i wish i could see the look on his dads face when he comes out in the morning and sees all the sand bags settign their for him.. he thought we were only bringing one truck load.. i talked to his dad for a bit when i dropped off the first truck load, and to see how thankfull and appreciative he was for the help , made it all that much better, he was speechless, and i think he might have teared up a lil bit to see that ppl really do care and are willign to help.

well thats about it for today. got word that i will be getting up at 7:00 am to go get started with a neighborhood development, they are building their own dike, and need like 650,000 sand bags to build this.. so will be a long day again tomorrow.


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta

started the day off by having to go and help my grandparents sand bag their condo. filled around 1500 sand bags for their place, and got it done.

then went up and helped my other cousins, they build a dirt dike and i helped line it in plastic nd then a rubber from an old conveyor belt.. pounded in about 25, 2.5 feet long metal spikes into the ground to hold the rubber mat in place. hopefully that will keep the dike from washing away, especially sense this is supposed to keep this way till end of july.

after that i recieved a phone call from a friend who is at AIT for the guards, he said his parents house is in trouble and they haevnt had much help, his dad has been doing much of it on his own. asked if i would take a truck load of sand bags up to his parents place... so me and some friends, and rob decieded to fill sand bags for a couple hours, we ended up taking a lil over 600 sand bags up to his parents place.. i wish i could see the look on his dads face when he comes out in the morning and sees all the sand bags settign their for him.. he thought we were only bringing one truck load.. i talked to his dad for a bit when i dropped off the first truck load, and to see how thankfull and appreciative he was for the help , made it all that much better, he was speechless, and i think he might have teared up a lil bit to see that ppl really do care and are willign to help.

well thats about it for today. got word that i will be getting up at 7:00 am to go get started with a neighborhood development, they are building their own dike, and need like 650,000 sand bags to build this.. so will be a long day again tomorrow.

all that and still have time to post. You are one hell of a man Kyle. Hope that all turns out for you all.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Mandan, ND
here are some pics from the night of 5-28-11



my buddy showing me he is number one.. lol

trailer full for the grandparents condo


low riding ford ranger

just a tish over loaded. lol


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Mandan, ND
some more pics

national guard helping out running the spider

some from 5-29-11
these are the sand bags we took out to a friends parents place. they had no idea we were gonna bring so many :)




Active VIP Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Bismarck, ND
Ya, sorry I didn't post on here those last few, forgot about thread here and been workin my azz off.

Yesterday Moved stuff out of three homes, sandbagged another, helped Kyle sandbag for his buddy, and then after being tired as hell decided that meh I could still do more, so helped move sand for th 650k sandbags Kyle was working on today until 6am. So ya 22 hour day working on the fight.

Slept a few hours this AM then been helping move more stuff for a coworker who livesd in a development north of Bismarck. Can honestly say I look forward to going back to work...

Tired as fawk but gonna bust hind end until this things crests at the 120k stage, then see where town is at and who needs help at that point.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Mandan, ND
In from another night of sand bagging. Ate supper after work and headed out. 2 car trailer full, 2 s10 box fulls and a f250 full taken to my dads uncle and cousins places.

Got some really good pics, will post tomorrow when I upload. Its crazy, there are houses straight across from them that are completely surrounded bye water. This hole situation sucks.

Also still can't make a fist with my right hand, pretty sure I fawked something up in it, but like u rob, I just keep on going. Giving it my all.

Pics to come tomorrow.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Been thru a couple bad ones in Manitoba.
This seems worse.
Good luck!


Active VIP Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Bismarck, ND
Rain at this stage around home just flushes down the river and isn't much issue for us.

Pretty much done sandbagging, tore up my shoulder and can't spell the ligament I stretched out, and my hands have no grip left in them. Knuckles are dark colored and can't grip anything. Moved a couple thousand bags yesterday and just couldn't do it. I guess your body will fail ya after time.

Doc told me I need a sling for my shoulder and I got a nasty look when I said "how the fawk am I going to throw sandbags with a sling on..." lol

Yesterday's work after being told to rest for 6-8 weeks.



SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
rain at this stage around home just flushes down the river and isn't much issue for us.

Pretty much done sandbagging, tore up my shoulder and can't spell the ligament i stretched out, and my hands have no grip left in them. Knuckles are dark colored and can't grip anything. Moved a couple thousand bags yesterday and just couldn't do it. I guess your body will fail ya after time.

Doc told me i need a sling for my shoulder and i got a nasty look when i said "how the fawk am i going to throw sandbags with a sling on..." lol

yesterday's work after being told to rest for 6-8 weeks.


good luck, rob, and god speed....... Wish i coulda given ya a hand, but there's something about that distance thing ;)

i'll be rippin' through montana, idaho, utah on saturday, so i'll check out the flow of the missouri at the head for ya, and maybe even pee in it;)


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Mandan, ND
they opened 7 of the 28 doors on the spill way to start increasing the realse rate.

they will open 7 more tonight, then 7 more tomorrow morning and the final 7 tomorrow night.

here are some pics that i found.. not the best.. but u have an idea.

1st pics
the damn from and over view. its 2.5 miles long
2nd pic
the hydroplant that is kicking some major a$$ in producing power, infact they shut part of the plant down that i work at because of this.
3rd pic
picture of the spillway, this is capable of letting out 660,000CFS. its only 2 feet from running over the spillway
looking down from the top of the dam at the hydroplant and the missouri river. the rocks in this pic that are along the banks are completenly covered bye wayter, im trying to find a pic of what it looks like right now. will post when i find one


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    looking down the missouri.jpg
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Active VIP Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Bismarck, ND
Here's what you were looking for... :D



Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Mandan, ND
some pics from last night (5-31-11)

at my cousins place looking across the river


i think this house is fawked







Holy hell man, that amount of water is simply unreal... My thoughts and prayers go out to you guys that you weather this deal intact:beer: If it wasn't for being nearly 1200 miles away I would be there helping right now.:(

Best of luck guys, not sure what else to say.
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