Anyone else sick and tired of these whining teachers and the bctf union!??
They should come and work in the real world for a while and see how they feel about that.
Doesn't effect us as our kids go to a private school. That being said I couldn't be a teacher for any amount of money. We have 2 kids and thats plenty, I couldn't imagine 30 of the buggers. I think highschool teachers probably have it the worst as well. I have friends that are teachers and I know the first few years you don't get paid chit. One of my close friends makes more money bartending on friday and sat then he does all month teaching. Its the superintedants that make the $$$.
Just goes to show we are willing to spend more money in a bar then we are our kids.
Just saying..............Im not a fan of unions but shouldn't we give some respect to the people we intrust our kids with for 40hrs a week?
Anyone else sick and tired of these whining teachers and the bctf union!??
They should come and work in the real world for a while and see how they feel about that.
Some teachers NOT all .A few years ago I was a highschool substitute shop class teacher. OMFG!!!! $150.00 a day for 6 hrs of hell!
Teachers deserve a lot more respect for what they do than what they get.
I' believe teachers should get a raise. 15% over 3 years sounds a little bit excessive. We all wish we could get a 5%/y increase, but unless you can dictate your own pay increase(like politicians), we all know it isn't going to happen. Maybe we could afford to pay teachers more if government didn't award themselves with ridiculous pension payouts. I'm gonna run next election just to get my hands on golden retirement plan for my "humble" public service.