I recently was fortunate to get a job guiding in Golden with SnowPeaks rentals having been off work for a bit. My livlihood depends on having a working sled. While out guiding my track tore off and I am in need of a new track to be able to work. I don't have full-time work again until March so I find myself in a tough situation.
I would be interested in working to promote businesses or in working off any support with guiding services for your riding group or perhaps time at your business doing an odd job or two and am open to suggestions.
If anyone has a spare track that's a good deal or can offer any ideas how I may overcome this I appreciate it.
the track Im after is 144"16"wide skidoo.
Big! thanks to Taminator for help
So, this might be girl-stupid of me to offer, but I have a used 144" track that came off my '07 Phazer. Don't know if it would work, but it is just sitting in the garage doing SFA...
good question there's never a dumb one:d anyone know? would it fit...i'll get back thanks
shitty to hear dude!! i only have the one on my sled, but i'm sure somebody will come through with one that will fit. somebody must owe you for towing all those sleds outta gorman!! karma will come around, you'll be riding in no time!
i will be in silent on fri so if someone needs something shipped from calgary or pincher creek we can bring it i have 144 but it is 15 wide of a 01 doo
Talked to him today will take 275. it,s of 2004. some dealers sell old stock for 1/2 price and you get a fresh track.This guy in Edmonton has a 144" x 2" x 16". His number is 780-231-2180. He says its in good shape. Upgraded track length. If someone is heading out that way from Golden, might work for ya. 350$ obo. I won't be coming your way for a month. Hope this helps some what.
Taked to him today will take 275. it,s of 2004.
I can haul one out from Cochrane or Calgary Thursday if someone has one.
I can swing by dewinton if need to
OVERWHELMED thats all I can say...sorry didn't get back to every one kinda stressed out and need to rest a bit...hows buck lake bob waiting to here back and some others adds too.
thanks again Mr.Vic going all out