72 Ossa Pioneer 230 and a 74?? CZ 380. I believe it's a red frame Falta replica. I can hear the head scrathing now, "whose's Falta." Oh, too be young again. I don't ride then much anymore,too hard to get parts. Last newer bike was an 89 KDX 200. Loved it but it was stolen. Got it back,totaled.
I only have a little giovanni 125cc. It is perfect for my beginning skill level although.....holy crap, that looks fun slamnec! Hope I gain the skill to do that some day...soon......lol.
Well, I got up this morning and decided to go fix mybike, so i did. And i went for a lil rip on her, And i Messed my chain up, took a few teeth o my front sproket and ate the mud , Now i need to buy new sprockets and chain
I had one of those old 490's back in the day. Idled nice, huge mid range bog , then it hit like the hammers of hell. Drum brakes couldn't haul it down at all. Now I'm sitting here laughing and wondering why I sold it, it was a hoot.