I think what was meant was that instead of wholesale war against the various indian bands like the states did, they aproached it in a more diplomatic way. I am sure if this was america now instead of Canada we wouldn't be having this conversation.mxzrettaRe: Aboriginal protests in Canada.
Originally Posted by deaner
The problem with our country is bleeding hearts like stompin tom. Give me a fawking break buddy.
How many civilizations have been taken over by others in human history? Countless. Yes the natives were here before us. We came and took it. And we were the nicest about it it has EVER been done. Has any conquered civilization ever recieved the kind of treatment we are giving our natives? Enough is enough.
But Im sure old tom is going to tell me what an awful person I am so he can go to bed knowing what a wonderful liberated person he is.
How do you figure that you were the nicest about it. Have you seen the images of soldiers cutting the breasts off the women and playing catch with them on their bayonets? Or cutting the babies from their wombs? Indian massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . The killing of the main food supply for the fun of it. How was this nice?
Also, I read through the artical you linked. All these happened in the US, except one in Saskatchewan, and it was over a dispute with american hunters.
Are you a direct relation to any of the peoples that these atrocities were commited against? Not to sound callous, but the reason I ask is I am trying to understand why you are so offended about it? It it just a general outrage at something done to "your people", whether they be thousands of miles away and of a complete different nation, such as Nakoda, Sioux, Cheyennne, etc?
That would be like me getting in an uproar and demanding reparations about a crime commited against people around the world even though they are a different nationality, speak a different language, and never having met one, other than being able to call them "my people" just because they have white skin.