There are several threads in this section related to your problem. Have a look and see if any of them may help. I'm almost positive this issue has come up several times in the past, so there should be pages of useful tips. Good luck!
when is the last time yoiu cleaned your rad out real good? Get in behind the rad with a hose and wash it from the backside. Also, right below the rad is a plastic mount the piles up with mud/grass/snow. I cut the bottom of that plastic piece out so all the stuff that goes in there falls out. I also found that whenever you've been riding hard for a while and stop it helps to pull the seat off. It acts as a giant insulator. Fan override is a must on these quads.
the quad is really clean, theres no mud or anything on the rad, took the side panels off still over heats. tryed a different type of coolant still no luck
i had the same issue with my 06 660 i was told to drill some holes in the side curtains so i did and i have never had the issue again. Would suggest rideing with good pants though as if the motor is hot and you hit water the steem pours out the holes and gets a little warm. I also put a screen on the front of my quad and helps keep the mud out of the rad... Might help cured mine.. good luck..