Re: 2018 Skidoo Summit G4 850 Mechanical Changes.
I always wait a year on a major new product run, which is why Im getting a blue and green MY2018 to replace my 16xm, but for the record I saw a chick absolutely smoke a big rock WOT going up a hill and went flying, sled was fine, I heard of more belts then bulkheads, that and the wires for the injectors being too tight and pulling out, first thing to do tho is loose the carbide scratchers and put wear bars, they don't dig into rock when you hit it, and makes the steering less twitchy when your sidhilling with a lot of crust layers or old tracks, any rapid change into super hard snow or ice they seem to float over it rather then dig in.
I always wait a year on a major new product run, which is why Im getting a blue and green MY2018 to replace my 16xm, but for the record I saw a chick absolutely smoke a big rock WOT going up a hill and went flying, sled was fine, I heard of more belts then bulkheads, that and the wires for the injectors being too tight and pulling out, first thing to do tho is loose the carbide scratchers and put wear bars, they don't dig into rock when you hit it, and makes the steering less twitchy when your sidhilling with a lot of crust layers or old tracks, any rapid change into super hard snow or ice they seem to float over it rather then dig in.