2018 Ascender platform vs the Skidoo 850.


Active VIP Member
Jan 14, 2009
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That is the problem I had with my T3 slow trails with the wife and kids or sticky snow. Thanks for the info.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Ok cool guy, next time my kid gets a chunk to the face by some highlight like you that’s doing mock chicken past a 200cc sled sure hope you have good dental insurance...don’t be that cool guy that acts like his sh*t don’t stink and you paid your $25 so get outta my way and funk the rules and amicable features off respect to fellow riders. Yeah yeah whatever scratchers but it also serves another purpose. Get some brains and think about it before you shoot your trap off.

Well the way I read it, This was the first reference to dental insurance and a$$ kicking . Pissed tmo off , and rightfully so.


Active VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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Well the way I read it, This was the first reference to dental insurance and a$$ kicking . Pissed tmo off , and rightfully so.

youre right LennyR, I was just irritated that he had laughed about people getting hit with chunks of snow from people with no flaps riding like like idiots, i got pissed off, he got pissed off and well, we went back and forth and entertained a few people. It was a Saturday night dust up...


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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1) I would not mess with FastFarmer.Think he could bread most bones like kindling.
2) Good guy that does not start trouble, not a BSer at all.
3) There are lots of aholes that do not know how to pass or how to wait on the trail tI'll safe to pass.
They have a need to burry you in roost hammering it wide open as they go by.

Sledders....we be so nice to each other.

Now back on topic to AC domination.


Active VIP Member
Mar 7, 2017
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My money is on Fast Farmer!! Riding without a flap has pissed off probably just about all of us and maybe TMO tries his best not to roost people but thats impossible and I think its a Dick move!


Active VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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Really at the end of the day to each their own, 99% of everyone out there tries to be a good human being and ride with respect, we all know it’s those special few that throw garbage in cabins and put cigarettes out on the tables, ride like idiots up trails and have zero common sense. But guess what, they’re all looped in with the rest of us that aren’t those guys. I think there is more positive than negative hands down, but good news doesn’t sell papers. Same goes for out of bounds and closures, a million tracks in bounds, but it’s that one single track that is past the line. I’m all for drop the flap up top, no flap or whatever, whenever, ride it how you want to it’s your sled. Naturally as a parent I just get really defensive about my kids and when the testosterone gets flowing in this size of guy it’s just what I’m built to do to protect them and stick up for them, and I’ll never apologize for it. That’s the end of that fellas for me anyway!

Sorry for the derailment Skegpro...

Super excited to clown it up on the new Doo this year, we’re all getting ansy and looking at all these early season pictures is tempting but not sure I wanna take out the new whip just yet! Might have to haul one of the old mangey cats outta the shed...Parts are cheaper!!

Feel free to post a couple pics of your new unit!


Active VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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1) I would not mess with FastFarmer.Think he could bread most bones like kindling.
2) Good guy that does not start trouble, not a BSer at all.
3) There are lots of aholes that do not know how to pass or how to wait on the trail tI'll safe to pass.
They have a need to burry you in roost hammering it wide open as they go by.

Sledders....we be so nice to each other.

Now back on topic to AC domination.

Thanks Randy.


Active VIP Member
Oct 16, 2008
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Those powerclaws really throw chunks.

Who throws more chunks than a powerclaw? Answer is...................... TMO1620 and Fastfarmer, really these guys would probably be best buds if there was lots of snow on the ground. We sure are a pent up group this time of year.


Active VIP Member
Oct 16, 2008
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So in our group if you run no flap you have to bring up the rear when on the trail. Easy rule and if there are 2 or more with no flap they just get to be at the back together so they can find out first hand what it is like. Cats with a flap seem to throw chucks like other sleds without a flap though.


Active VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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I think that you’ll be happy with the Cat skegpro..I have owned over 30 of them and really and truly they were always good to me. Predictable and up top in the rpm they are really hard to beat. The rest of the family is still on cats..I’m the odd man out!


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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I agree with Fastfarmer, id be pissed if my daughter got hurt by a accidental flying ice chunk, snow flap or not. Be responsible for your wake.

Baraaaaaap Obama

Active VIP Member
Oct 31, 2016
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Vernon, BC
Another reason to sponsor / back Baraaaaap Obama, he runs pretty much a full mud flap ( funner to say thank snow flap) ...

Never really got the going fast up the trail thing, everyone I ride with goes crazy slow up the trail... Sleds don't have windshields now a days, and B.O. doesn't like to layer up too much as you just get sweaty up top, don't like changing layers a million times, bring a big ass warm layer for emergency situations, about it.... B.O. always gets smoked going up the trail by guys hot dogging it at mach turkey. For 1) mountain sleds handle like absolutely crap on the trail, and besides avalanches speeding up the trail is your highest chance of serious injury causing death, if not tied with Avy's or greater.... Like alot of times Obama has come into corners semi hot and 1 wrong ski catch on this twitchy high tippie sleds and your flying into the trees at 50 mph. Then 2) there is the guys that pass super sketchy on bad corners going up and down.... Like wtf? Are you in such a rush for, Baraaaaap Obama and his cabinet just blow by them at the cabin or slowly pass them as they are all stuck in the bunny meadows below the cabin. Like drink less, get up earlier and don't be a hockey puck on the trail.... Not drinking for one night and being first to the parking lot so you can put your way up the trail and have first dibs on the pow-wow is quite rewarding, try it sometime.

If Obama's riding possee wasn't so full of suit dummy and late morning risers, B.O. would be at trail head first every morning.

You guys do you, but douches on the trail, please tone down being you. Maybe it's supplementing with some Soy so your estrogen levels go up a bit, or it's going on dictionary.com and looking up the word Empathy, maybe watch that Will Smith movie that shows how far doing some good deeds will go.

Until then, chill bro's it ain't winter till Dec 21st, don't be another broken Polaris A-arm, burnt to the ground Cat, and Skud-Doo riders: if you start riding now: can you really afford the belts?

Next time you head out don't ask yourself who your going to fight or beat on the hill climb today. Ask yourself what you can do to help others, keep everyone safe, and make the area a better place for all...

In Rememberance to the Fallen Troops
Baraaaaap Obama


Active VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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Another reason to sponsor / back Baraaaaap Obama, he runs pretty much a full mud flap ( funner to say thank snow flap) ...

Never really got the going fast up the trail thing, everyone I ride with goes crazy slow up the trail... Sleds don't have windshields now a days, and B.O. doesn't like to layer up too much as you just get sweaty up top, don't like changing layers a million times, bring a big ass warm layer for emergency situations, about it.... B.O. always gets smoked going up the trail by guys hot dogging it at mach turkey. For 1) mountain sleds handle like absolutely crap on the trail, and besides avalanches speeding up the trail is your highest chance of serious injury causing death, if not tied with Avy's or greater.... Like alot of times Obama has come into corners semi hot and 1 wrong ski catch on this twitchy high tippie sleds and your flying into the trees at 50 mph. Then 2) there is the guys that pass super sketchy on bad corners going up and down.... Like wtf? Are you in such a rush for, Baraaaaap Obama and his cabinet just blow by them at the cabin or slowly pass them as they are all stuck in the bunny meadows below the cabin. Like drink less, get up earlier and don't be a hockey puck on the trail.... Not drinking for one night and being first to the parking lot so you can put your way up the trail and have first dibs on the pow-wow is quite rewarding, try it sometime.

If Obama's riding possee wasn't so full of suit dummy and late morning risers, B.O. would be at trail head first every morning.

You guys do you, but douches on the trail, please tone down being you. Maybe it's supplementing with some Soy so your estrogen levels go up a bit, or it's going on dictionary.com and looking up the word Empathy, maybe watch that Will Smith movie that shows how far doing some good deeds will go.

Until then, chill bro's it ain't winter till Dec 21st, don't be another broken Polaris A-arm, burnt to the ground Cat, and Skud-Doo riders: if you start riding now: can you really afford the belts?

Next time you head out don't ask yourself who your going to fight or beat on the hill climb today. Ask yourself what you can do to help others, keep everyone safe, and make the area a better place for all...

In Rememberance to the Fallen Troops
Baraaaaap Obama

Well said bro.


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Leduc Alberta
hows this....I’ll load up an ‘18 Cat 163x3 c/w Turbo 250ish hp, a 2018 Axys 163x3 c/w Turbo 220/230hp and a 2019 G4 c/w Turbo and 220/230hp. You can go ride em and then cut me a check for the one you like best! 😎ðŸ‘�ðŸ˜�

Can I take all season to decide?
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