hey there. i have a 2004 rev 800 151. just got the motor redone and im looking to work on my clutches. right now i have the stock primary with quick clickers. im not sure what the weights are so thats what im trying to figure out what other ppl are doing. also which spring in the primary, as well as what some ppl are using for chaincase gearing. i am going to change my oil this week so i will have a look at my gears and get some numbers. i believe it has been geared down a bit already but not sure to what... my question is should i go back to stock secondary or stick with the team roller?stock gears or stay with what i have depending on numbers. i do lots of mountain riding at about 1000m up to 2300 at the highest point. im having troubles when i climb i loose suffuicent rpm. almost down to 7200 rmp sometimes even when snow is good and not lugging and heavy and i know it should be up at abot 78-8100rpm. any help would be great. feel free to text or message back. thanks