I heard a funny idea that would be interesting if it worked. Trudeau thought Liberal party membership should be free. Feel free to log on and vote for whoever you think will lose the election the best.
700-1000 Gun Bare
200-300 Scope
50 Dies
250 - 300 Ammo
Everything depends on condition, $1300 would be a good deal on your end. $1600 good deal on his end.
There should be a lot of rules for our elected officials. But alas none are there and two spineless parties still know how to keep each other in a job. Liberals keep skirting around the issues and pulling BS. NDP help them keep doing it!
Iphone 14, battery life has been good. Never got use the satelite text function yet. No complaints.
I would still like to go back to an android device if I ever buy another phone for myself.