we need to have a legal person on here, that's like when they spent millions on gun registration and that went out the window. I just hope I get a good understanding judge when I go ffkkkk
I just talked to shaw and he says it will be on at 2 on tsn 3. I hope so also but obviously won't be live as it is live now, lol
i will see if it is at 2 and post,
I agree with rules, but they gotta make sure they were on phone not just think they were. Or have photo of it, as like others have said, I do see lots on phone and no care if others are looking at them. But BS tickets should be able to fight/win unless they can prove it. So they need to have two...
**** that sucks, not missing anything today lol
Yes Arff I will just need to do all my works paperwork tomorrow instead of today, as I need a day off wife says. She just doesn't understand why, lol
Can you watch races live on nascar app. Well I ordered tsn on shaw but can't seem to find the channel or save it, anyone know what channel and how to add to your channel list? Thx
i know there are more BS tickets out there then just me, I was also told good luck winning. So really that means they can just stop you just because and say you were on phone or holding it and your ffffk. Wtf can we do about that one
Well I get a ticket other day from a peace officer for distracting driving ticket, was not on my phone or had it in in my reach, I was activating my dash cam and said that to him and he said to bad. I am going to fight it as I have 50/50 chance and what pisses me off is so if they think you were...