The bombshell we have all been waiting for
That’s crazy to think 35,000lbs/15,900kgs. I have a holiday trailer that weighes 14,000 lbs, could never think of hauling something twice that weight.
Hauling that kind of weight with a semi you notice how much longer it takes to stop. These units rolling on a 22.5 rim so you can fit a bigger...
The sad part is most of the 1.6B is loans to small business, which is our own money from the get go.
Like they say, give us a loan, helps us a few weeks. Give us a pipleline and we help the whole country
Antifa was dressed up at yellow vest last weekend in Edmonton stirring the pot. Be careful if you are there this Saturday. Hopefully there are big numbers on the yellow side Saturday
It’s a unique place for sure. Our group loved the sled in, sled out from bacially the alpine. Once Brandt got in there and it got licensed we figure enough is enough. Adam don’t miss our business, he’s full all the time. Glad he’s doing well. Jealous of his position, it’s a dream job.