The guys that put down a nytro cause they rode it once in the mountains for 10 min don't really know you gotta put some time on it. It's got a weird steering and some other things but I've rode with all the other new sleds on my nytro and were all doing the same stuff in the same area. If you...
I'm not sure I know trail blazin has some highmark22's and Darrell at fast trax said there going to be getting in snow pulse bags. From what ice heard is that there very comfortable and you don't notice the weight unlike a normal pak. I think trailblazing is a snow pulse dealer also , I'm...
Cause of the different burn temp and its way thicker it would cover the plugs after a couple pulls and chain lube isn't ment to burn like 2 stroke oil and I'm not how it would react with the gas but it probably wouldn't be good but that's just what I think I could be wrong