there is some pics in sicamous section under best stuck of the year, thank jmercer for them he was the photo guy. i was the guy with the shovel out, lol
ya thanks for the hand, it would still be in the creek if it wasnt for you and iam lmao. was a good day forsure, lots of sun and just perfect snow condiitions, thanks should be for jmercer for pics i just give him a reason to shot lol. the only pics of the old 1 ton is when she is stuck and...
i run the klim boots aswell just the cheap ones, i found the hmk boots very stiff and hard to walk in, but with boots both companies are great its just personal comfort and choice, both boots have very nice options but i do think the hmk boots are nicer for lace up and removal of the linner(...
oh do tell dobir do tell.. how was the week? sorry we did not hook up, we went to sicamous instead of the mm ride. give me a shout to plan the next one
was it snowing today, sunday? damn we just left there lol. hope it gets more snow most areas seem like they could use a few more feet, but still good there no complaints at all
just wanted to share what looks like the best stuck so far in sicamous this year. not much for new snow at queest nor at blue by the sounds of people that went there. we were in the areas thursday to sunday and by the looks of it they are short 5 feet of snow in most. but overall fun times, some...
i have the klim gloves some i think valdez (really thick) for trail riding and when i get to the icecream i put on my thin klim gloves, they are very very thin but warm as hell. they are around 90$ cadn but man best gloves. every once and a while spray with water prof spray because they do get...
before you go to all the trouble of swaping try and figure out what failed, if only bottom end you may be able to get a crank and bearings cheap, not hard to change, or even if a piston or rod it will be cheaper to fix the 4500 plus your time to change. they are a heavy bi@#h. what noises did it...
i usually run lukas a couple hundred mils on a fill, lubes upper cylinders and pumps, have not noticed any improvement at all but its fairly new yet. 08 dirtymax
make the walls out of 1x1 square tube that way if you want to insulate you will get a r7 value for 3/4 inch of spay insulation, also break the corners of your pannels to fit te inside of the tube and have the other pannel wrap it, you can make screw/rivitless walls. calk the piss out of it. best...
sorry guys we will not be making the trip, so no party at the sandman inn. have a good time, word is no one will have the fight in town.. see valemont section, you might squeeze in with the other guys trying to swing a deal with the locals.
just following up on how you made out, i have never had one that far apart but im sure it is very possible. yes i do believe yo have to pull it completely apart to remove the pin and then the roller. hope ya got it.
will keep you posted as if we are headed that way, we are booked in but with the 190 people going i not sure if i will be. just too much testosterone lol,
if i head up there i will bring a dish and reciever we will have all the fights, still unsure if we will be doing the venture but if i do make it up ther we be at the sandman in,
after a few hours and replacing the wire harness, we found a pinched wire at handlebar warmer left hand side.. fixed the wire and no problems yet. i guess was enough to short out and cause a limp mode and or die.
if you are just changing weights you do not need to dissasemble that far.. just jam the primary open with an old wieght but make sure its not going to damage anything in the process. you will have enough room to change the weights and rollers. the spring you will need to remove the nut and split...