the two rubber engine mounts on the back of the engine can you take them off or will the nut on the back side fall or is the nut fixed in place.
never mind got it. the new engine is now in.:d
you think there would be a way to check it. just so you don't have to take the motor out again. did brp change the part number for the short block assbly?
the dealer gave me 421000612 and the brp wed site says 420079340
Hey maxwell how do you tell if the oil pump is no good? i pulled the cable all the way open should oil not come through the ports or does the engine need to be running?
Just going to replace the motor with a new short block it's a 03 800ho zx summit so what is the best way to prime the oil pump? Any thing else i should do when breaking in the new motor? Maybe run 25:1
Thanks for any feed back.