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  1. Trukker

    Edmonton Sled Show - best deals found

    So your retired now ?
  2. Trukker

    Interesting Theory

    What theory ? It's evident on where the funding comes from and what it's used for . I'm with the Chief when he says there brilliant idea . They have crippled us as a nation .
  3. Trukker

    no Cat booth at Edm sled show ??

    Yes I was going to buy a buddy out in Dewinton and open a Cat Dealership ........Kinda like trucking ." How do you make a million in the trucking business " ? Start with 2 million !
  4. Trukker

    no Cat booth at Edm sled show ??

    There's certainly something going on with Textron and Cat . They are also not taking on any new dealers
  5. Trukker

    S & M Courier Service

    I'll put this one out there . 32 ft Bumper Pull RV Calgary 8800 lbs - Sussex NB . Anyone heading that way in the next few months
  6. Trukker

    Friends you've met through Snow and Mud

    Fixed it for ya !
  7. Trukker

    Picker truck for mobile office trailer??

    Them jacuzzi's on the coast are heavy
  8. Trukker

    My buddy hit on me. How do I handle it?

    Jesus Christ we need snow
  9. Trukker

    S & M Courier Service

    If you ever need a quote on something within North America just shoot me a PM
  10. Trukker

    The cabin is sold! ferniesnow and his better half are moving!

    Good for you Doug on the new adventure . Now you'll have a longer riding season
  11. Trukker

    Looking for nice cheap vehicle.

    And most in the NE will have hail damage
  12. Trukker

    Selling vehicles in the states

    Or you just get me to do everything for you .........
  13. Trukker

    Pellet grill

    Traegers have there place however not a fan of them . Get a Green Egg or a Kamado Joe . Does way more than a Traeger and cook year round
  14. Trukker

    Any Hawaiian property owners?

    that's what i thought as well . Locals don't care much for ya on that road i learnt
  15. Trukker

    Any Hawaiian property owners?

    The wife and I went for a drive up to Lahaina and I decided we would keep going ........Rode got tight and single lane only . Had to back down to let others pass . Road to Hanna was a breeze after that one
  16. Trukker

    Kijiji Auto Sales - Exporting vehicles outside of Canada?

    Sad thing is it's like the number one export to the U.S. right now .If and when you want to buy a used truck 2-3 yrs old there's no inventory .
  17. Trukker

    Kijiji Auto Sales - Exporting vehicles outside of Canada?

    Quite normal actually and I wouldn't be hesitant . They run the VIN to see the option list and in service date etc . Seems like the number one export these days is used trucks . All you see is car haulers with trucks going south
  18. Trukker

    Does anybody have?

    Let's see some pics of that ditch banger
  19. Trukker

    Cold Weather starting tricks?

    My sidewinder didn't want to start on sled deck this weekend so we bought a flexible dryer vent hose and hooked truck exhaust to one end and slid over handle bars to thaw connections . Had it thawed in about 10 mins
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