What theory ? It's evident on where the funding comes from and what it's used for . I'm with the Chief when he says there brilliant idea . They have crippled us as a nation .
Yes I was going to buy a buddy out in Dewinton and open a Cat Dealership ........Kinda like trucking ." How do you make a million in the trucking business " ? Start with 2 million !
The wife and I went for a drive up to Lahaina and I decided we would keep going ........Rode got tight and single lane only . Had to back down to let others pass . Road to Hanna was a breeze after that one
Quite normal actually and I wouldn't be hesitant . They run the VIN to see the option list and in service date etc . Seems like the number one export these days is used trucks . All you see is car haulers with trucks going south
My sidewinder didn't want to start on sled deck this weekend so we bought a flexible dryer vent hose and hooked truck exhaust to one end and slid over handle bars to thaw connections . Had it thawed in about 10 mins