Changed out tunnel on my 13. Its a big job. wont need to grind any rivets just drill em all. I do highly recommend a pneumatic rivet gun. especially for the huck rivets
Pretty sure you have to go from blackwater. From Weinberger you may be able to but it looks like itll be sketchy and take a bit more time from what I remember seeing when I was in Weinberger earlier this month
Damn rivet. The couldn't have put a rivet in the hole that's an inch back so it clears the clutch could they. Drilled this one out and put one in the other hole.
Atleast they made a step in the right direction this year and ditched the clutches and teamed up up team. these "Team Boss" are a cheap way out but they do work hell of a lot better than the last ones. lol
You would be way happier with a 16 cat but if its a budget thing. The 15's are a great machine as well. really good deals on new 15's as well. Cycle works reddeer has a listing up and my dealer here has a bunch of 15's he is trying to get rid of.
Put a Jaws on my 16'. Love it like everyone else says, so much lighter and sounds amazing. Nice n snappy. This Jaws is way louder than the MBRP I had on my '13
Went from a '13 to a '16. All I can say is WOW. Such a great difference. Very nible to throw around. Much smoother. Clutches are a lot better. run a lot cooler, but louder. the 3" track is a nice plus too.