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  1. Rjjtcross8

    Any one on here test positive for Covid-19 yet?

    I felt really horrible just before Christmas myself. Something for sure went around between November to January.
  2. Rjjtcross8

    Rob Kincaid

    Rest In Peace Rob
  3. Rjjtcross8

    Rob Kincaid

    Hoping that’s not true as well!
  4. Rjjtcross8

    Kanedog discovers a Clutching CATastrophy, again. Pics!

    Wow! Lucky he didn’t get hit with any shrapnel.
  5. Rjjtcross8

    Bankruptcy questions

    Washed dishes in a restaurant for around 6 an hour. That was around 01/02
  6. Rjjtcross8

    Shopping with a sled

    That’s what I like about small towns. Just ride up to the service station
  7. Rjjtcross8

    Don't eat bats.......

    They got to do a better job with managing their markets. Has to be some kind of accountability after all this.
  8. Rjjtcross8

    Overly Agressive Peace Officers

    Thats Some little trivial crap he is giving tickets for. Hopefully he gets punted out.
  9. Rjjtcross8

    Twin pipe etec

    Yeah let’s hear it! Looks cool!
  10. Rjjtcross8

    Importance of using a teather strap

    I believe it’s a must have. I still get surprised by how many folks out there that don’t use them.
  11. Rjjtcross8

    Energy bills getting out of hand.

    Just getting ridiculous.
  12. Rjjtcross8

    Energy bills getting out of hand.

    Got this in a email from direct energy a lil while back. Regulated Rate Option Price Cap Has Ended [*=left]The Alberta Government removed the Regulated Rate Option Price Cap (6.8¢/kWh) effective November 30, 2019. Consumers who are paying the Regulated Rate Option for their electricity began...
  13. Rjjtcross8

    Smoking deals.

    Going to head to t&t as well, Friday or Saturday.
  14. Rjjtcross8

    Recent reflash

    That’s how I find mine as well. Thinking I’m going to switch to One of dragonwelds kits
  15. Rjjtcross8

    Recent reflash

    Ssi kit, finding it a little bit off as well.
  16. Rjjtcross8

    Starting a new trade being older

    I considered going for it before just for something different.
  17. Rjjtcross8

    Ralph Klein King Ralph

    Ralph was certainly the best leader this province had!
  18. Rjjtcross8

    Digit9 You tube channel.

    One of my coworkers knows the guy and rides with him time to time. He seems like a solid guy and knows his stuff.
  19. Rjjtcross8

    Recent reflash

    Thanks for digging into this for me. I think I’ll stay put on doing the reflash for now and maybe do a bit of research, might revisit again next season.
  20. Rjjtcross8

    Recent reflash

    Mine has the same mods as drew562, (head,pipe mod, y pipe, no timing key. I assume mine should still be good as well?
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