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  1. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    It it was, wouldn't that technically require everybody to have their radio license?
  2. snowcannon


    i have always dealt with local credit unions. Being local keeps their interest closer to home as in they want the local industry, housing, etc succeed and are more willing to help out . Any time they hand out grants or support charities, it goes to local outreach and not who-knows-where in...
  3. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020
  4. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    That's too bad. I was really looking forward to riding Saturday. Had hoped 5" in town equaled a foot up top. Hopefully at least visibility will be better.
  5. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    So which area is safest to ride? Does Owlhead really only have +/-80cm?
  6. snowcannon

    Format for Posting Stolen Sleds - please read before you post

    You sound like a weird spam bot. "Love to see these posts"... Think before posting!
  7. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Did he attempt his famous barrelroll?
  8. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    First grooming report from clubs site. Owlhead looks very skinny...
  9. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Anybody have updates on snow conditions/levels for owlhead, blue lake and queest?
  10. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Looks like Owlhead got even less fresh snow than here in SA[emoji53]
  11. snowcannon

    Sledhead Chat Thread

    My wife would say SO TRUE![emoji2]
  12. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Thank you. Everything I needed to know...[emoji2]
  13. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Silly question: it seems to me Queest gets mentioned the least around here. Is there a reason for it? Less snow? According to sled sicamous' description its terrain is in between blue/owlhead and eagle pass. Or is the cabin not nice enough:)
  14. snowcannon

    Winter tire use rising dramatically: study

    Duratracs are snowflake rated.
  15. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Shhsh. No discouragement please. I want to see pics of carnage... I mean sledding[emoji2]
  16. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    According to the owlhead cam someone was up there. Anybody been up to Blue Lake? We need a cam there as well.
  17. snowcannon


    Even if your cot is off the ground, you still need/should use an insulating mat as a thermal barrier between the sleeping bag and cold air underneath. Makes a huge difference.
  18. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Not much, but it's accumulating...
  19. snowcannon

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Conditions 2019-2020

    Owlhead cam this morning. I'm confused...
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