I put a T motion and track in an xp this year. ( funny because I believe it was originally meant for snopros daughter aswell). We honestly didn't notice a huge difference until I finished it off with the s36.
And let me tell you that 146" 600 xp is a frickn riot now. Completely new sled!
1000cc would be cool. If not oh well. I too doo not think there will be many changes to the chassis. Probably shave some weight and maybe a new freeride.
Waiting impatiently for sure. Then order and wait some more until fall!
Hey Willy, you don't know me and you don't have a clue where I am riding in that pic. Thanks for the avy seminar.
You must be the smartest guy ever with the wisdom that you share amongst every thread you polute. Do you teach courses on avalanche safety according to Willy?!