proper equipment and the knowledge to use it. every time. me and another another guy have extras in case someone forgets stuff.
BC i don't think there is anything wrong with saying you can't ride with me. I know if something should go wrong I could be efficient at helping someone else from...
love my 30-06 great gun, also have a 7mm and it is great for hunting too. usually grab the 30-06 most of the time, but not always. also love my 300. even though it needs a new scope.
a couple weeks after i saw that video one of the fert. guys at a neighboring town had a tire do that when he was welding a sprocket to axle as the old one wore out. didn't kill him luckily, but bent the frame of the service truck it was on and smashed the rim of the spare underneath. you could...
hey dont sweat the small stuff 7 bags should be no problem since youre only putting in like 10 bags..................times a lot;)
man thats coming up quick. too bad for you they didn't want to spring for those extra couple feet like you wanted to do earlier.
unless you don't have the moisture to get a crop up:rolleyes:.
what yields do you guys normally average?
winter wheat we are anywhere from 70-110bu
spring wheat 30-50bu
barley .75-2 tons
canola-.............well thats just crap shoot. either really good or not so good at all.:rolleyes: