Longest ride for me was this past summer. Rode my ultra glide limited from rapid city South Dakota to Prince Albert Saskatchewan. A buddy of mine and myself left at 7am. Once we arrived in Regina , buddy said he was done and spent the night there. It was still early in the day so I continued on...
I agree with what you stated. Sad part is, it's only going to get worse. I think a person needs to get thier arse chewed out. As long as it isn't racist. I can remember my coaches and teachers given me a tongue lashing. I think I turned out ok. Made me pick up the pace. Oh well, lets see...
Get the klim balaclava with the nose piece. It works excellent. Around $60. I use one and very rare for my goggles to fog up. That's wearing a moto cross style helmet. Klim has two different kinds with the nose piece. One is thicker then the other.