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  1. Max

    looking for a foam drink holder

    Thanks for the tip, I am sure K & S will have that covered. not sure if we will make the Fri reception as it says it only goes to 9 pm ? WTH
  2. Max

    looking for a foam drink holder

    Thats not enough beer to get you out of the parking lot, are you joining the Maxwell clan in the poker rally
  3. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Are you getting shaky yet, see you for the old boys Birtday
  4. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    So are you ready to go up against Sean
  5. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

  6. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Sean, You got some great footage & that was the deepest I have seen Chappell, I sure love the extra track & HP Thanks again
  7. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    To much turkey for Brandon over the holiday, its a good thing he passesd on that red & black desert at New Years.
  8. Max

    Beauty Pics !

    Nice pic Sean with all three Mountian ranges, i would like to try what Shaun has as he is still walking on clouds from New Years. LOL
  9. Max

    General valemount discussion

    LOL, the price you pay to sled
  10. Max

    So is the Etec worht the exra cash & did you get use to the narrow width

    So is the Etec worht the exra cash & did you get use to the narrow width
  11. Max

    Thanks just saw it, I love it in those trees

    Thanks just saw it, I love it in those trees
  12. Max

    Some footage from this weekend

    Looks great you seem to be enjoying your new ride, did you venture down by the lake.
  13. Max

    How was the wkend ride, whats with the loaner sled & how was it. I saw that pic of you in that...

    How was the wkend ride, whats with the loaner sled & how was it. I saw that pic of you in that compresion & it reminded me of the time you hit that one full bore in Chappel
  14. Max

    Hi Curtis, Did you get a chance to post the video from the wkend Thanks

    Hi Curtis, Did you get a chance to post the video from the wkend Thanks
  15. Max

    snow conditions

    Check the Heli Ski sites, CMH & MW provide.
  16. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Very Nice Sean, You did a fantastic job, I can,t wait to get home and try the new ride. Wraping up here and going to take Tiff & James on a tour of Italy & check out Austria, Switzerland & France and will see you @ Xmas. Thanks again
  17. Max

    Klim Boots

    Re: Klim Boots Problem I have a pair of the Klim Radium boots that I bought online from an S & M member, I realy like them but the sole cracked and my foot gets soaked. Has anyone sent them back to Klim with the same issue & what will they charge to re-slole them. Thanks
  18. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Watching you or I dance might be a scary thing, thanks for all the updates & see you @ Xmas for a cold one
  19. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Thanks Sean, Looks like a good start to the season, how far did you go back. Sorry to here about Neils sled. Just need Curtis to keep up the snow dance. it still 22 in Rome, see you @ Xmas
  20. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Look great, I see many technical tree runs in your future, and others just blowing smoke out there ----
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