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  1. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    ya, let's get back to snow update. See u fri'
  2. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    Golf is something To do between motor replacements
  3. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    sweet pics. what's with the new colors ,harder to pic u out. 85 d here, lots of golf and cold beer but I would rather be sledding.
  4. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    Need some pic,s boys, no snow here in AZ
  5. Max

    Mountain Mania 5 "the official announcement"

    ya we need some blackmail pics
  6. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    So how was the ride with Brett.
  7. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    keep up the great work VARDA
  8. Max

    mountain break downs

    LOL yes must be the mechanic, saved me a few times
  9. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    sweet, leaving at 6 am can u wait for us
  10. Max

    2011 / 2012 Valemount Info and Updates

    Thanks Curis, Great idea to pack from the top down, get that Vinne off the couch to start groming. You will get your fill of Maxwell every wkend.
  11. Max

    Fudraising Silent Auction Items needed for family member in tough times

    Hi Curtis, Very sorry to hear about your father inlaw, In tough times frends like to help out. I am sure I can find a new Nike driver to donate to the cause, I will get it to Sean ASAP. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family . Grant
  12. Max

    how to get more 800 doo power

    Do you have more info on the air intake kit & the power valve mod along with the cost.Thanks
  13. Max

    i dont know what to think.......

    hum, looks like my sled in front, I thought it was still in Valemount. hopefully no overspray. Tell T to behave or we will post his Mgina pic.
  14. Max

    Season in review

    Thanks for a great year & all the mod work on my sled, let the snow fly
  15. Max

    09 650XT steering shakes

    I just bought the quad and the steering starts to shimmy at 30 mph and gets worse as the speed increases. Any idea where I should start, is this just the alignment and if so were do I find the specs on setting the toe in Thanks
  16. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Hopfully sledding out weights partying. Do you think the new snow will help the trail from the 8 Km offload from last wkend.
  17. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Thanks or the update. Maxwell fixed my sled & Doc got ride of the parts i didn,t need and I am ready to ride this wkend. I am sure Maxwell will post some pics as you enjoy the beer at the wedding.
  18. Max

    Ultimate handling with new product

    We were on a set up side hill & I was fighting to pull the sled on left side to stay out of the trees & creek. Curt was behind me & and set crossover and came across with no effort. Great idea guys, put me on the list. Thanks
  19. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    PS - Happy Birthday Mr Maxwell from the other Maxwell clan. Good to see you are spending your day enjoying your favorte sport. S,G,T & C
  20. Max

    2010 / 2011 Valemount Updates

    Very nice, is that Brandon pulling over Clints fatboy sled. any word on my sled as I recover.
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