

Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
?????? well.....waiting for you to tell me to stay off those areas????????????? oh you moved over to ripping Marley eh...

no i'll give you the platform to let us all know the safe areas so that other riders can benefit, and cut down on the avi death's. that would be info that all can use, and the point of the original post. you would be doing the sledding community a valuable service and may save someone's life.

maybe not. just checked the cac bulletin you may want to take a look. alpine, treeline, are all high risk. which means sldes likely. below tree line is listed as considerable. i guess your on your own. have fun. way above my risk level.

please refrain from telling us areas are safe. boulder are you friggin kidding me. you should go read a cac report. tell me your interpretation. or are you willing to be a statistic. simply amazes me some peoples kids.
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Active member
Jan 29, 2009
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In general, most people are listening to cac bulletins, and many have taken avy courses. If not we would be reading about dozens of fatalities. Our group cancelled our trip Saturday because of the SPAW. We could have played in the "safe" areas, but I and some of the others would be tempted to climb even when we know better. For me, it's much more difficult when conditions improve to Considerable. That's also where we see the most fatalities.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
K I have something ironic, and funny to contribute. I may end up going to the hospital.

Had a nice ride today, up top. We played in the trees. I felt like a squirrel bustin through the forest. Wicked fun. It was pretty low vis, so trees were all we hit. Came home put the sleds away and Bam, I look down.... my finger is pouring blood. Somehow I cut my finger on our Trailer, lol!!!!!!!!

There are many other dangers out there that'll get you, and I thought about them, almost like a meditation, on our ride. We never go out alone. We knew it was low vis, so we stayed in the trees. My husband usually gives me a 300m ish square perimeter to play in, so he knows where I am. We stick together always have our stuff with us, including our avy pack filled with everything we need, plus our sleds have stuff in them too. We always let peeps know where we are going.

Great day! And it's still snowing! whoop whoop!
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HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Kimberley, BC
K I have something ironic, and funny to contribute. I may end up going to the hospital.

Had a nice ride, up top played in the trees. I felt like a squirrel bustin through the forest. Wicked fun. It was pretty low vis, so trees were all we hit. Came home put the sleds away and Bam, I look down.... my finger is pouring blood. Somehow I cut my finger on our Trailer, lol!!!!!!!!

There are many other dangers out there that'll get you, and I thought about them, almost like a meditation, on our ride. We never go out alone. We knew it was low vis, so we stayed in the trees. My husband usually gives me a 300m ish square perimeter to play in, so he knows where I am. We stick together always have our stuff with us, including our avy pack filled with everything we need, plus our sleds have stuff in them too. We always let peeps know where we are going.

Great day! And it's still snowing! whoop whoop!

So JEALOUS right we sit on our flat and treeless 5 acres with no snow and a 90km/hr wind out of the west:)


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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no i'll give you the platform to let us all know the safe areas so that other riders can benefit, and cut down on the avi death's. that would be info that all can use, and the point of the original post. you would be doing the sledding community a valuable service and may save someone's life.

maybe not. just checked the cac bulletin you may want to take a look. alpine, treeline, are all high risk. which means sldes likely. below tree line is listed as considerable. i guess your on your own. have fun. way above my risk level.

please refrain from telling us areas are safe. boulder are you friggin kidding me. you should go read a cac report. tell me your interpretation. or are you willing to be a statistic. simply amazes me some peoples kids.

HaHaHa. To many easy shots to be had there. Do you read the persons whole post or just parts of it? Did I say ride all of Boulder? hell go pull turbo? NO I did not. Stay home then.
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Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
Lets bring it back to avis here guys and girls! There really is no safe spot but there are safer spots to sled than others! myself I constantly stick in the trees I hate going into alpine it's just not fun to me! Myself I snowmobile quite often with new riders and I know they are greatly appreciative when i give them some simple and basic facts on safe mountain riding and avalanche safety! if you have a group of new riders please take the time show them some different tricks and techniques to determining what is safe to ride it will go a lot further than bashing them and calling them idiots!


Active VIP Member
Jan 7, 2012
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Cranbrook BC
So JEALOUS right we sit on our flat and treeless 5 acres with no snow and a 90km/hr wind out of the west:)

If it did snow there it would land in Ontario anyway, still doing you no good.
Fresh snow in Lumberton every day, come over and play. Spring conditions here.

HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Kimberley, BC
If it did snow there it would land in Ontario anyway, still doing you no good.
Fresh snow in Lumberton every day, come over and play. Spring conditions here.

Will probably be there this IT COMING!! But, keep Spring out of's too early for that:D

HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Kimberley, BC
No snow here. Might as well stay home HRT! I know you're a liar!! I went right by your place in the wee hours of the night last Sunday...and there was plenty of snow!! I said that I wasn't picking on why do ya gotta be so mean? LOL


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2009
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Huckle Berry Pass, BC I know you're a liar!! I went right by your place in the wee hours of the night last Sunday...and there was plenty of snow!! I said that I wasn't picking on why do ya gotta be so mean? LOL

hahahahahaha Because you didnt stop in. Thats why


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2011
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SW Alberta & SE BC
maybe you just got lucky? if you read any of the posts on here or in the avi areas you soon realize ya can hit any slope a hundred times an it only takes the hunred an one to let go. and every one has a risk tolerance, some higher than others, maybe that is why not everyone grows older. sure seems to be a lot more dying in there 20's than those dying in there 80's.

again if anyone didn't get the jist of the original post, stay out of the alpine unless ya test the slopes. maybe give some thought to the cac reports, they seem to be loaded with info

You are doing a great job of trying to let us all know what the risks are and which way we should go to avoid them. I would say it's touching that you cared so much about everyone but somehow I don't think that is your motivation. Your posts seem to have a lot of anger toward anyone who went sledding in BC in the past few days.

This is the gist of your first post:
"WHAT the hell happened, are the bulletins not being read...WTF ... and don't give me no BS about areas of mountains are safe...give me your name so i can buy an insurance policy on yer stupid azz life... when will sledders learn"

I am closer to 80 than I am to 20 and riding with guys with much more experience in the areas than you - but maybe I just got lucky...? We read the avalanche bulletins and we rode accordingly and most of other thousand of guys sledding in the mountains did. Maybe its time to stop riding the high horse and stick to sledding to the prairies. You are insulting a lot of good people (and possibly a few that deserve it)
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Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Lets bring it back to avis here guys and girls! There really is no safe spot but there are safer spots to sled than others! myself I constantly stick in the trees I hate going into alpine it's just not fun to me! Myself I snowmobile quite often with new riders and I know they are greatly appreciative when i give them some simple and basic facts on safe mountain riding and avalanche safety! if you have a group of new riders please take the time show them some different tricks and techniques to determining what is safe to ride it will go a lot further than bashing them and calling them idiots!

A point I was trying to make is that there are many other things that'll kill you other than an avalanche. The guy who goes out alone, breaks down, dies of exposure. Low visability riding, miss a corner on a trail, end up off a cliff or in a river and drown. Smack a Tree. Go into the bars without proper chest protection punctured lung or worse. No tether on a sled, track breaks a man's neck. All those are not hypothetical, they are, unfortunately, realities. I personally know a man who was ditch banging ran into a culvert and was decapitated. Barbed wire fences get flatlanders all the time. Frozen water riding gone bad is another trap that gets snowmobilers all the time. Avalanche deaths are in the news and big news, but we as sledding public need to know ALL the dangers before we go, and learn from those with experience. Just because a person buys a sled, doesn't necessarily make them one of our sled sisters or bros. To me a the word "sledder" encompasses more than the ability to afford one. We stick together pretty tightly. The people you ride with, you have to trust with your life. My husband, Deaner and Toad always have my back. We know what each other will do, and none of us will put the group in jeopardy. We have an unspoken pact to tap er cool, and stay safe. My kids Call Deaner and Toad, Uncle toad, and Uncle Dean. We are family not biologically, but because we share a passion for sledding.


Active VIP Member
Feb 14, 2007
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not much alpine in good ol red deer, but 2 hrs west we are at 8000 + feet. i could care less how many times ya go out, the next could be your last. you make your riding decisions on your own area and observations and will live or die with it. i choose to ride lesser terain at this time due to the danger, my choice, my experience and avi training. if yer hittin the slopes with the avi warnings out there now, you may be a newb at more than just the keyboard.

We saw exactly slopes no more than 100 high that naturally slid... No more than 15-20 on most of them.... The Danger is there...
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