Active VIP Member
ok so heres the deal. got my sxr with a 121" track how would it do in the mountains if i put a 2.5 or 3" paddle on it? or am i out to lunch here? just curious.
You would do much better when the snow is setup. In the powder you may get stuck alot. Hopefully the guys you ride with have patience.ok so heres the deal. got my sxr with a 121" track how would it do in the mountains if i put a 2.5 or 3" paddle on it? or am i out to lunch here? just curious.
i dont think there is a 121 3" track.
better off to slap on a 144x 2.3 or 2.0 camo extreme that way you dont have to mess with drivers or anything and you will have an awesome all around machine and could just use rail extensions.
rail extensions just extend your existing skidframe to the length you need. 121-144 is comon and the extensions are about 100$ and just bolt onto the back of the machine in about 20 minuts. however changing the track is the difficult part.
it wouldnt be any eaasier to buy a new skidframe. but would cost alot more.
Why do u have to truck it 3000 miles, where do u live.
ok so heres the deal. got my sxr with a 121" track how would it do in the mountains if i put a 2.5 or 3" paddle on it? or am i out to lunch here? just curious.