Will the USA fall?


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Feb 13, 2011
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It's up to the people of the country to Revolt and take charge of there future.

Not for the U.S or any other country to step in and influence the course of that country with freindly puppet goverments. Somtimes people have to stand up and fight and not expect others to do it for them!
This latest financial bubble crisis should be a big slap upside the heads of americans to worrie about the own sand box!


Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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I'm thinking if I'm Joe Blow living in a country like Iraq I am happy that the U.S. used whatever excuse they could to go in there and free the people from a tyrant like Saddam. You can argue U.S. foreign policy till the cows come home but the world needs some kind of police force to keep lunatics like Saddam, Bin Laden and Ghadaffi from carrying on with there mass murder mentality. Just sayin........
the devil you know is often times better than the devil you don't know


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Feb 13, 2011
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That is the FIRST thing you should do! Loan or no loan, security is second only to food. That will be your only security in life. Do you wan't to be the guy "kicked out on the street" with no protection, with a family to watch over? Only way to stand for yourself and what you believe in. I, as an American, will NEVER give up my guns. This country might be headed in a very bad direction, but there are millions of people like myself you will not go down without a fight.

So if they wana take your gun's away to avoid a bloody goverment take over or civil revolt/and or civil war you will have millions of dead americans with there guns in piles!
Most talk a big game but when the soldiers march down the street and you stand alone because you have the choice live and do your best to protect your family or die and have them fend for themselves in a time of crisis because of a gun HA HA your fellow americans will lay them on there front yards!
It's Funny how just about every time an american posts on this topic (on this forum or any other) they try and spin it that if they blow somthing up in another country or buy a gun. Walla there issues will be over.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
So the fact that iraq was being controlled by the Taliban was not a reason? But back to the topic on hand!
Maybe you should go back to school, the Taliban and Bin Laden had absolutely noting to do with Iraq. They were in Afghanistan, completely different war. Saddam was a tyrant but Iraq had one of the most educated populations and one of the highest standards of living in the middle east before Bush attacked. None of the 911 attackers came from Iraq, they were all Saudis that were probably trained in Afghanistan. Anyone who thinks that the war in Iraq has anything to do with "security " needs to give their head a shake and maybe watch something other than Fox news..


Active member
Feb 13, 2011
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Maybe you should go back to school, the Taliban and Bin Laden had absolutely noting to do with Iraq. They were in Afghanistan, completely different war. Saddam was a tyrant but Iraq had one of the most educated populations and one of the highest standards of living in the middle east before Bush attacked. None of the 911 attackers came from Iraq, they were all Saudis that were probably trained in Afghanistan. Anyone who thinks that the war in Iraq has anything to do with "security " needs to give their head a shake and maybe watch something other than Fox news..

This guy knows what he is talking about.
I bet he also knows what other countries have been and are good at political propaganda!


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2011
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In the West!
So if they wana take your gun's away to avoid a bloody goverment take over or civil revolt/and or civil war you will have millions of dead americans with there guns in piles!
Most talk a big game but when the soldiers march down the street and you stand alone because you have the choice live and do your best to protect your family or die and have them fend for themselves in a time of crisis because of a gun HA HA your fellow americans will lay them on there front yards!
It's Funny how just about every time an american posts on this topic (on this forum or any other) they try and spin it that if they blow somthing up in another country or buy a gun. Walla there issues will be over.

Well if thats the way you feel about it, then I am glad you are not my neighbor! You go ahead and give up your way of living, your freedom if you like.....yes I will fight to keep mine. Might not do any good but if it came down to "soldiers marching down my street" then no, I absolutly would not lay my guns down in the front yard. It's not just about "guns" anyway. Its keeping your freedom!


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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the devil you know is often times better than the devil you don't know

Are you saying Saddam is a better alternative to a US force that gave people back there freedom. Before you answer that just remember that this is a guy that gassed 300,000 of his own people. Your point doesn't hold alot of water with me unfortunately.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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It's up to the people of the country to Revolt and take charge of there future.

Not for the U.S or any other country to step in and influence the course of that country with freindly puppet goverments. Somtimes people have to stand up and fight and not expect others to do it for them!
This latest financial bubble crisis should be a big slap upside the heads of americans to worrie about the own sand box!

Didn't work for 300,000 Kurds in northern Iraq. Iraq"WAS" the 4th largest army in the world before the Americans interceded in the Kuwait occupation. Pretty poor odds for people to overcome with sticks and rocks.


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
I'm thinking if I'm Joe Blow living in a country like Iraq I am happy that the U.S. used whatever excuse they could to go in there and free the people from a tyrant like Saddam. You can argue U.S. foreign policy till the cows come home but the world needs some kind of police force to keep lunatics like Saddam, Bin Laden and Ghadaffi from carrying on with there mass murder mentality. Just sayin........

I absolutely disagree with what saddam did and no he was not a good person. But i spent a few years livin in AB. One of the places that i worked at there was a guy that i worked with who was from iraq and he still had alot of family over there. And alot of the people over there say that there quality of life was better with saddam because of the fact they didn't have to pay for anything like healthcare, medicare, scholling andything like that. So he did alot of good things probably more bad than good. But just sayin the american aint no saint either. They went into iraq for one simple reason OIL.. If they really wanted bin laden then why the heck did G.W. BUSH fly all bin laden's family members out of the usa right after 9/11. Bush has had business dealings with binladen's family for years..


Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Are you saying Saddam is a better alternative to a US force that gave people back there freedom. Before you answer that just remember that this is a guy that gassed 300,000 of his own people. Your point doesn't hold alot of water with me unfortunately.
ah yes with the puppet leader that they have put in place right now all is swell, poor guy is hated by even the Iraqis.
regardless, there are too many opposing factions in Iraq always at each others throats, with the Kurds, the Sunis and the Shi'ites, to know exactly what will happen in the future, more genocide, etc... because everyone but the Kurds, hate the Kurds in Iraq, so you can't say he killed his own people since they don't consider it that way, not that it's right... i'm just clarifying
so as i said, the devil you know is often times better than the devil you dont know.........


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
whow I cant believe some people still believe that the war in Iraq was linked to the Taliban and Bin Laden. People need to understand there are two different battles going on but the previous US government was successful into making people think they were one until they found no evidence linking Iraq

Iraq..... crazy man ruling the country - yes. Anything to do with 9/11 - No. Reason for being there simply US strategic value and oil

Afghanistan - Taliban ruling the country - yes. Anything to do with 9/11 - Yes. Reason for being there is to seek Taliban militants wanting to attack western countries. This battle is under UN mandate.

I have no problems with nations looking out for smaller nations when their people are subject to genocide, murder or otherwise at the hands of a regime. However, I have issues with the US (or others) picking and choosing where to be the good guy just because of domestic strategy or interests. There are rulers throughout this planet of ours that need a major shake down such as N.Korea, various African states for example. So if the US is going to be the "police man" then they should protect those people to. After all, how would we feel if our local police force only enforced the law on you but left your neighbour unchecked just because you are of more value to the police.


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
whow I cant believe some people still believe that the war in Iraq was linked to the Taliban and Bin Laden. People need to understand there are two different battles going on but the previous US government was successful into making people think they were one until they found no evidence linking Iraq

Iraq..... crazy man ruling the country - yes. Anything to do with 9/11 - No. Reason for being there simply US strategic value and oil

Afghanistan - Taliban ruling the country - yes. Anything to do with 9/11 - Yes. Reason for being there is to seek Taliban militants wanting to attack western countries. This battle is under UN mandate.

I have no problems with nations looking out for smaller nations when their people are subject to genocide, murder or otherwise at the hands of a regime. However, I have issues with the US (or others) picking and choosing where to be the good guy just because of domestic strategy or interests. There are rulers throughout this planet of ours that need a major shake down such as N.Korea, various African states for example. So if the US is going to be the "police man" then they should protect those people to. After all, how would we feel if our local police force only enforced the law on you but left your neighbour unchecked just because you are of more value to the police.

Yah but those other countries dont have any oil or other comodity for the US goverment to steal. And for N.korea yes i agree that they are on the similar lines to iraq and such but the US wont go there because the N.koreans got some BIG guns to fight back. I remeber a study that was done a year or two ago and they found that the most disliked poeple were ths US. Sad part of that tho is that it isn't caused by the people themselves it is caused by there better than everyone and everyone else is a peeon to them US govt.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
Are you saying Saddam is a better alternative to a US force that gave people back there freedom. Before you answer that just remember that this is a guy that gassed 300,000 of his own people. Your point doesn't hold alot of water with me unfortunately.
What freedom? Estimates of civilian casualties from this war range from 92,000 (the lowest I saw) to 641,000. Those are non-combatant casualties. Add in all the Coalition and enemy combatant #'s and tell me that this war makes sense... It lowered the standard of living for almost everyone in the country. But i guess if you are "free" your standard of living doesn't matter.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
Yah but those other countries dont have any oil or other comodity for the US goverment to steal. And for N.korea yes i agree that they are on the similar lines to iraq and such but the US wont go there because the N.koreans got some BIG guns to fight back. I remeber a study that was done a year or two ago and they found that the most disliked poeple were ths US. Sad part of that tho is that it isn't caused by the people themselves it is caused by there better than everyone and everyone else is a peeon to them US govt.

Unfortunately the impression most people have outside of the US is not based on the individual American but by what they see on the news and the US government's propaganda. I have many American friends that would love to have them in my own neighbourhood simply because we share same interests. But I definitely dont share the same idealism as their government and a big percentage American's dont either.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
Yah but those other countries dont have any oil or other comodity for the US goverment to steal. And for N.korea yes i agree that they are on the similar lines to iraq and such but the US wont go there because the N.koreans got some BIG guns to fight back. I remeber a study that was done a year or two ago and they found that the most disliked poeple were ths US. Sad part of that tho is that it isn't caused by the people themselves it is caused by there better than everyone and everyone else is a peeon to them US govt.

I read a book written by a North Korean defactor. It was beyond disturbing (Drying out animal feces on a rooftop to collect the grains of rice that were still intact. Yep, that hungry). The people in that country have been outright brainwashed from birth. They will not welcome an American occupation.

Sorry, sorta not related, but really, if people are drying out poop to eat, it proves the American's are not there to 'liberate' or 'free' Iraq, they are after the resources.



Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I absolutely disagree with what saddam did and no he was not a good person. But i spent a few years livin in AB. One of the places that i worked at there was a guy that i worked with who was from iraq and he still had alot of family over there. And alot of the people over there say that there quality of life was better with saddam because of the fact they didn't have to pay for anything like healthcare, medicare, scholling andything like that. So he did alot of good things probably more bad than good. But just sayin the american aint no saint either. They went into iraq for one simple reason OIL.. If they really wanted bin laden then why the heck did G.W. BUSH fly all bin laden's family members out of the usa right after 9/11. Bush has had business dealings with binladen's family for years..

If your kid kills your neighbour does that make you and the rest of your family bad people to Glen? Just sayin..... Most countries that go through a war lose alot of what may have been good before the war happened. I'm betting the millions of people that were opposed to Saddam are feeling alot safer now that he is gone. I agree though that oil was the major factor why the US went back to Iraq though.


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
If your kid kills your neighbour does that make you and the rest of your family bad people to Glen? Just sayin..... Most countries that go through a war lose alot of what may have been good before the war happened. I'm betting the millions of people that were opposed to Saddam are feeling alot safer now that he is gone. I agree though that oil was the major factor why the US went back to Iraq though.

What i was getting at about them flyin out bin laden's family was the fact that if you want to catch someone why would you let their family out of your country right away. At the time they got flown out there were no flights allowed in american airspace but bush made an exception to get them out of the country.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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What i was getting at about them flyin out bin laden's family was the fact that if you want to catch someone why would you let their family out of your country right away. At the time they got flown out there were no flights allowed in american airspace but bush made an exception to get them out of the country.

In Bush's book he said he felt it was important to protect the family from the looney tunes that would want blood from anyone that had the Bin Laden name. The Bin Ladens are a respected family in Saudi Arabia who are allies of the U.S. The family had disowned Obama Bin Laden ever since he went radical so to speak. I'm sure Bush could have protected them but he did what he did be it right or wrong.


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Feb 13, 2011
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Well if thats the way you feel about it, then I am glad you are not my neighbor! You go ahead and give up your way of living, your freedom if you like.....yes I will fight to keep mine. Might not do any good but if it came down to "soldiers marching down my street" then no, I absolutly would not lay my guns down in the front yard. It's not just about "guns" anyway. Its keeping your freedom!

I don't have to give up anything I live in Canada and at the moment we are not in the middle of a collapse.
I am to glad that you and I are not Neighbor's Cause that would make it that I lived next to a guy who thinks because he has some guns he can protect his freedom LOL.
Maybe 100 years ago man not this day in age.

All im saying is that when Mexico rebuilds the fence to keep the Americans from entering you will see your gun isnt doing you much good.
Well maybe just to end your misery!
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